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Risposte pubblicato da ISO-8707

  1. 31 minuti fa, LucioFire scrive:

    l'atterraggio a canguro mi che è successo?


    Qualche problema con il motore (notare il fumo bianco vicino all'ugello posteriore) e/o la ventola dietro l'abitacolo, dopo il primo balzo la ventola anteriore ha ridotto la spinta e Newton ha fatto il resto.




    Quando è in modalità hover, la turboventola è controllata dal computer, quindi non bastava tirare indietro la manetta per prevenire il cappottamento.


    Il velivolo era nuovo e quello era uno dei test pre-consegna.








    20 ore fa, Motron scrive:

    Con il freddo parte meno, però potrebbe anche essere sintomo di sofferenza della batteria.. nel dubbio dagli una caricata...


    2 ore fa, LucioFire scrive:

    si ma a me pure d'estate è sempre partito raramente




    Solitamente se si ha il clima automatico, la differenza di temperatura (interna/esterna) e l'irraggiamento solare vengono presi in considerazione dall'unità che controlla lo S/S a meno che sia il sistema HVAC sia completamente spento.

  3. 1 ora fa, AleMcGir scrive:

    mentre a Maranello l’influenza dell’a.d. Benedetto Vigna è destinata ad allargarsi anche alle scelte della Scuderia. Non è un mistero che l’interesse del fisico lucano per le corse sia sbocciato d’improvviso. Così come il desiderio di mettere mano alla struttura dirigenziale





    In RB e Mercedes mi pare che siano sempre andati nella direzione opposta: i proprietari / società madri hanno sempre messo poco becco nella gestione dei team...


    Poi ci si chiede perché nessuno vuole venire...


  4. 29 minuti fa, __P scrive:

    Con i cosi in tinta carrozzeria 



    Potrebbero essere semplicemente ricoperti con del nastro protettivo blu (come quello qui sotto), se si guada bene si notano delle sbavature sotto il brancardo e nei passaruota.



    • Mi Piace 1
  5. Cita

    Joint Statement from Prime Ministers of UK, Italy and Japan: 9 December 2022

    Published 9 December 2022


    As leaders of Italy, Japan and the UK, we are committed to upholding the rules-based, free and open international order, which is more important than ever at a time when these principles are contested, and threats and aggression are increasing.  Since defending our democracy, economy and security, and protecting regional stability, are ever more important, we need strong defence and security partnerships, underpinned and reinforced by a credible deterrent capability.


    Our three nations have longstanding, close relationships based on the shared values of freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law. Today, we are taking the next step in our deepening trilateral partnership.  We are announcing the Global Combat Air Programme (GCAP) – an ambitious endeavour to develop a next-generation fighter aircraft by 2035.


    Through the GCAP, we will build on our longstanding defence relationships. The GCAP will accelerate our advanced military capability and technological advantage.  It will deepen our defence co-operation, science and technology collaboration, integrated supply chains, and further strengthen our defence industrial base.


    This programme will deliver wider economic and industrial benefits, supporting jobs and livelihoods across Italy, Japan and the UK. It will attract investment in research and development into digital design and advanced manufacture processes.  It will provide opportunities for our next generation of highly skilled engineers and technicians. By working together in a spirit of equal partnership, we are sharing the costs and the benefits of this investment in our people and technologies.  Importantly, the programme will support the sovereign capability of all three countries to design, deliver and upgrade cutting-edge combat air capabilities, well into the future.


    This programme has been designed with our Allies and partners at its very heart.  Future interoperability with the United States, with NATO and with our partners across Europe, the Indo-Pacific and globally – is reflected in the name we have chosen for our programme.  This concept will be at the centre of its development.  We share ambition for this aircraft to be the centrepiece of a wider combat air system that will function across multiple domains.


    Our hope is that the Global Combat Air Programme, and through it our capability partnership, will be a cornerstone of global security, stability and prosperity in the coming decades.




    A source who has seen the first proposals describes them as "copies of nothing" and as "encapsulated emotional purity." Waxing lyrical may do justice to the styling themes, but what about the bespoke content? The mechanical package apparently includes battery packs with high energy density, superfast software, a patented cooling concept, staggered Lego-like topographic packaging, miniaturized componentry, ultra-efficient inverters, high-revving electric motors, an 800-volt electrical system that provides up to 350 kW of charging power, a two-speed transmission, brake-by-wire, multi-mode four-wheel steering, and torque vectoring.


    According to our friend from within the GM Tech Center: "Corvette is not just a brand. It's a constantly evolving system paired with a dramatically different user experience."


    The four-door coupe (think of it as more of a liftback) and the crossover add two new values to the marque: mainstream exclusivity and overt luxury. Thanks to a delicate balance of functionality and fashion, stats and style, and limited availability fueling high desirability, all three pillars are prepared for pragmatic evolution and subsequent proliferation.


    "The aim is not to beat Taycan and Cayenne at their own game but to create three American legends capable of breaking new ground by making the essence of Corvette scalable. To do so, that essence must at all times be in a state of progressive flux," our source comments. Hear, hear.

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