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11 minuti fa, ItalianBrands scrive:


Immagino che la futura Huracan adotti il V8 con l'unità elettrica, o che mantenga il V10 dato che sarà l'unica con quel frazionamento, o che diventi completamente elettrica in contemporanea con l'Audi.


Direi la prima o la terza... 


New Huracan sarà V8 Hybrid.

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On 23/11/2021 at 13:04, nucarote scrive:

Finalmente si potrà accedere ai supercharger di Porsche senza dover stare in mezzo alle Seat e Skoda, come succede ora in qualche conce Porsche. :-) 

Scherzi a parte, secondo me fanno bene a cercare di far soldi anche dalla sosta e offrire servizi il più possibile esclusivi. 

Sarà, ma  qua i soldi li pupperanno esclusivamente dai kWh necessari alle ricariche, di cui ho paura a sapere il costo (peraltro senza accise):  un lounge/bar esclusivo per 10 colonnine non si ripaga manco del costo del dipendente che lo presidia, fatto salvo fare pagare un caffè o un aperitivo come a Dubai. Oppure per lounge/bar intendono un distributore automatico.

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27 minuti fa, Fatbastard78 scrive:

Sarà, ma  qua i soldi li pupperanno esclusivamente dai kWh necessari alle ricariche, di cui ho paura a sapere il costo (peraltro senza accise):  un lounge/bar esclusivo per 10 colonnine non si ripaga manco del costo del dipendente che lo presidia, fatto salvo fare pagare un caffè o un aperitivo come a Dubai. Oppure per lounge/bar intendono un distributore automatico.

Se sarà un distributore automatico metteranno come minimo anche il blackjack e squillo di lusso. (cit)

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Il Gruppo Volkswagen crea una società europea per il business delle batterie

Il Gruppo Volkswagen fonda una società europea (Société Européenne) per consolidare le attività lungo la catena del valore delle batterie - dalla lavorazione delle materie prime allo sviluppo di una cella unificata del Gruppo, alla gestione delle gigafactory europee. Il campo d'azione della società includerà nuovi modelli di business basati sul riutilizzo delle batterie dismesse e sul riciclo delle preziose materie prime che queste contengono. In questo modo il Gruppo sta creando strutture efficienti e a prova di futuro per il business delle batterie, in rapida espansione. Nel quadro della propria strategia NEW AUTO, il Gruppo Volkswagen punta a diventare leader a livello globale per i veicoli elettrici. A tal fine sta ampliando le proprie attività legate alle batterie, facendone una delle sue competenze chiave.

Thomas Schmall, Membro del Consiglio di Amministrazione per la Tecnologia del Gruppo Volkswagen e CEO di Volkswagen Group Components, e quindi responsabile per batterie, ricarica ed energia oltre che per la produzione interna di componenti: "Vogliamo offrire ai nostri Clienti batterie potenti, convenienti e sostenibili, e ciò significa che dobbiamo operare in tutte le fasi della catena del valore delle batterie che sono cruciali per il successo. Ora stiamo aggregando le nostre attività a Salzgitter, con l'obiettivo di stimolare l'innovazione e, in prospettiva, assicurarci il sostegno dei migliori partner per la nostra nuova società. Già oggi a Salzgitter abbiamo un team dedicato alle batterie composto da 500 Collaboratori provenienti da 24 Paesi - e continueremo a rafforzarlo anche a livello di leadership".

Sotto la direzione di Frank Blome, Responsabile per le batterie, Soonho Ahn assumerà un ruolo di primo piano nello sviluppo delle celle. Dopo LG e Samsung, il suo ultimo incarico è stato Global Head of Battery Development in Apple. Anche Kai Alexander Müller, ora in Barclays Investment Bank, a Londra, raggiungerà Salzgitter, portando la propria vasta esperienza nei mercati dei capitali e nella ricerca azionaria.

Il Gruppo Volkswagen ha pianificato di costruire sei gigafactory in Europa a copertura della crescente domanda interna di celle batteria. La produzione a Salzgitter dovrebbe iniziare nel 2025 e riguarderà le celle unificate del Gruppo Volkswagen per il segmento di volume. Nella fase iniziale, per la fabbrica è prevista una capacità annua di 20 GWh, che dovrebbe raddoppiare, arrivando a 40 GWh, in una fase successiva. Sulla base dell'attuale pianificazione, il Gruppo Volkswagen sta investendo in modo ingente nello sviluppo della produzione di batterie a Salzgitter. Complessivamente, da qui all’inizio della produzione in serie, sono stati stanziati 2 miliardi di Euro per la costruzione e la messa in opera della gigafactory di Salzgitter.

In futuro la produzione di celle batteria a Salzgitter è destinata a impiegare più di 2.500 persone, provenienti principalmente dall’impianto di produzione di motori di Salzgitter e riqualificate per i nuovi incarichi. Alcuni di questi specialisti porteranno conoscenze utili nella costruzione della fabbrica, per esempio in contesti come pianificazione o logistica. Ove necessario, questo trasferimento di know-how sarà integrato da nuove competenze, per esempio con l’assunzione di personale dall’esterno.

Il sito di Salzgitter, in Bassa Sassonia, riunirà sotto lo stesso tetto lo sviluppo, la pianificazione e il controllo della produzione, diventando così il centro di riferimento per le batterie del Gruppo Volkswagen. È prevista la costruzione di altre gigafactory in Spagna e nell'Europa dell'Est. Le location esatte delle gigafactory 3 e 4 saranno individuate nella prima metà del 2022. Il Gruppo Volkswagen intende aprire altri due stabilimenti per la produzione di celle batteria in Europa entro il 2030.

Parallelamente allo sviluppo di queste cinque gigafactory da parte della nuova società europea, la start-up svedese Northvolt AB - in cui il Gruppo Volkswagen ha una partecipazione di circa il 20% - costruirà un'altra fabbrica a Skellefteå, nel nord della Svezia, dove a partire dal 2023 si produ rranno celle batteria per il segmento premium, ambito in cui Northvolt vanta già una partnership consolidata con il Gruppo Volkswagen.

Il Gruppo Volkswagen sta portando avanti l'industrializzazione della tecnologia delle batterie a tutti i livelli della catena del valore. Questa settimana, l'Azienda ha stretto due collaborazioni strategiche, rispettivamente con Umicore e 24M, nonché un accordo di fornitura a lungo termine con Vulcan Energy Resources.

L'obiettivo delle partnership è supportare la produzione e l'approvvigionamento di materiali primari, nonché ottimizzare i processi produttivi per le celle batteria nelle gigafactory previste. Le partnership sono pensate per accrescere il know-how nella tecnologia delle batterie e migliorare la gestione dei costi.

Il Gruppo Volkswagen sta perseguendo quella che probabilmente è la più completa strategia di elettrificazione nell'industria automobilistica a livello globale. Nei prossimi cinque anni, il Gruppo investirà circa 52 miliardi di Euro nello sviluppo e nella produzione di nuovi veicoli elettrici. La strategia NEW AUTO copre anche l’espansione di nuove aree di business - batterie, ricarica ed energia. Inoltre, il Gruppo sta lavorando a piattaforme tecnologiche dedicate che consentiranno di ottenere sinergie tra i vari Brand, tra cui la piattaforma modulare per veicoli elettrici MEB e una piattaforma SSP, la cui introduzione è prevista per il 2026.


Fonte: Volkswagen

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"Qualche emiro che compra una Ferrari lo troverò sempre. Ma se il ceto medio finisce in miseria, chi mi comprerà le Panda?"

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Significant CO2 savings possible: latest-generation diesel engines approved for fuels made from residual and recycled materials

  • Diesel fuel with bio-components significantly improves carbon footprint with use particularly interesting for fleet customers
  • Latest-generation 4-cylinder diesel engines comply with European standard EN15940 to permit use of regenerative fuels
  • Parallel to expanding electric mobility, Volkswagen is also continuing development of the combustion engine fleet in order to reduce emissions

Volkswagen plans to reduce the carbon footprint of its fleet in Europe by 40 percent by the year 2030. The company is therefore increasingly focusing on fully and partially electric vehicles. As a further alternative, Volkswagen is now officially approving models with the latest-generation 4-cylinder diesel engines for use with paraffinic fuels. These newly developed diesel fuels containing bio-components permit significant CO2savings of 70-95 percent compared with conventional diesel. Alongside its accelerated ramp-up efforts in the area of electric mobility, Volkswagen is systematically further developing the existing range with combustion engines. In this way, the company is responding to different customer needs while at the same time taking into account the internationally varying drive system preferences and the respective general conditions.


All Volkswagen models with 4-cylinder diesel engines (TDI) delivered since the end of June this year (CW 25/21) are approved for operation with paraffinic diesel fuels in accordance with European standard EN 15940. Prof. Thomas Garbe, Head of Petrol and Diesel Fuels at Volkswagen, explains: “Through the use of environmentally friendly fuels in the approved Volkswagen models, we are making it possible for customers throughout Europe to significantly reduce their CO2 emissions as soon as the fuel is locally available. For example, the use of paraffinic fuels is a sensible additional option particularly for companies with a mixed fleet made up of models with electric and conventional drives.” 

There is a wide range of different paraffinic fuels. There are fuels that are produced from biological residual and waste materials such as HVO (hydrotreated vegetable oil), for example. These vegetable oils are converted into hydrocarbons by a reaction with hydrogen and can be added to the diesel fuel in any quantities. They can also be used 100 percent as fuels, however. Vegetable oils such as rapeseed oil can also be used for production of HVO, but the maximum environmental benefit is obtained only through use of biological residual and waste materials such as used cooking oil, sawdust, etc. Biofuels such as HVO are already available on the market, and it is likely that their share could increase to 20 to 30 percent in the energy market for road transport in Europe within the next ten years. 

Paraffinic diesel fuels can already be found on the market – in a few cases – under different product designations, e.g. 

  • C.A.R.E diesel, 
  • HVO. 

Also available and much more widespread are diesel fuels that comply with the requirements of standard EN590 and to which paraffinic diesel has been added. These include

  • Diesel R33, 
  • V-Power Diesel, 
  • OMV MaxMotion, 
  • Aral Ultimate Diesel, etc. 

These fuels can be used in all diesel engines, even older engines. 

In addition, there will also be so-called e-fuels such as PtL (Power-to-Liquid) in future. These are produced from regenerative sources using CO2 and electricity. XtL or X-to-Liquid, GtL, and PtL make use of the possibility of initially producing a synthesis gas from different raw materials and then converting this to standard-compliant diesel fuel by means of the Fischer-Tropsch process. Excess green energy can be used here in the production process. 

Alternative fuels as an additional element on the Way to Zero 

Volkswagen’s electric mobility offensive is being significantly speeded up once more as part of its ACCELERATE strategy. By 2030, it is planned to increase the share of all-electric cars sold in Europe to over 70 percent. Parallel to this, the combustion engine fleet will be systematically further developed in order to reduce CO2 emissions and increase efficiency. The company wants to be completely climate-neutral by 2050. On the “Way to Zero”, Volkswagen’s goal for 2030 is to reduce emissions per vehicle in Europe by 40 percent compared with 2018 – which means that each Volkswagen vehicle will then emit 17 tonnes less CO2 on average throughout its life-cycle. As part of its ACCELERATE strategy, Volkswagen intends to become the most desirable brand for sustainable mobility.

via VW

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  • 4 settimane fa...

Brose and Volkswagen launch joint venture Brose Sitech for seat systems

  • Joint venture has started operations since January 1, 2022
  • Brose and Volkswagen each hold 50 percent
  • Brose Sitech operates independently and is to establish itself as a global supplier of seat systems and interior solutions

Brose Sitech has been operating on the global market as an independent supplier of seat systems since January 1, 2022. The cooperation partners Brose and Volkswagen each hold a 50 percent stake in the joint venture. The headquarters is Polkowice in Poland. Around 5,000 employees work at a total of eight sites in Poland, Germany, China and the Czech Republic. Brose Sitech expects to double business volume to 2.8 billion euros by 2030. The number of employees is expected to rise to around 7,000.


Thomas Schmall, Group Board Member for Engineering Volkswagen and member of the Supervisory Board of Brose Sitech, sees great potential in the joint venture: "We had an intensive period of planning and preparation. I am delighted that Brose Sitech is now launching on the market as an independent full-range supplier of seat systems. The merger continues to be supported by Volkswagen and at the same time opens up many new perspectives. Brose Sitech is becoming a strong, sustainable company."

The joint venture between the cooperation partners Brose and Volkswagen is perfectly positioned to meet the challenges of the changing automotive industry. The megatrends E-mobility and autonomous driving are changing the requirements for vehicle interiors. The vehicle is becoming a mobile living space, and the importance of interior and seats as a differentiating feature is increasing.

"Brose Sitech has the expertise and know-how to meet current and future demands for interior comfort, safety and flexibility. With innovative solutions for changing market requirements, the joint venture has everything it needs to convince customers and succeed in a highly competitive market,"explains Ulrich Schrickel, CEO of the Brose Group and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Brose Sitech. Brose will take over industrial leadership in the joint venture and completely consolidate its operations.

Thomas Spangler, previously Executive Vice President Operations of the Brose Group, chairs the Brose Sitech executive board. The top management team also includes Tomasz Lewandowski, Chief Financial Officer, and Stefanie Wangemann, Chief Human Resources Officer. "The joint venture marks the beginning of a promising new chapter in the seat market," says Spangler. "The competencies of Brose and Sitech complement each other perfectly. We have the best opportunities to leverage our synergies in product development and manufacturing, jointly open up new markets worldwide and win additional customers."

Brose Sitech intends to further expand its business with the Volkswagen Group and also supply other automakers with seat systems. In addition to existing development and production sites in Eastern Europe, Germany and China, plans are underway to expand activities in Europe, America and Asia. In the long term, the joint venture's portfolio is to be expanded to include innovative solutions for the entire vehicle interior. "Thanks to the strong partnership between Volkswagen and Brose, we can make important investments for the future and pave the way for growth in the coming years," explains Lewandowski.

Wangemann acknowledges the great commitment of the employees in Poland, Germany and China, who made it possible to launch the joint venture on schedule at the beginning of the year despite the current difficult market environment. "I would like to thank our employees for their efforts. With the dedication and will to succeed demonstrated by the team in recent months, Brose Sitech will be able to hold its own in the face of global competition. This also means that we will be able to offer attractive and future-proof jobs in the long term."

As a leading supplier of seat systems, Brose contributes many years of expertise in manual and power seat structures and their adjuster components to the joint venture. In addition, the automotive supplier combines its mechatronic products into intelligent systems using software and sensor technology. Sitech has extensive expertise in the development, assembly and logistics of complete seat systems as well as metal structures.


Fonte: Volkswagen

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"Qualche emiro che compra una Ferrari lo troverò sempre. Ma se il ceto medio finisce in miseria, chi mi comprerà le Panda?"

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Porsche buys itself out of deal to construct electrical flagship at VW van plant


BERLIN — Porsche can pay compensation to Volkswagen Group’s gentle business vans enterprise after the sports-car model backed out of a manufacturing settlement.

VW’s van division was scheduled to construct Porsche’s new battery-powered flagship at its manufacturing unit in Hanover, Germany, alongside sister fashions for Audi and Bentley.

The three luxurious electrical vehicles are a part of Audi’s Artemis Venture that’s creating new applied sciences for electrical, extremely automated cars. 

Porsche executives imagine the model, whose buyer base is principally performance-focused consumers, doesn’t want the Artemis superior autonomous driving features. The model lobbied VW Group for its model to be inbuilt a Porsche plant.

Now Porsche can pay about 100 million euros ($113 million) to VW Business Automobiles to purchase itself out of the mission, sources instructed Automotive Information Europe sister publication Automobilwoche.

As a substitute, Porsche will construct its electrical flagship, recognized internally because the K1, at its plant in Leipzig, Germany, beginning in 2026, one yr later than deliberate in Hanover.

The Porsche mannequin is not going to be primarily based on Audi’s Artemis, however will use the Premium Platform Electrical structure collectively developed by Audi and Porsche. The platform has been additional deveoped by Porsche to underpin the upcoming full-electric model of the Macan SUV and an electrical Panamera, due in 2024 or 2025.

Hanover had been as a result of construct 25,000 items of the Porsche mannequin a yr, which VW Business Automobiles had inncluded in its monetary planning to make sure job safety on the plant by means of 2029. The manufacturing unit’s works council chairwoman, Bertina Murkovic, spoke of “disappointment” at Porsche’s rejection of the Hanover website in a press assertion final month.

Porsche’s compensation fee will permit VW Business Automobiles in Hanover to interchange the misplaced manufacturing with different fashions.

The manufacturing unit will construct the ID Buzz minivan, an electrical iteration of its iconic hippie-era microbus that will likely be unveiled on March 9. It’s going to additionally produce a camper model of the minivan, to be known as the ID California, and a plug-in-hybrid variant of the T7 Multivan. A T7 California can also be being deliberate.

As well as, the Hanover plant will likely be used as an overflow manufacturing website to provide automobile our bodies to Audi’s manufacturing unit in Brussels from 2026 onward if capability on the Belgian plant is inadequate.


Fonte: Automotive News

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"Qualche emiro che compra una Ferrari lo troverò sempre. Ma se il ceto medio finisce in miseria, chi mi comprerà le Panda?"

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Lamborghini's global sales rise 13% to record 8,405 vehicles

Increase was led by big gain in the U.S., the brand's largest market.


Automobili Lamborghini said it delivered a record 8,405 vehicles globally last year, up 13 percent, including an 11 percent gain in the U.S., where it delivered 2,472 vehicles.

A breakdown of U.S. sales by nameplate was not available. However, on a global basis, the Urus SUV accounted for 60 percent of the brand's sales last year, with the Huracan making up 31 percent and the Aventador contributing the remainder.

The brand, a unit of Volkswagen Group, said Europe, the Middle East and Africa was its largest region in terms of percent of total sales. The region was up 12 percent overall, followed by North and South America and its Asia-Pacific region, which both rose 14 percent.

"This record has provided confirmation of four factors for us: the solidity of our strategic plan, our brand's outstanding international reputation, the competence and passion of our people and the exceptional professionalism and dynamism shown by our 173 dealers in 52 markets, who have continued to invest alongside us at a challenging, uncertain time," Stephan Winkelmann, CEO of Automobili Lamborghini, said in a statement.

Winkelmann said Lamborghini plans to unveil four new products in 2022 as it moves to hybridize its lineup completely by 2024.




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