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Gallery Completa Mercedes-Benz Classe A E-CELL Concept

The electric drive of the Mercedes-Benz A-Class E-CELL is a permanent-field synchronous unit developing a peak output of 70 kW (95 hp), a continuous power rating of 50 kW (68 hp) and a high maximum torque of 290 Nm, as expected for an electric drive, available right from the first revolution. This makes the A-Class E-CELL an outstandingly assured and dynamic performer on the road, taking just 5.5 seconds to accelerate from zero to 60 km/h. A kick-down function is used to deliver maximum acceleration, according to the current charge level and battery temperature. Maximum speed is electronically set at 150 km/h.

The energy storage units are two high-performance lithium-ion batteries based on high-voltage technology. The advantages of lithium-ion batteries include their compact dimensions and significantly higher efficiency in comparison with nickel-metal-hydride (NiMH) batteries. They offer 30 percent more energy density than NiMH technology, and 50 percent more power density. Other benefits include high charging efficiency and a long service life. The combined energy capacity of the two lithium-ion batteries is a total of 36 kWh. With fully charged batteries, the Mercedes A-Class E-CELL has a range of over 200 kilometres (NEDC).

Efficient battery cooling system

A special thermomanagement system keeps the high-voltage batteries cooled to within an optimum temperature window. The cooling system is based on a low-temperature cooling circuit. Fluid cooling with a water-glycol mixture ensures a stable operating temperature supporting the high degree of efficiency and the longevity of the energy storage. In very high ambient temperature conditions, the battery cooling system is boosted with the coolant circuit of the air-conditioning system. The electrical drive system and two on-board chargers are cooled with a high-temperature cooling circuit. This circuit keeps the units working at optimum operating temperatures, with maximum power delivery from the drive system. The car's power electronics supply the 12-volt vehicle electrical system via a DC/DC converter with electric current from the high-voltage system. The electronics system also controls other functions such as the heating and air-conditioning systems in order to minimise the load placed on the battery for this purpose.

Flexible charging options

The batteries of the Mercedes-Benz A-Class E-CELL can be either replenished at public charging points or plugged into an ordinary household power socket. A range of charging options are available, including single-phase 230-volt sockets, three-phase sockets in a household wall-box, and public recharging points. Using a single-phase 230-volt network, it takes around eight hours' charging time to accumulate the energy required for a range of 100 km (NEDC). This time is reduced to just three hours in the case of charging from a wall-box or at a roadside recharging point.

Daimler and a number of other European automakers and energy utilities have agreed on standardised charging plugs and sockets, with an ultimate aim of worldwide standardisation. This makes the technology more customer-friendly, and is seen as a key prerequisite for the rapid spread of electric mobility.

Intelligent charging management

Like the smart fortwo electric drive in its category, the A-Class E-CELL is the world's first vehicle in its class to be fitted with an intelligent charging management system based on "SmartCharge Communication". Via the vehicle electronics system, all relevant information - such as the electricity supply contract identification data - is exchanged with the charging point. Benefits include a convenient, simple and totally reliable billing system.

Other intelligent features of the car include pre-start climate control. While the Mercedes-Benz A-Class E-CELL batteries are being charged at home or at a roadside charging point, the interior can be pre-heated or cooled to a temperature set by the driver. Another function enables the driver to monitor charging progress and therefore the present range available, via the internet or a smartphone, for example.

The Mercedes-Benz A-Class E-CELL electronics also provide for proactive control of the charging operation. So if the electric car is parked for a long period, recharging can be set to take place at times when electricity is cheaper, for example during the night. The intelligent interface in the A-Class E-CELL provides a range of billing, control and monitoring functions, making electric mobility convenient and safe, and therefore very customer-friendly. The vehicle is automatically immobilised on connection of the charging cable to the socket, preventing any possibility of driving off by mistake while charging is in progress. This makes the recharging operation even safer and more convenient for the user.

Modular system for electric cars

In line with the strategy used for hybrid development, Mercedes engineers have also developed a modular system for electric vehicles with battery and fuel-cell. The benefits include the efficient use of shared parts in all the brand's electric vehicles. All the key components of electric cars are appropriate for a modular approach - for example, the electric drive of the Mercedes A-Class E-CELL is also used in the B-Class F-CELL. Both energy storage units in the electric A-Class are the same as the battery in the smart fortwo electric drive.

Via NetCarShow.com




La classe A era stata pensata proprio per farne una versione a batteria, questa è lungimiranza teutonica altro che noi che prima facciamo la 156 e poi buttiamo via tutto facendo la 159....

Comunque ritengo che i 200km non siano un'autonomia reale, inoltre penso che sia più intelligente la BlueCar dove vi è una sorta di buffer costituito da un supercondenatore che permette di sfruttare di meno le batterie e di recuparare più energia durante le frenate


Il mio sito "Gruppo Hainz": http://www.gruppohainz.it - I miei articoli su Automotivespace http://www.automotivespace.it/author/enzo/ - E quando ci sarà il nuovo sito di Autopareri anche su http://www.autopareri.com - I video del salone di Ginevra 2012 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7CA738888644DB9

La classe A era stata pensata proprio per farne una versione a batteria, questa è lungimiranza teutonica ...

Lungimiranza tedesca?

Dici che predisporre un pianale a doppio fondo, dichiarando che è adatto a ospitare le batterie di un EV, ma non farci niente per 13 anni e 2 generazioni della vettura e alla fine tirare fuori un concept elettrico adesso... quando la vettura è a meno di un anno dal pensionamento e si sa già che verrà sostituita da un modello con pianale classico?

Interessante, curioso, magari anche lodevole (a suo tempo), ma lungimirante mi pare proprio di no. ;)


lungimirante come quello della multipla....

infatti ai tempi c'erano stati contatti per utilizzare un pianale tradizionale per le future a e b..


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