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Touareg 2.5

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Tutti i contenuti di Touareg 2.5

  1. Convertible Noble unveiled at NEC Noble's other big news at the motor show was the launch of the convertible. The GTC's V6 engine has a single turbo and a relocated intercooler, reducing power to 295bhp but allowing the creation of a small (90 litre) boot at the rear. The roof mechanism consists of a removable hoop placed behind the seats into which two targa panels are located. When the panels are removed they can then be stored behind the seats. No storage is available for the hoop though so if you choose to whip that off too then you'll need to leave it at home. The GTC should prove a popular entry level model for Noble. Priced at £44,950 it dips in below the M12 GTO3. Options are limited with air conditioning, a track day sump and metallic paint.
  2. Iniziamo con il Video
  3. Possiamo dire che non c'appizza niente con il resto dell'auto :wink:
  4. Vedila tutta nera... poi nn è così brutta
  5. se poi nn ne venderanno manco 1 ???? (aggiungo) LA Xc60 è Fatta Male
  6. Il mio Touareg va benissimo sullo sterrato (pieno di fango e buche) e sulla neve (Piano Battaglia x PAco)
  7. A me le vecchie Volvo Sw sembravano carri funebri
  8. Touareg 2.5

    Nuova Focus!

  9. Io consiglio di usare quella della Focus + giù come thread ufficiale
  10. Touareg 2.5

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  12. Hanno fatto benissimo Copco e stefano hanno ragione
  13. Touareg 2.5

    Video Granturismo 4

    c'è anche la 155 Dtm..
  • Crea Nuovo...


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