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Si vocifera di un ulteriore possibile incremento dell'autonomia: https://simpleflying.com/a220-range-increase



Airbus Working On Range Increase For A220 Model



**Update: 05/24/21 @ 15:42 UTC – An Airbus spokesperson offered a statement; details below.**


The Airbus A220 is praised for its high fuel efficiency that has a better fuel-burn than its competitors in the same range. It is also applauded for its comfort when performing on medium-haul operations. Now, the narrowbody is adding another pull factor to its specifications. The plane’s manufacturer is looking to increase the model’s range.


David Neeleman said the following, as reported by Reuters:

“We need to get up to 4,000 (nautical) miles. The A220-300 currently flies about 3,400 NM.”


Pare che Airbus abbia preso a cuore quest'esigenza delle compagnie

Posted (edited)
1 ora fa, J-Gian scrive:

Si vocifera di un ulteriore possibile incremento dell'autonomia: https://simpleflying.com/a220-range-increase



Pare che Airbus abbia preso a cuore quest'esigenza delle compagnie


Le ulteriori 600 miglia, le farà come aliante?


-“We need to get up to 4,000 (nautical) miles. The A220-300 currently flies about 3,400 NM.”-

Edited by Damynavy
  • 1 year later...

A causa della disposizione dei comandi, c'è il rischio che i piloti confondano "l'autothrottle" con l'autopilota.


Sembra infatti che l'autothrottle si disattivi facilmente in caso di turbolenze (e quindi segnali incoerenti dai sensori) ed i piloti, nell'intento di riattivarlo, azionino l'autopilota 😅


Ad oggi pare che il problema sia occorso qualche decina di volte, in 2 delle quali l'attivazione accidentale dell'autopilota ha portato l'aereo a tentare di alzarsi prima di aver raggiunto la V1 (? 😳 ?) con i rischi del caso...




Transport Canada has already ordered changes to the aircraft flight manual to emphasize the risk of inadvertent activation of the autopilot during take-off.But the FAA calls for a further measure after an incident in September this year. 


According to the incident report, the crew attempted to re-engage a detached autothrottle but accidentally activated the autopilot, causing the A220 to rotate below the V1 decision speed."This resulted in a low-energy take-off, which is extremely hazardous as it could lead to the [aircraft] stalling [or] impacting terrain," says the FAA in a 22 November directive.


The A220's autopilot and autothrottle buttons are located directly one above the other in the center of the mode control panel."The control panel for autothrottle and autopilot engagement is structured in such a way that it is possible for the flight crew to mistakenly engage the autopilot when attempting to re-engage the autothrottle," says the FAA.


Articolo completo su: https://www.airlinerwatch.com/2022/11/the-us-regulator-mandates-additional.html

14 ore fa, J-Gian scrive:

A causa della disposizione dei comandi, c'è il rischio che i piloti confondano "l'autothrottle" con l'autopilota.


Sembra infatti che l'autothrottle si disattivi facilmente in caso di turbolenze (e quindi segnali incoerenti dai sensori) ed i piloti, nell'intento di riattivarlo, azionino l'autopilota 😅


Fino ad ora il problema sia occorso qualche decina di volte, in 2 delle quali l'attivazione accidentale dell'autopilota ha portato l'aereo a tentare di alzarsi prima di aver raggiunto la V1 (? 😳 ?) con i rischi del caso...


Articolo completo su: https://www.airlinerwatch.com/2022/11/the-us-regulator-mandates-additional.html



  • Thanks! 1
  • 1 month later...

Following a dual-engine shutdown on an aircraft with Pratt & Whitney 1500G power plants – used exclusively for the Airbus A220 family – the United States’ Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued an Airworthiness Directive (AD) to prevent the shutdown from happening again.


The AD, which is a final rulemaking, was published on December 27, 2022, with an effective date of January 31, 2023.


The dual-engine shutdown occurred as the aircraft landed, compromising the braking capability of the narrow-body aircraft, as the crew lost engine power and the ability to control hydraulic systems.


The FAA did not specify when the event occurred. However, the Aviation Safety Network recorded an incident in July 2021 in which an airBaltic Airbus A220-300, registered as YL-AAQ, suffered a dual-engine shutdown as it landed at Copenhagen Airport (CPH).


According to the FAA, following an investigation into the matter, it determined that “the sequence of the auto-throttle increasing throttle to maintain Mach number, immediately followed by pilot command to decrease throttle to idle, caused a transient disagreement between actual and commanded thrust.” As a result, the disagreement triggered a thrust control malfunction (TCM) detection logic, and the aircraft shut down both engines as soon as wheel sensors detected that the aircraft had physically landed on the runway.


To prevent such a situation from occurring in the future/again, operators will have to remove certain electronic engine control (EEC) full authority digital engine control (FADEC) software versions and replace them with updated software.


“This software update makes corrective improvements to the TCM logic, including revised criteria for triggering the TCM logic and establishing criteria that permit the TCM logic to unlatch during flight,” concluded the FAA.


  • 4 months later...

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