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Giacomo 96

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Risposte pubblicato da Giacomo 96

  1. Adesso pongo un quesito sperando di non essere bannato all'istante: ma sul pianale del nuovo spider Fiat / Mazda non potrebbe essere derivata, magari in piccola serie, l'erede della Fulvia coupè?

    Al di là di qualsiasi possibile seguito produttivo, non so quanto potrebbe avere senso.

    Fulvia è nata come trazione anteriore, caratteristica fondamentale che l'ha resa innovativa per l'epoca ... Sarebbe un po' un controsenso fare una nuova Fulvia TP.

  2. Diesel Power Confirmed for Next Nissan Titan ? News ? Car and Driver | Car and Driver Blog

    Nissan is firing up the diesel-powered rumor mill again. After years of teasing a Cummins/Nissan truck hookup that never seems to come to fruition, the maker took to the Twittersphere today with an image that strongly suggests the two have been busy getting busy.Featuring the official logos of both Cummins and Nissan, the image is accompanied by the intentionally provocative and viral-ready hashtag #CUMMINSSOON. (Note: The first ‘s’ is critical if you hope to apply it to the right topic.)

    You don’t need to be Freud to figure that one out. Or maybe you do. Whatever the case, this on-again/off-again relationship has been going on since Nissan told us they were considering a diesel for the Titan back in 2008. Of course at that time, the new Titan was slated to be a badge-engineered version of the Ram, and Chrysler’s bankruptcy pretty much squashed those plans, leaving Nissan with an aging Titan to nurse until a new model could be readied.

    Fast forward to 2013, when it shared some details on a 5.0-liter Cummins V-8 turbo-diesel mill that is probably the basis for the engine that will ultimately see the light of day in the Titan. (Just a few months ago, Nissan let us drive a Frontier powered by a 2.8-liter Cummins V-6 turbo-diesel, too.) Given the “soon” part of the hashtag, we’re figuring that the oil-burner will show up on the 2016 Titan, which is due soon and likely will be a heavily reworked version of the existing truck.

    Apparently the union isn’t exclusive, as rumors indicate that this engine could find its way under the hood of the Toyota Tundra, as well. But with the Ram 1500 EcoDiesel winning fans and posting impressive efficiency numbers, the time is right. Let’s just hope the diesel Titan delivers.

    A quanto pare monterà anche il Cummins 5.0.

  3. Ciao a tutti gli Autopareristi,

    Nel thread, l'utente V6 Busso ha linkato un'intervista a Domenico Chirico ed Ercole Spada (mai dire mai).

    Quest'ultimo a un certo punto, parlando di vari progetti riguardanti l'Alfa Romeo 155, afferma:

    Un’altra versione preparata in questo periodo fu la 155 a due porte, che mi fu possibile realizzare utilizzando i vani porta e le porte della versione Tempra due porte che sviluppai a suo tempo per la Fiat Brasile. Queste versioni sembrarono interessare l’Alfa Romeo, ma le decisioni si protrassero così a lungo da arrivare vicino alla fine produzione.

    È dunque esistita, seppure solamente come prototipo, una 155 a due porte derivata dalla corrispettiva Tempra brasiliana? Qualcuno ne sa qualcosa? Su internet non sono riuscito a trovare nulla a riguardo.



    "The source also described testing of superchargers on very small, economy-car engines as a way to get overall fleet MPGs up by making powerful, small, efficient engines. The basic Multiair engine used in the Cherokee, Dart, Fiat 500 and more has been around a while, and started out with a mere 67 HP. It now makes 120 HP, 160 HP with a turbo, and even more with tuning. Supercharging an engine like the MultiAir should provide some really interesting results, and would be a really novel thing to see on an entry-level car."

    Scusate per l'impaginazione, ma sono da cellulare. Comunque dicono che starebbero testando dei MultiAir con il volumetrico.

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