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Risposte pubblicato da mgr

  1. Perception that people have of Alfa Romeo where I live (Serbia, I know it is a very insignificant market!) is somewhere between FIAT and VW. Comparing Alfa Romeo's image to that of a Porsche is just unrealistic, probably anywhere in Europe. Even comparison with BMW, Merc or Audi is hard for people to take seriously, not because of products (except Giulietta) but because of decades of Alfa's positioning as sporty FIAT with cool leather interiors. Speaking of Tonale, they better get this one right with all the accessories people want to see, and yes a diesel engine, at least at the beginning of production.


    *If any one of the admins wants to delete my post because of image ramblings feel free to do so.

    • Mi Piace 5
  2. 9 hours ago, Nico87 said:

    Mi da l'idea che per l'estero puntino molto piu su renegade che 500x, da qui l'idea di togliere le versioni 4wd e le piu potenti, che tanto in italia non vanno via.
    Non siamo ne un mercato "ricco", ne interessato alle alte potenze, bensi alla ricerca dello spendere il meno possibile e value for money. Questo vale per un po tutte le auto.


    Actually I think Renegade is more dependent on sales in Italy than 500x.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Abarth03 said:


    Più precisamente una HF Integrale 16v, il modello ' riconosce per la gobba sul cofano (oltre ai passaruota allargati già presenti sulla precedente HF Integrale 8v).

    Non posso sopportare la vista di un attrezzo del genere, ridotto in questo stato...

    Unfortunately it's been in quite a poor state for at least 10-15 years. It saddens me to see it neglected. However once in a while it moves 20 meter across the street so mechanically it might be in OK condition.

    • Mi Piace 1
  4. 52 minutes ago, stev66 said:

    Guarda che di Fiat, intesa come marchio italocentrico e sabaudo-pilotato, non c'è più nulla.

    Ora c'è FCA che vende in Italia 500.000 auto delle sue quasi 5.000.000 globali .

    Ed ha un CDA ed un AD che dell'Italia e delle sue esigenze se ne ( giustamente ) frega .


    Se non partiamo da questo per qualsiasi analisi realistica su FCA , con tutto il rispetto non abbiamo capito niente .



    If that is the case why are Italians often criticized here for not buying enough FCA products? (Not saying that is something you do but it keeps coming up to justify FCA's flops)

    • Mi Piace 1
  5. Unfortunately the only certainty we have is waiting for dates and when they come wait for another date. June, September, March and so on... The only thing FCA is launching is product plans while competition keeps pumping out models like there's no tomorrow. New supercar is great news* but could you think of the headlines if Maserati launched electric Alfieri next year. Then follow it with EV QP and Levante (new gen for both) and it would already put Maserati back where it belongs.


    *assuming Alfieri =/= super car for 2020

    • Mi Piace 3
  6. It is so sad to see Maserati left with old models and no real news in the near future. Speaking of facelifts of Ghibli, QP and Levante are we talking about some substantial changes (removing Chrysler buttons, virtual cockpit, nicer interior, Level 3 autonomy, electrification) or just minor details? I'm also afraid that if they keep delaying "baby Levante", it will come out old and outdated. Also all this information about Maserati is really confusing and shows a lack of strategy. I really hope FCA sells it to someone who could and will take a better care of this glorious name.

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