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  1. Facelift corposo per la piccola di casa Hyundai!

    Oltre alle corpose modifiche estetiche, Kona guadagna il freno a mano automatico, nuovo infotainment con schermo centrale da 10.25” e modifiche di dettaglio agli interni. Sotto il cofano i 1.0 T-GDI E 1.6 CRDi sono disponibili anche con opzione MHEV! Il 1.6 T-GDI arriva ora a 198 cv.

    Affinamenti a sospensioni e sterzo.


    • Nuova Hyundai Kona presenta un design elegante e raffinato, disponibile per la prima volta anche nella versione sportiva N Line
    • La nuova gamma di powertrain raggiunge nuovi livelli di performance ed efficienza grazie alla tecnologia mild-hybrid 48 volt, di serie su tutte le motorizzazioni diesel e disponibile anche sul motore 1.0 T-GDI
    • Gli aggiornamenti riguardano anche comfort e connettività, che include l’ultima versione della tecnologia Hyundai Bluelink e un pacchetto di sicurezza migliorato
    • Gli aggiornamenti tecnici rendono Nuova Kona ancora più confortevole da guidare


    2 settembre 2020 - Nuova Hyundai Kona si presenta rinnovata, con una serie di aggiornamenti, ispirati dai consigli della clientela europea.

    Un nuovo design – che per la prima volta include la possibilità di scegliere anche l’allestimento sportivo N Line – capace di conferire al modello un nuovo look dinamico; una gamma di powertrain rinnovata, con l’aggiunta di nuove versioni eco-friendly e “sportive”; la connettività migliorata, insieme alla sua funzionalità, rendendo l’esperienza di guida su strada ancora più confortevole. Tutto questo, e non solo, consente a Nuova Kona di essere un prodotto sempre migliore per i clienti europei di Hyundai. 


    Kona rappresenta una storia di successo per Hyundai in Europa fin dalla sua introduzione nel 2017, con una quota di mercato in rapida crescita. In soli tre anni, questo SUV compatto è diventato uno dei modelli Hyundai più apprezzati: dal suo lancio sono state vendute più di 228.000 unità in Europa. Il suo design è stato costantemente elogiato dai clienti e dalla critica e ha ottenuto importanti riconoscimenti tra i quali l’iF Design Award, il Red Dot Award 2018 e l’IDEA design award 2018. 

    Kona gioca un ruolo chiave nella strategia di elettrificazione di Hyundai, combinando powertrain elettrificati allo stile dei SUV compatti. È stato il primo SUV Hyundai disponibile con una gamma di motori elettrificati, tra cui una versione full-hybrid e una 100% elettrica. A partire da marzo, Hyundai ha avviato la produzione di Kona Electric nel suo impianto produttivo in Repubblica Ceca, Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Czech (HMMC). Hyundai ora amplia l’elettrificazione della gamma Kona con l’introduzione della tecnologia mild hybrid 48-volt sui motori diesel e benzina.

    I clienti chiedono più SUV e soluzioni elettrificate. Hyundai sta rispondendo con una combinazione di entrambi. Kona ha giocato un ruolo chiave nel successo degli ultimi anni di Hyundai in Europa, diventando uno dei modelli più apprezzati. Per questo motivo è importante per noi rafforzare e migliorare il modello, in modo da poter continuare a fornire ai nostri clienti il miglior prodotto possibile.

    Andreas-Christoph HofmannVice President Marketing & Product di Hyundai Motor Europe

    Kona N Line: un design sportivo e all’avanguardia

    È interessante notare come ci sia un’atmosfera felice comune a molti clienti Kona. Il nostro design trae ispirazione da questo spirito positivo ed è dedicato a tutti gli esploratori là fuori che affrontano la vita con un sorriso. Nonostante le ottime recensioni che la versione uscente di Kona ha ottenuto per il suo stile, il Design Team di Hyundai non ha voluto accontentarsi. Invece che riposarci sugli allori, abbiamo ascoltato le richieste della clientela e siamo tornati sui nostri tavoli da lavoro per portare il design di Kona ad un livello successivo.

    SangYup LeeSenior Vice President, Head of Hyundai Global Design Center

    Nuova Kona sarà disponibile per la prima volta nella versione N Line, che unisce il divertimento di guida a uno stile emozionante. Kona N Line si distingue per il frontale e il posteriore sportivi, i dettagli esterni in tinta carrozzeria e i cerchi dedicati con taglio a diamante.

    Il frontale di Kona N Line spicca grazie alle caratteristiche dinamiche del paraurti anteriore, che si unisce armoniosamente con i passaruota in tinta con la carrozzeria. A differenza del solido riparo “skid plate” di Nuova Kona, la versione N Line presenta un caratteristico spoiler aerodinamico in stile N, con alette angolari che le donano uno stile avvolgente. Le prese d’aria, più larghe e più tecniche, sono ulteriormente contraddistinte da un disegno unico e da un trattamento dedicato delle superfici.  

    La vista laterale presenta dei dettagli in tinta scocca e il nuovo rocker panel, ai quali si abbinano i nuovi cerchi in lega da 18 pollici con design dedicato. 

    La parte posteriore completa l’immagine dinamica ed emozionale di Kona N Line. Il paraurti posteriore incorpora un grande diffusore aerodinamico centrale in un colore a contrasto con la carrozzeria, nonché un doppio scarico laterale. Negli angoli posteriori, la fascia del paraurti è formata da linee acute e alette in stile N, per una migliore aerodinamicità.

    Gli interni sono ora disponibili con un pacchetto N Line dedicato in colore nero con sedili in tessuto, pelle o scamosciati. Inoltre, le distintive cuciture rosse, i pedali in metallo e il logo N sul pomello del cambio conferiscono al modello un tocco ancora più sportivo.     

    Un design elegante e raffinato per Nuova Kona

    Hyundai Kona è diventata un’icona nel suo segmento, con un design audace e innovativo, unito a una personalità avventurosa. Gli aggiornamenti del design della parte anteriore e posteriore conferiscono a Nuova Kona un aspetto ancora più elegante e raffinato, pur mantenendo la sua caratteristica robustezza.

    Il design del nuovo frontale si distingue per il suo look sportivo e gli accattivanti passaruota. Nella parte superiore, il cofano allungato termina energicamente sulla griglia centrale con una forma ampia e distintiva in grado di dare a Kona un look aggressivo. I migliorati fari DLR con tecnologia LED assicurano una profonda visuale della strada da percorrere. Più in basso, la fascia principale del paraurti si collega in modo fluido ai passaruota, formando una corazza unica e robusta, composta da un materiale a contrasto con la carrozzeria principale.      

    Sul paraurti inferiore, il solido riparo “skid plate” sembra abbracciare la presa d’aria inferiore e dà continuità visiva alla forma della griglia superiore principale. Integrate negli angoli del paraurti ci sono le prese aerodinamiche orientate verticalmente, che migliorano il flusso dell’aria.   

    La vista laterale mantiene la forma muscolosa e scolpita della precedente Kona, ma la silhouette sportiva dalle linee a cuneo viene ulteriormente accentuata dal frontale più affilato, pulito e armonioso.

    Nella parte posteriore, i nuovi fari presentano una grafica allungata orizzontalmente, riflettendo l’identità unica della firma anteriore. Anche il nuovo paraurti posteriore è realizzato con un materiale a contrasto, incrementando così la sensazione di corazza protettiva.  

    Inoltre, Nuova Kona presenta un design aggiornato per i cerchi da 17 e 18 pollici, oltre ai cerchi da 16 pollici presenti già nella precedente versione. Kona Hybrid sarà invece disponibile con gli stessi cerchi da 16 o 18 pollici della versione attuale. 

    Per quanto riguarda le dimensioni, Nuova Kona è più lunga di 40 mm rispetto alla versione precedente, conferendole così un aspetto più elegante e dinamico, bilanciando la sua ampia e robusta presenza su strada.

    In aggiunta alle cinque colorazioni già esistenti, Nuova Kona è disponibile con cinque nuovi colori per gli esterni: Surfy Blue, Dive in Jeju, Ignite Flame, Cyber Gray e Misty Jungle. Ogni colore può essere abbinato al tetto a contrasto Phantom Black, che si abbina anche agli alloggiamenti degli specchietti, sottolineando così l’aspetto sportivo ed elegante del modello ed offrendo ai clienti più opzioni per la personalizzazione. 

    Nuova Kona e Nuova Kona N Line – colori esterni:
    • Ignite Flame [nuovo]
    • Cyber Gray [nuovo]
    • Surfy Blue [nuovo]
    • Dive in Jeju [nuovo]
    • Misty Jungle [nuovo]
    • Phantom Black
    • Chalk White
    • Dark Knight
    • Pulse Red
    • Galaxy Gray

    Novità nel design degli interni

    Gli interni di Nuova Kona sono stati progettati per esprimere un look più raffinato e innovativo rispetto alla versione precedente. Sono caratterizzati da un aspetto solido e allo stesso tempo elegante per abbinarsi all’audace design degli esterni e per attrarre i clienti con uno stile di vita più attivo. Tutto questo si aggiunge a un significativo miglioramento tecnologico, che conferisce agli interni un nuovo livello di qualità percepita.

    La nuova area della console è scollegata dal cruscotto per enfatizzare la struttura orizzontale e il cruscotto appare ampio e arioso per creare un’atmosfera generosa e spaziosa. È ora presente il nuovo freno di stazionamento elettrico, installato seguendo le indicazioni dei clienti. 

    Una nuova luce ambiente offre l’illuminazione del portabicchieri nel mobiletto centrale e del vano ai piedi del passeggero e del conducente, sottolineando il carattere lifestyle di Kona.

    Le nuove mostrine delle prese d’aria e degli speaker con la loro finitura in alluminio donano una sensazione di qualità superiore e raffinatezza.     

    I rinnovati interni di Nuova Kona sono completati da nuovi colori e materiali. Le nuove opzioni di rivestimento dei sedili includono un tessuto nero con trama a quadri o con finiture color nero e grigio e sedili in pelle traforata nera, beige o kaki. 

    I sedili in tessuto nero quadrettato, con trame moderne e di ispirazione industriale, accentuano il rivestimento lineare del sedile, finemente filato nel suo motivo tridimensionale. I sedili in tessuto nero e grigio, con le loro ombre e sfumature scure in diversi toni di grigio antracite, creano immagini sofisticate. I sedili opzionali in pelle mostrano un’elegante trama scozzese che si riflette anche nella traforatura del materiale. Sia la trama che i colori dei sedili in pelle armonizzano la dinamicità della gamma di interni.

    In alternativa agli interni scuri, Nuova Kona è disponibile anche con rivestimenti beige chiaro, che accentuano il look fresco già visto sui pannelli delle portiere e nei sedili. In alternativa alle versioni nera e beige, è possibile scegliere come optional i sedili in pelle kaki e la console centrale color kaki, che offrono un look naturale e di livello. 

    Pacchetti colori:

    • Two-tone light beige (pelle) [nuovo]
    • Khaki (pelle) [nuovo]

    Colore base:

    • One-tone black (tessuto o pelle)

    Connettività e tecnologia

    Nuova Kona dispone della più recente connettività e tecnologia a bordo. La novità del modello è rappresentata da un cluster digitale da 10,25 pollici, che ha debuttato per la prima volta sulla nuovissima i20. Inoltre, Nuova Kona è dotata anche di un display touchscreen centrale da 10.25 pollici, che porta con sé nuove funzioni di connettività. Il nuovo schermo AVN (Audio Video Navigazione) è inoltre dotato della funzionalità split-screen per il multitasking ed è in grado di ospitare più connessioni Bluetooth.

    Inoltre l'ultimo aggiornamento Bluelink include le funzioni Last Mile Navigation, Connected Routing, Live Parking Information e molto altro. Con la nuova funzione “Profilo Utente”, i guidatori possono trasferire le impostazioni preferite anche da una vettura Hyundai a un’altra. Last Mile Navigation permette, invece, ai clienti di continuare il loro viaggio fino alla destinazione finale, anche dopo il parcheggio, ricevendo indicazioni in realtà aumentata o tramite Google Maps. Con la nuova navigazione “Connected Routing”, i percorsi vengono calcolati su un server presente all’interno del cloud di Bluelink. Live Parking Information fornisce, infine, agli utenti informazioni in tempo reale sulla posizione e sul prezzo dei parcheggi disponibili nelle vicinanze. Inoltre, l'ultimo aggiornamento di Bluelink include la ricerca a testo libero per consentire agli utenti di inserire indirizzi o punti di interesse.

    Nuova Kona è inoltre equipaggiata con il riconoscimento vocale, che permette al guidatore di attivare e controllare attraverso un semplice comando vocale alcune funzioni, come il climatizzatore, il riscaldamento del vetro posteriore e degli specchietti laterali, oltre al riscaldamento del volante.       

    Di serie, la nuova Kona è dotata di Display Audio, che passa da 7 a 8 pollici e include la radio DAB. È stato inoltre aggiornato con Android Auto e Apple Car Play in modalità wireless, consentendo agli occupanti di utilizzare i loro smartphone iOS e Android senza cavo e sfruttandone le funzionalità in modo ancora più comodo e immediato.

    Sicurezza avanzata e guida assistita

    Nuova Kona presenta una serie di funzioni di sicurezza e guida assistita all’insegna di una maggiore tranquillità di conducente e occupanti.

    Lo Smart Cruise Control (SCC) è stato aggiornato e include ora la funzione Stop&Go. Anche il Blind-Spot Collision-Avoidance Assist (BCA), disponibile in combinazione con il cambio DCT, è stato migliorato, attivando i freni del veicolo per prevenire una collisione se, vicino al punto cieco, viene rilevato un altro mezzo e il conducente tenta di cambiare corsia.

    Una nuova caratteristica del modello è rappresentata dall’Avviso di Ripartenza (LDVA) che avverte il conducente quando il veicolo che lo precede inizia ad avanzare, ad esempio ai semafori. A questo si aggiunge il Lane Following Assist (LFA), che regola automaticamente lo sterzo per mantenere la vettura al centro della sua corsia di marcia.


    Tra le funzionalità aggiornate spicca anche la Frenata Autonoma di Emergenza con Rilevamento Veicoli, Pedoni e Ciclisti che utilizza un sensore, oltre a una telecamera, per rilevare meglio potenziali collisioni. Il nuovo sistema aumenta il raggio di rilevamento e le tipologie di soggetti che possono essere rilevati garantendo il funzionamento del sistema anche in condizioni meteorologiche avverse. Se il sistema rileva una potenziale collisione e il guidatore non reagisce in tempo, i freni si attivano automaticamente.

    Fa il debutto su Nuova Kona il Rear Cross-Traffic Collision-Avoidance Assist (RCCA) – disponibile solo con il cambio DCT - che evita le collisioni durante la retromarcia azionando i freni se viene rilevato un altro veicolo. Si tratta di un aggiornamento dall'avviso di collisione precedentemente disponibile, che forniva solo un avviso acustico.

    Un altro sistema unico è il Rear Seat Alert (RSA), che avvisa il conducente rilevando la presenza di persone e oggetti sul divano posteriore alla chiusura del veicolo. Per la massima protezione dei bambini è presente anche il Safety Exit Warning (SEW) che impedisce ai passeggeri di uscire dal veicolo se non è ancora sicuro farlo, prevenendo possibili incidenti in caso di apertura delle portiere quando altri veicoli sopraggiungono.

    Infine, il Riconoscimento dei Limiti di Velocità utilizza la camera multifunzione e le informazioni dal sistema di navigazione per identificare il limite di velocità in vigore e visualizzarlo sia sul display del navigatore che sul cluster display. Se il conducente supera il limite di velocità compare sul cluster un avviso visivo.

    Inoltre, Nuova Kona è ora disponibile con eCall, una funzione che avvisa automaticamente i servizi di emergenza se il pulsante e-Call viene premuto o se si attivano gli airbag.

    Sistemi di sicurezza attiva Hyundai SmartSense

    • Blind-Spot Collision-Avoidance Assist (BCA) [NUOVO]
    • Rear Cross-Traffic Collision-Avoidance Assist (RCCA) [NUOVO]
    • Smart Cruise Control (SCC) con Stop&Go [NUOVO]
    • Avviso di Ripartenza (LVDA) [NUOVO]
    • Lane Following Assist (LFA) [NUOVO]
    • Riconoscimento dei Limiti di Velocità (ISLW) [NUOVO]
    • Safety Exit Warning (SEW) [NUOVO]
    • Rear Seat Alert (RSA) [NUOVO]
    • Frenata Autonoma di Emergenza con Rilevamento Veicoli, Pedoni (FCA) (ora con [NUOVO] Rilevamento Ciclisti)

    Altre caratteristiche di sicurezza:

    • e-call [NUOVO]

    Comfort e abitabilità

    Una serie di nuove caratteristiche all’insegna della funzionalità consentono ora un viaggio più confortevole anche per i passeggeri sui sedili posteriori, che possono contare su una nuova porta USB e su sedute riscaldate. Anche i passeggeri in prima fila possono regolare l'altezza del sedile per una posizione di seduta ottimizzata durante la guida.

    Nuove opzioni di motorizzazioni per clienti sportivi e attenti all'ambiente

    La gamma di propulsori di Nuova Kona raggiunge nuove vette in termini di sostenibilità e aggiunge il sistema ibrido leggero da 48 volt: questa tecnologia è applicata al motore diesel Smartstream da 1,6 litri con 136 CV ed è disponibile con cambio a sette rapporti 7DCT o con cambio manuale intelligente a sei rapporti (6iMT), abbinabile alla trazione integrale. Anche il propulsore a benzina T-GDI Smartstream da 1,0 litri con 120 CV può essere equipaggiato con la tecnologia ibrida leggera da 48 volt e il cambio 6iMT con l’obiettivo di garantire maggiore efficienza.

    La frizione dell'iMT, che ha debuttato per la prima volta su Nuova i30 e sulla nuovissima i20, funziona in modalità elettronica al posto del tradizionale collegamento meccanico. L’iMT scollega il motore dalla trasmissione dopo che il conducente rilascia l'acceleratore garantendo una maggiore efficienza: questo consente all'auto di entrare in due possibili livelli di modalità coasting, a seconda delle condizioni. Con il primo livello il motore gira al minimo mentre con il secondo livello il propulsore viene temporaneamente spento per risparmiare ancora più carburante. Il motore si riavvia con la stessa marcia non appena il guidatore preme il pedale del freno o dell'acceleratore, grazie alla potenza fornita dal Mild Hybrid Starter Generator.

    Il motore T-GDI Smartstream da 1,0 litri è disponibile anche senza la tecnologia Mild Hybrid mentre al vertice delle prestazioni c'è un motore T-GDI Smartstream da 1,6 litri potenziato con un cambio automatico a doppia frizione a 7 velocità, che porta la potenza massima a 198 CV.

    Il sistema Full Hybrid di Kona

    Nuova Kona è disponibile anche con la motorizzazione Full Hybrid: a un propulsore GDI da 1,6 litri, si affianca un motore elettrico a magneti permanenti per una potenza combinata di 141 CV, abbinato a un cambio automatico a doppia frizione a 6 velocità e alle due ruote motrici. Il motore elettrico da 32 kW è alimentato da una batteria a ioni polimeri di litio da 1,56 kWh.

    Miglioramenti di guida e maneggevolezza per un maggiore comfort

    Gli aggiornamenti tecnici hanno l’obiettivo di rendere la guida più fluida rispetto all’attuale modello. Le sospensioni sono state regolate per aumentare il comfort, senza rinunciare al carattere sportivo di Kona. Insieme a molle e ammortizzatori, le barre stabilizzatrici sono state ritoccate per garantire un comfort di marcia superiore e un maggiore isolamento.

    Nuova Kona è inoltre equipaggiata con pneumatici con classe energetica migliorata per tutte le dimensioni, caratterizzati da una minor resistenza al rotolamento che garantisce una guida più efficiente. Gli pneumatici da 18 pollici Conti Sport Contact 5 sono stati sostituiti dai pneumatici Conti Premium Contact 6 con l’obiettivo di ottimizzare le qualità di comfort di marcia. Questo significa che i conducenti possono aspettarsi una maggiore efficienza e minori emissioni di CO2, beneficiando allo stesso tempo di un miglior isolamento acustico rispetto a prima. Questo crea un eccellente equilibrio tra la guida ecologica e la sportività. Inoltre, diverse componenti del veicolo sono state rinnovate per migliorare il controllo di rumore, vibrazioni e ruvidità dell’andatura del veicolo (NVH), aumentando ulteriormente il comfort all'interno dell'abitacolo.

    Lo sterzo è stato messo a punto per adattarsi al nuovo carattere delle sospensioni e ai nuovi pneumatici. Nuova Kona mostra infatti un comportamento di sterzata più diretto e confortevole. Lo sforzo richiesto dallo sterzo risulta più lineare e ben bilanciato a tutte le velocità.

    La stessa configurazione dello sterzo si applica a tutta la gamma Kona. L'unica eccezione riguarda la nuovissima Kona N Line, abbinata al propulsore 1.6 T-GDI e alla trazione integrale, che ha ricevuto una messa a punto specifica dello sterzo per adattarsi al carattere sportivo del veicolo.

    Nuova Kona e Kona N Line arriveranno negli showroom Hyundai intorno alla fine del 2020, mentre Nuova Kona Hybrid sarà commercializzata a partire dai primi mesi del 2021.

    Nei prossimi mesi verrà svelata anche Nuova Kona Electric, che sarà caratterizzata dallo stesso powertrain e dalla stessa autonomia di guida della versione attuale.





    Versione standard










    Versione N-Line















    • Grazie! 2
  2. Nuove ufficiali per la variante europea del facelift.


    Oltre al nuovo design esterno, troviamo nuovi ADAS tra cui Blind Spot Detector, Rilevatore di Segnali Stradali e aiuto alla correzione della traiettoria in autostrada. Sotto il cofano il 1.2 DualJet con tecnologia MHEV (SHVS)











  3. Foto ufficiali della Enyaq iV 80 Founders Edition

























    Qui, quella “normale”, probabilmente una 50 o 60.








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    The ŠKODA ENYAQ iV is here. The all-electric SUV is an excellent all-rounder

    ENYAQ iV

    ŠKODA has presented its much-awaited fully electric SUV, the ENYAQ iV. The new model offers a long range and a huge choice of practical features and versions to suit every customer.

    The first electric SUV from ŠKODA will be a cornerstone of the Czech carmaker’s future sustainable development. “The ENYAQ iV is a true milestone for the brand. It’s our first electric car based on the MEB platform. The ENYAQ iV is made in ŠKODA’s heartland, Mladá Boleslav, here in the Czech Republic, and it represents the next level of ŠKODA: transformation with the focus on advancing electrification and digitalisation,” said Thomas Schäfer, ŠKODA chairman of the board, at the electric SUV’s premiere.

    The ENYAQ iV does not only mark the proper start of the green fuel era, but it also represents a step forwards in the ŠKODA brand’s traditional values. Simply Clever elements, the traditionally generous interior and smart technologies combine in this car with the evolution of the ŠKODA design language and outstanding trim features.

    Self-assured design

    The new model’s design is progressive, balanced and self-assured. “In our ENYAQ iV, we have further advanced our ŠKODA-typical front section – a particularly distinctive feature of which is the Crystal Face. Combined with the emotive design language and a strikingly rugged appearance that is also reinforced by large wheels, our new ENYAQ iV is a real eye-catcher that sets a new tone,” says ŠKODA chief designer Oliver Stefani, describing the new SUV’s appearance.

    One brand new design element on the electric SUV is the optional Crystal Face radiator grille. The traditional ŠKODA grille is enhanced with a crystalline effect and is backlit with a total of 130 LEDs that give the car a unique “light signature” and elevate the Coming/Leaving Home functions to original animations.

    The long wheelbase (2,765 mm) with the relatively short front bonnet makes it clear that the interior will be spacious, while the muscular sides and gradually descending roof line are a clue to the car’s excellent aerodynamics. Measuring 4,649 x 1,879 x 1,616 mm, the ENYAQ iV is similar in size to the traditional KODIAQ SUV, but its style is even more dynamic. That is accentuated by the new 18" to 21” wheels. The drag coefficient from 0.27 is outstanding for the SUV category of cars. Together with the sophisticated drivetrain, that contributes to the electric ENYAQ iV’s excellent maximum range.

    Five, three, two

    The new electric car will be available in five power outputs, three battery sizes and two drivetrains. The basic model is the ENYAQ iV 50 with a 109 kW electric motor and rear-wheel drive. This version’s battery has a capacity of 55 kWh (52 kWh net) and a range of 340 kilometres in the WLTP cycle. The ENYAQ iV 60 has a 62 kW battery (58 kW net). Combined with a 132 kW electric motor, it delivers a range of up to 390 kilometres.

    The ENYAQ iV 80 is the third version with rear-wheel drive. It has a 150 kW electric motor and torque of up to 310 Nm. The battery capacity is 82 kW (77 kW net), and it is this version that offers the longest maximum range of 510 kilometres (in the WLTP cycle) on a single charge. The two all-wheel drive versions also feature the biggest battery. The ENYAQ iV 80X, with a second electric motor on the front axle, delivers a total output of 195 kW, while the sporty ENYAQ iV RS boasts an output of 225 kW. Both these versions have a range of up to 460 kilometres in the WLTP cycle.

    A few clicks to specify your ENYAQ iV

    The powertrain options structure shows that choosing the right ENYAQ iV for you will be a piece of cake. And the rest of the options confirms that. With its new all-electric model, ŠKODA is also rolling out a new structure for car configurations, with Design Selections replacing the classic trim levels. Design Selections are complete packages of trim and design elements to suit the various needs and tastes of customers. The tasteful interior creates a high feel-good factor and makes use of sustainable and recycled materials. Each Design Selection gives the interior its own unique atmosphere, differing in the choice of materials, upholstery, colour scheme and dashboard design.

    The standard Design Selection for the ENYAQ iV 50 is the puristic Studio design. The standard Design Selection for the ENYAQ iV 60 is the Loft option, which is inspired by modern, homely apartments for young families. One feature of Loft is a two-tone dashboard design. Lodge is a Design Selection centred on sustainability and innovation. Lounge embodies quality and exclusivity, while Suite and ecoSuite provide classic luxury details. In the RS version, the RS Lounge Design Selection emphasises the car’s sporty character, while the optional RS Suite radiates dynamic elegance.

    In addition to these Design Selections, customers can also choose from ten themed packages with a number of individual choices available. So everyone can configure their dream ENYAQ iV in just a few simple steps.

    Celebrating 125 years

    One special version of the ENYAQ iV that will be available in a limited series is the Founders Edition, which is already available for pre-order. With this version, which customers will receive in the first quarter of 2021, ŠKODA is celebrating 125 years of history. The total production will be just 1,895 units, harking back to the year when the Czech carmaker was founded. Each Founders Edition car will have an edition number displayed on an elegant plaque on the steering wheel.

    Customers can order the extensively equipped Founders Edition for the ENYAQ iV 60 and ENYAQ iV 80 versions. Standard features include 21” Aquarius alloys, and there are two metallic finishes to choose from: Black Magic and Arctic Silver. The LED-illuminated Crystal Face radiator grille, framed in gloss black rails like the windows, comes as standard. The interior is fitted out in the ecoSuite Design Selection and the seats are upholstered in cognac-brown leather. The colour is achieved by treating the hide with sustainable olive leaf extracts. The other option is black leather upholstery with cognac-brown contrasting elements.

    Hi-tech and Simply Clever

    Partly thanks to the MEB platform it’s built on, the ŠKODA ENYAQ iV is an exceptionally advanced car in technical terms that offers a wealth of safety features, state-of-the-art assistance systems and lots of connectivity. But it has not turned its back on a traditional strength of ŠKODA cars, the much-loved Simply Clever solutions.

    These include the popular umbrella in the driver’s door, or the traditional ice scraper, which in the ENYAQ iV is not found beneath the fuel tank cap (the ENYAQ iV doesn’t have one!) but in the tailgate. In addition, there is a space for the charging cable under the boot floor. There is even a cleaner for the charging cable so users don’t get dirty.

    The boot also has a false floor, so small items are kept tightly in place and won’t move around. Also available is an easy-to-use net solution that ensures larger items in the boot are properly secured and safe. The MEB platform design has allowed room for two large storage compartments. The 6.2 litre Jumbo Box under the centre armrest can hold lots of essential items, and there’s another 11.4 litres of storage space under the centre console.

    The ŠKODA ENYAQ iV has a lot of safety features, including emergency braking in the presence of oncoming cars when turning left, warnings about possible collisions with cyclists or cars when opening a door, active assistance for avoiding obstacles, and nine airbags.

    There are also other state-of-the-art assistance systems, including a trained parking assistance system for learnt routes. That can be controlled from the ŠKODA Connect app, which puts a bunch of new functions and car control options in your mobile phone, including charging control. The ENYAQ iV is always online. Its infotainment system can be controlled via the thirteen-inch central screen or with the help of Laura, the digital voice assistant, who understands fifteen languages and can even process fluently spoken sentences in six of them.

    The Virtual Cockpit beneath the steering wheel has a 5.3 inch display and can be complemented with an innovative head-up display. The head-up display is divided into two sections: the lower one just above the dashboard displays the standard information like current speed or detected traffic signs. Above that there is a larger augmented reality projection zone that displays navigational instructions, for example, in clear view of the driver.

    Charging under the ŠKODA iV banner

    Drivers of the new ŠKODA ENYAQ iV will be able to make use of all the benefits of the ŠKODA iV ecosystem, which includes MyŠKODA Powerpass, a universal service for recharging electric cars. This service lets drivers access a recharging network with more than 195,000 charging stations right across Europe using just a single card. In this way, the user can charge his car at Ionity quick-charging stations, for example, paying on the basis of a monthly bill.

    For charging at home, customers can use one of the three wallbox designs that ŠKODA offers. The basic ŠKODA iV Charger is the basic variant for use in private households. The ŠKODA iV Charger Connect has a LAN and Wi-Fi connection and RFID reader. And the most advanced version, the ŠKODA iV Charger Connect+ has all these functions plus LTE mobile network connectivity. The latter two versions’ connectivity makes it possible to monitor wallbox power usage and the amount of electricity consumed by various users, say, all via the ŠKODA Connect app.

    Of course, the charging speed depends on the method used and the capacity of your ENYAQ iV’s battery. The largest battery with a nominal capacity of 82 kWh can be charged from 5% to 80% in just 38 minutes. The home wallbox offers an output of almost 11 kW, meaning that the ENYAQ iV will reach a full charge in six to eight hours, depending on battery size.

    Electric powertrain: First MEB-based ŠKODA production model

    › Choice of three battery sizes and five power outputs ranging from 109 to 225 kW for the ENYAQ iV
    › Rear- or all-wheel drive and long ranges of up to 510 km* in the WLTP cycle
    › The SUV provides quick charging, sustainable driving enjoyment and outstanding aerodynamics

    Mladá Boleslav, 1 September 2020 – The ENYAQ iV is the first ŠKODA production model to be based on Volkswagen Group’s Modular Electrification Toolkit (MEB). The MEB consists of what is known as the skateboard platform, in which the battery is incorporated into the floor to save space. The all-electric SUV is available with three battery sizes, five power variants and rear- or all-wheel drive, and therefore caters to a wide range of needs for a variety of uses. Requiring little time to recharge and offering ranges of up to 510 km* in the WLTP cycle, the ENYAQ iV is ideal for everyday use as well as for covering long distances. ŠKODA’s new flagship is made at the Czech carmaker’s main plant in Mladá Boleslav – making it the only model in Europe based on Volkswagen Group’s MEB platform to be built outside Germany.

    Christian Strube, ŠKODA Board Member for Technical Development, said, “The numerous possible combinations, for example in terms of battery sizes and power outputs, make the modular electric car platform a perfect technical basis for our all-electric vehicles. The MEB allows us to cater individually to our customers’ different needs and usage habits, and to develop even more technically innovative ŠKODA iVs in future.”

    The entry-level version of the ŠKODA ENYAQ iV is a practical and sustainable everyday family companion, providing a generous amount of space and high level of functionality. There is also a perfect ENYAQ iV for people who drive a lot looking for maximum range and quick charging, as well as for customers with a dynamic driving style who expect optimal performance even from an electric SUV.

    Entry-level variants with rear-mounted engine and rear-wheel drive

    In the ENYAQ iV, ŠKODA is making use of an all-new drive concept that nevertheless makes some reference to the company’s history: just as with many of the brand’s past models, ŠKODA is making use of rear-wheel drive for its new electric SUV too. The ENYAQ iV is a versatile partner for the daily commute as well as long distances. Its maximum range is 510 km* in the WLTP cycle and it has a superfast-charging capacity of up to 125 kW. The 82-kWh battery, which has a net capacity of 77 kWh, can be charged from 5 to 80 per cent in just 38 minutes* at correspondingly powerful DC charging points. At home, the ENYAQ iV can conveniently be ‘refuelled’ overnight using an AC wall box of up to 11 kW – depending on the battery size, this process takes six to eight hours. What’s more, the ENYAQ iV is equipped with a special iV universal charger that fits all conventional charging sockets.

    Five power variants, three battery sizes, two motors and all-wheel drive

    Offering three battery sizes and five different power variants, the ŠKODA ENYAQ iV makes driving both sustainable and fun. In addition to the one on the rear axle, the two most powerful models are also fitted with a second electric motor on the front axle that transfers the SUV’s torque of 425 and 460 Nm respectively to the road via all four wheels. The entry-level ŠKODA ENYAQ 50 iV is fitted with a 109-kW rear-mounted engine and rear-wheel drive; its maximum torque is 220 Nm. Its lithium-ion battery has a gross capacity of 55 kWh (52 kW net) and it has a range of up to 340 km*. Equipped with a 62-kWh battery (58 kWh net), the 132-kW ENYAQ 60 iV can cover up to 390 km*; its maximum torque is 310 Nm.

    The ENYAQ 80 iV has an output of 150 kW, torque of up to 310 Nm and, at 510 km* in the WLTP cycle, boasts the longest maximum range. The 82-kWh battery (77 kWh net) is also used in the two all-wheel-drive variants – combined with the second electric motor on the front axle, the ENYAQ 80x iV produces 195 kW and the ENYAQ RS iV delivers 225 kW. Both of these models have a range of 460 km*.

    The range-topping ŠKODA ENYAQ RS iV is particularly fun to drive. It accelerates from a standing start to 100 km/h in just 6.2 seconds, and achieves a top speed of 180 km/h – 20 km/h faster than other power variants. In addition, the most powerful ENYAQ iV can tow a trailer weighing up to 1,400 kg; the SUV can be fitted with an electrically retractable tow bar as an optional extra.

    Outstanding aerodynamics for greater efficiency

    The ŠKODA ENYAQ iV’s aerodynamics – which are outstanding for an SUV – allow for a high level of efficiency and, as a result, long ranges. This is also evident in the drag coefficient (cd) from 0.27, which is achieved with the help of tyres that boast a particularly low rolling resistance. A heat pump, which is used for the heating and air conditioning in the interior, is an optional extra for the electric SUV. A highly efficient heat pump system compresses refrigerant under high pressure. This produces heat, which is used to warm up the cold air flowing into the car. This way, approximately 3 to 4 kWh per 100 km less energy from the battery is used to power the high-voltage heater – meaning the range is up to 30 per cent greater than in electric vehicles without a heat pump in temperatures as low as -25°C.

    Safety: New assistance systems and up to nine airbags

    he ŠKODA ENYAQ iV features supreme active and passive safety, and plenty of innovative assistance systems
    › The electric SUV is the first ŠKODA to offer a head-up display including augmented reality
    › New convenient assistance for when parking

    Mladá Boleslav, 1 September 2020 – Boasting numerous assistance systems and up to nine airbags, the ENYAQ iV provides the highest level of active and passive safety. What’s more, new features make it easier to park.

    ŠKODA is offering its ENYAQ iV customers all of the innovative, new safety and assistance systems. The SUV can automatically warn of collisions with other vehicles, cyclists, pedestrians and fixed obstacles, ideally preventing an accident completely or at least minimising its consequences. Up to nine airbags protect the occupants in the event of an accident. Proactive Crew Protect Assist automatically tensions the seat belts during emergency braking and closes the windows and the panoramic sliding roof in the event of an impending collision, or if the car is in danger of skidding or tipping over.

    he ENYAQ iV is equipped with LED headlights and tail lights as standard, whilst full LED Matrix headlights and full LED tail lights in a ‘C’ shape are available as options. Each Matrix high-beam module contains 24 LEDs, which can be controlled individually and enable the driver to have the high beam on at all times without dazzling other road users. If a camera on the windscreen detects vehicles as well as people and objects reflecting the light, the intelligent lighting technology automatically turns off individual segments of the light beam.

    Two areas for the head-up display

    The ENYAQ iV is the first ŠKODA to come equipped with a head-up display featuring augmented reality, which projects information onto two different areas. In addition to the current speed and detected traffic signs, information from the assistance systems and navigation instructions can also be displayed on the windscreen just above the dashboard in immediate view of the driver. The projection zone for augmented reality is larger and is located higher up on the windscreen, still in clear view of the driver. It is directed onto the road up ahead of the vehicle, where larger symbols such as directional arrows indicate navigational instructions, information relating to Adaptive Lane Assist or Adaptive Cruise Control is shown, and traffic signs or warnings are displayed. The driver can individually adjust the position of the display area on the windscreen, set the colour and brightness, and select what information is to be shown in the infotainment system’s menu.

    New, innovative assistance systems boost safety

    In the event of an impending collision with a pedestrian, cyclist or another vehicle, Collision Avoidance Assist for example supports the driver by actively increasing the steering moment to prevent the accident using a controlled evasive manoeuvre. When turning left at junctions, Turn Assist detects oncoming traffic at an early stage, warns the driver and automatically brings the car to a stop if necessary. When a door is opened, Exit Warning alerts the occupant if another vehicle or a cyclist approaches from behind. It does this acoustically and visually via a light signal on the inside of the wing mirror housing.

    Travel Assist comprises Adaptive Cruise Control, Adaptive Lane Assist including roadwork recognition, Traffic Jam Assist and Emergency Assist. In a higher configuration level, Travel Assist can take over lateral steering in narrow spaces using online information based on current data clusters – even in the city. Adaptive Cruise Control, which in its predictive version also incorporates route data from the navigation system and traffic signs, will also be able to react to obstacles reported via online traffic data too.

    Enhanced functions for Park Assist

    To make parking even easier in the ENYAQ iV, ŠKODA has expanded the functions of Park Assist, which up to now had already taken over the steering when driving in and out of parallel and bay parking spaces. In the new, even more intelligent configuration, the system can also brake the car automatically and prevent collisions with pedestrians or objects.

    Remote-controlled parking goes one step further: It allows the driver to guide their ENYAQ iV into particularly tight parallel and bay parking spaces remotely via their smartphone and the ŠKODA Connect app. The system takes over the steering and brakes automatically. Park Assist now has a function for trained parking too. This enables the driver to record their route into a frequently used parking space, for example in a narrow and angled driveway. They only have to do this once, and can then automatically repeat this route in exactly the same way at any time at the push of a button. Here too, the system takes over the steering and brakes, and prevents collisions.

    Exterior: Illuminated Crystal Face, large wheels and numerous
    crystalline elements

    › Distinctive front with a ŠKODA grille that is brought further forward and sculptured bonnet
    › Illuminated Crystal Face and crystalline full LED tail lights
    › Large wheels ranging from 18 to 21 inches, plus plenty of room for passengers and luggage

    Mladá Boleslav, 1 September 2020 – Progressive and with a self-assured appearance: ŠKODA is making a clear statement with its first electric SUV. The ŠKODA ENYAQ iV immediately comes across as powerful and dynamic thanks to its sculptural lines and perfect proportions, which can also be seen in the vehicle’s extraordinary spaciousness. Other ŠKODA-typical details include the striking grille and the numerous crystalline elements, with the SUV’s innovative illuminated Crystal Face catching the eye in particular. Large wheels ranging from 18 to 21 inches accentuate the car’s rugged SUV character.


    Oliver Stefani, Head of ŠKODA Design, said, “In our ENYAQ iV, we have further advanced our ŠKODA-typical front section – a particularly distinctive feature of which is the Crystal Face. Combined with the emotive design language and a strikingly rugged appearance that is also reinforced by large wheels, our new ENYAQ iV is a real eye-catcher that sets a new tone.”


    The ENYAQ iV is 4,649 mm long, 1,879 mm wide and has a height of 1,616 mm. The wheelbase of 2,765 mm and absence of a transmission tunnel allow for extraordinary spaciousness and a suitably large amount of kneeroom in the rear. The boot has a capacity of 585 l.

    130 LEDs form a welcoming Crystal Face

    Featuring its own interpretation of the emotive ŠKODA design language, distinctive ŠKODA grille, and wheels that provide a rugged appearance with diameters ranging from 18 to 21 inches, the ENYAQ iV is as much a true ŠKODA as it is a true SUV. Its bold, contoured front, complete with a sculptured bonnet and full LED Matrix headlights, makes it unmistakable as a member of ŠKODA’s SUV family. However, the Czech manufacturer’s first all-electric SUV has a unique character of its own too, as it is equipped with an upright ŠKODA grille that has been brought further forward. This is further emphasised by the SUV’s innovative Crystal Face: from the ENYAQ 80 iV upwards, 130 LEDs light up the vertical slats, and a horizontal strip illuminates the ŠKODA grille.

    The Crystal Face has an animated Coming/Leaving Home function and, together with the LED modules for the dipped and high beam in the full LED Matrix headlights and the daytime running lights, it creates a welcoming display. The optional full LED tail lights have a crystalline illuminated area which, like the dynamic indicators, is part of the animated Coming/Leaving Home function. This activates when the vehicle is opened or locked in poor visibility.

    ‘ŠKODA’ is positioned in block lettering on the middle of the tailgate and is framed by a matt black roof spoiler and a rear bumper featuring a grey diffuser. A panoramic sliding roof is available on request; the roof rails, window frames and the frame of the ŠKODA grille provide contrasts in a choice of chrome, matt or gloss black. The range of paint finishes includes two standard and seven metallic colours. The ENYAQ 50 iV comes with 18-inch steel wheels as standard, whilst all other models are fitted with alloys. A total of eight different wheel sets are available, with diameters ranging from 18 to 21 inches.

    Interior: Design Selections replace the classic trim levels

    › Innovative interior designs inspired by modern living environments make car configuration easy
    › Ten themed packages and some individual options
    › Sustainably processed leather and upholstery made of 40 per cent pure new wool

    Mladá Boleslav, 1 September 2020 – Clear, innovative and sustainable: along with its first model to be based on the MEB modular electric car platform, ŠKODA is presenting an all new structure for the options available. In the ENYAQ iV, Design Selections replace the classic trim levels. Each of these styles features a tasteful interior with a high feel-good factor. Inspired by modern living environments, they make use of natural, sustainably processed and recycled materials. Customising the vehicle to suit the owner’s taste now only takes a few steps. In addition to ten themed packages, a number of individual choices are available for all variants.


    With the Design Selections, ŠKODA designers have created holistically coordinated interior options based on modern living environments. These differ, for example, in terms of the upholstery, decorative trims and dashboard as well as by using different materials. Furthermore, depending on the chosen Design Selection, the floor mats, centre console and ambient lighting also have a different feel and appearance. The entry-level ENYAQ 50 iV starts with the puristic Studio design. The Loft option, which comes as standard for the ENYAQ 60 iV upwards, is based on modern, homely apartments for young families. And the dashboard, with its different levels, sports a two-tone design. Other Design Selections are available on request. Lodge represents sustainability and innovation, whilst Lounge embodies quality and exclusivity, and the Suite and ecoSuite selections provide classic luxury details. In the ENYAQ RS iV, RS Lounge emphasises the car’s sporty character, while the optional RS Suite design radiates dynamic elegance. In total, there are ten different themed packages available, with the majority coming in a basic and a more comprehensive Plus version.

    Use of sustainable materials

    In the Lodge and ecoSuite designs, ŠKODA has focused on sustainability. The Lodge seat covers are made of 40 per cent new wool that has been independently tested and certified in line with the strict requirements of the Woolmark Company. The Wool Blend Performance label is reserved for products made with between 30 and 49.9 per cent new wool. The remaining 60 per cent of the upholstery is made of polyester from recycled PET bottles. The seat covers also feature a unique surface feel and offer a pleasant seat temperature – getting neither too hot nor too cold. The cognac-coloured leather used in the ecoSuite Design Selection is produced particularly sustainably. Instead of chemicals, the hide has been treated using olive leaf extracts.

    A wide range of standard equipment even in the entry-level variant

    Even the standard equipment of the ŠKODA ENYAQ 50 iV is extensive. This includes dual-zone Climatronic, a multifunction leather steering wheel, keyless start in the form of KESSY GO, DAB digital radio, SmartLink technology, LED headlights and a fast-charging capacity of up to 50 kW. When fitted with a larger battery, the standard equipment also expands to incorporate parking sensors, a rear-view camera or a heated steering wheel, for example. Depending on the selected ENYAQ iV version, the standard equipment includes paddles on the steering wheel too. The driver can use these to select the degree of energy recovery.

    New, simplified offering and optional packages for various themes

    ŠKODA has reorganised the availability of its optional equipment and restructured the standard choices to make configuring an ENYAQ iV as clear and simple as possible. The ordering process has also been made clearer to provide a better user experience. After just a few clicks, the customer is presented with their personalised ENYAQ iV. Some individual options are available for all models.

    Connectivity: Large 13-inch display, new Digital Cockpit
    and specific online services

    › Modern infotainment system with a screen measuring up to 13 inches
    › Multifunction steering wheel makes it even easier to use the Digital Cockpit, which comes as standard
    › Online support for numerous functions and remote access via ŠKODA Connect app

    Mladá Boleslav, 1 September 2020 – Always online and cleverly connected: the modern infotainment system in the ŠKODA ENYAQ iV is based on the latest generation of the Modular Infotainment Matrix and offers numerous innovative functions backed by online support. The central component is the car’s free-standing touchscreen measuring up to 13 inches, which can also be operated by gesture control and using the Laura digital voice assistant. The most important information is presented to the driver on the redesigned 5.3 inch Digital Cockpit, which features four different layouts and is now even easier to use via the multifunction steering wheel. Battery charging and the air conditioning can be conveniently controlled remotely in the ŠKODA Connect app.


    The ENYAQ iV’s free-standing display impresses with a 13-inch screen – the largest in any ŠKODA. It offers customisable layouts and can be controlled by touch, via a touch slider, by multi‑touch gestures and with hand movements. Furthermore, it can also be operated using the Laura digital voice assistant. She understands 15 languages, for six of which she can even process fluently spoken sentences. The redesigned Digital Cockpit presents the driver with the most important information, such as speed, driving data, navigation and active assistance systems, on a 5.3-inch display. And the driver can intuitively switch between different layouts using the multifunction steering wheel.


    In addition to analogue radio, the infotainment system can also receive DAB digital radio as well as Internet and hybrid radio. Using wireless SmartLink technology, Android Auto, Apple CarPlay or MirrorLink™, smartphones can be wirelessly integrated into the system, and they can be inductively charged when placed in the Phone Box. An amplifier with four 20-watt channels provides the perfect sound. In the ENYAQ 50 iV, which has a 10-inch display with touch keys, this powers four speakers as standard, and eight from the ENYAQ 60 iV upwards. The CANTON Sound System with a total of twelve speakers is available as an option.

    Always online with built-in eSIM and functions specific to an electric vehicle

    The permanent online connection provided by the built-in eSIM allows many functions to be backed by online support. Traffic Information, for example, makes use of online data, as does the navigation system’s route planning. The comprehensive ŠKODA Connect mobile online services offer functions specific to an electric vehicle too. This means that, via the ŠKODA Connect app or web portal, the owner can also remotely control battery charging, switch on the air conditioning before starting their journey or set corresponding schedules. Furthermore, the Internet connection enables ‘over the air’ updates for maps and system software.

    • Simply Clever features: Practical charging-cable ideas

    › Cable compartment under the boot floor, cable cleaner and charging socket protector
    › Plenty of storage space now thanks to two shelves in the redesigned centre console
    › New space on the inside of the tailgate for the classic ŠKODA ice scraper

    Mladá Boleslav, 1 September 2020 – When it comes to all-electric vehicles, different questions arise than for cars with a combustion engine. Where do I store the charging cable? And how do I keep my hands clean when handling the cable? ŠKODA has found suitable Simply Clever answers to these questions too. The charging cable can be easily cleaned with a cable cleaner after use, and there is a protective cap for the charging socket. Afterwards, the cable can be stowed in a compartment under the boot floor. The car also comes with true Simply Clever classics such as the umbrella in the driver’s door and the ice scraper with a tyre tread depth gauge. In the ENYAQ iV, this is now found on the inside of the tailgate rather than the fuel filler flap.

    Due to its concept, the ENYAQ iV does not have a transmission tunnel as is found in vehicles with a combustion engine. ŠKODA designers have used this space to their advantage for a new interior concept that includes clever new storage options. In addition to the 6.2-litre Jumbo Box under the centre armrest, a second storage compartment under the centre console – which is designed like a bridge – offers a further 11.4 l of storage space. ŠKODA has also developed a new Simply Clever feature for the compartment under the adjustable false boot floor: an insert divided into various compartments ensures that items stored there do not slide around during the journey. In the large boot’s main compartment, solutions such as the SigmaQuick boot nets keep things neat and tidy, with the nets being particularly easy to open.


    Further selected Simply Clever features

    Sleep package
    Electrically retractable tow bar
    Storage compartment in the front doors with umbrella
    Boot nets with convenient SigmaQuick net opening
    Retractable sun blinds for the rear side windows
    Two USB-C ports and a 230-V socket in the rear
    Electric tailgate incl. Tip-To-Close function and virtual pedal
    Two smartphone storage pockets on the front seatbacks
    Folding tray tables on the front seatbacks
    Adjustable false boot floor
    Ticket holder on the driver’s A-pillar
    Holders for 1.5-litre bottles in the front and rear doors
    Electric child safety lock
    Ice scraper with a tyre tread depth gauge on the inside of the tailgate

    ŠKODA iV ecosystem: Everything under one roof

    › MyŠKODA Powerpass enables recharging all across Europe using just a single card
    › ŠKODA invests in expansion of charging infrastructure and recycling of batteries
    › Three different ŠKODA iV wall boxes available

    Mladá Boleslav, 1 September 2020 – In its 125th year, ŠKODA is pressing ahead along its path from a traditional car manufacturer into the Simply Clever company for the best mobility solutions. In addition to adding partially or fully electrified vehicles to the brand’s portfolio, this transition also includes developing the ŠKODA iV ecosystem. This enables batteries to be charged easily and conveniently across Europe using the MyŠKODA Powerpass, offers intelligent online services and provides various wall boxes for charging at home or work. What’s more, ŠKODA is massively expanding the charging infrastructure through its dealers and is establishing a sustainable recycling cycle for used batteries.

    With a range of up to 510 km* in the WLTP cycle, the new ŠKODA ENYAQ iV is designed for travelling and covering long distances. The MyŠKODA Powerpass allows users to charge their vehicles with ease using just one card at most of the 195,000 charging points in the European Union. In addition to most public charging stations, these also include fast-charging stations on international traffic routes and trunk roads, and publicly accessible charging points at ŠKODA dealers. The costs are transparent and in line with market standards, and will be charged to the customer in a monthly MyŠKODA Powerpass invoice. The pass is, however, included in the ENYAQ iV’s purchase price for the first 3 years.

    ŠKODA expands charging infrastructure and backs renewable energies

    Alongside the market launch of its ŠKODA CITIGOᵉ iV and SUPERB iV, ŠKODA has started to expand its charging infrastructure – focusing on renewable energies. To compensate for the weather-related fluctuating availability of solar power, for example, ŠKODA has developed the ŠKODA iV energy storage system – the first stage of a recycling cycle for used batteries. The stations are equipped with 20 batteries that were previously used in ŠKODA iV plug-in hybrids and accumulate excess green or inexpensive off-peak electricity. This is then used to power charging points, the lighting, heating, air conditioning and new interactive electromobility information pillars in showrooms. It is also possible to operate fast-charging stations in this way, keeping them independent of the capacity of the local power grid. Once batteries come to the end of their second life cycle as part of the energy storage system, ŠKODA feeds them into a controlled recycling process.

    Three different ŠKODA iV wall boxes and Ionity quick-charging network

    ŠKODA offers three versions of the ŠKODA iV wall box for at-home charging. The ŠKODA iV Charger is the basic variant for use in private households. The ŠKODA iV Charger Connect has a LAN and Wi-Fi connection too for controlling the charging process remotely via the ŠKODA Connect app. This version of the wall box also has an RFID reader that prevents unauthorised use, for example in residential car parks. The ŠKODA iV Charger Connect+ can also communicate with the server over the mobile phone network via an LTE connection and is equipped with a certified electricity meter in addition to the RFID reader. This allows energy usage to be continuously tracked in the ŠKODA Connect app. Each wall box comes with an installation service as well for addressing any technical questions in advance. Furthermore, the owner can recharge their ŠKODA ENYAQ iV at fast-charging stations using the fast-charging cable. ŠKODA is involved in building the Ionity quick-charging network throughout Europe.

    ŠKODA AUTO invests 32 million euros in ENYAQ iV production line
    at its Mladá Boleslav plant

    › ŠKODA AUTO completes the group’s only production line on which MEB and MQB vehicles can be built alongside one another
    › Modifications made to cater for installation of the floor assembly including high-voltage batteries and implementation of necessary safety precautions
    › Production of the first MEB-based ŠKODA is set to start before the end of this year

    Mladá Boleslav, 1 September 2020 – ŠKODA AUTO has now completed the conversion of an existing production line at its main factory in Mladá Boleslav for MEB vehicles, which has been in progress since last summer. This work included structural changes to the building as well as modifications to the conveyor technology and final assembly line. Investments made amount to 32 million euros. It is now the only line in the entire Volkswagen Group on which vehicles based on the MEB modular electric car platform and the MQB modular transverse matrix can be built alongside one another. This means that the all-electric ŠKODA ENYAQ iV, the OCTAVIA and the KAROQ compact SUV all roll off the same production line at the
    Mladá Boleslav plant.

    Michael Oeljeklaus, ŠKODA AUTO Board Member for Production and Logistics, stressed,
    “The conversion of the ŠKODA ENYAQ iV production line in Mladá Boleslav, which was completed on schedule, allows us to manufacture vehicles based on the MEB and MQB platforms in parallel. This is a unique concept across the entire group. It enables us to produce between 250 and 350 units of the ENYAQ iV per day at our main factory with total flexibility. This means we can react to the respective market demand without delay whilst ensuring that the line runs at full capacity at all times. Production of the new flagship of our model range is set to start this year still.”

    Preparations for the production line to build the first ŠKODA based on the MEB electric car platform began last summer. Since then, some structural elements of the building as well as technologies for transporting parts, for example, have been modified to cater for the weight of all-electric vehicles and their assembled components. Furthermore, the final floor assembly is automated following the conversion, and now includes the high-voltage traction battery too. ŠKODA AUTO has installed auxiliary robots for handling the heavy battery packs. The Czech car manufacturer also set up a larger workstation to adjust the head-up displays. ŠKODA AUTO placed a special focus on safety during the conversion of the production line, especially in terms of battery handling. The company has made comprehensive fire-proofing provisions and installed thermal imaging cameras, for example. These monitor the temperature in the factory hall around the clock and trigger an alarm if they detect any abnormalities.

    Despite comprehensive conversion work, the line can in future still be used for manufacturing models that feature another type of powertrain. Thus, the ENYAQ iV, OCTAVIA and KAROQ will be built with maximum flexibility on the same production line in future. This makes the ENYAQ iV the only MEB-based Volkswagen Group vehicle in Europe to be manufactured outside of Germany.

    ŠKODA AUTO is consistently pressing ahead with the electrification of its model range

    ŠKODA AUTO is unveiling the new ENYAQ in Prague today and taking another major step forward in the implementation of its electromobility strategy. The new SUV is the brand’s first all-electric model that was designed as such from the outset.

    The all-electric ŠKODA CITIGOᵉ iV has been rolling off the line in Bratislava, Slovakia, since the end of 2019. What’s more, the Czech carmaker produces the SUPERB iV plug-in hybrid at its factory in Kvasiny. And ŠKODA is not the only company to use the high-voltage traction batteries manufactured at its main plant in Mladá Boleslav; they also feature in MQB models with a partially electrified powertrain from other brands within the group.

    ŠKODA AUTO places particular importance on preparing its staff and students as well as employees of its suppliers for the demands of electromobility in a targeted and comprehensive way. To date, approximately 20,000 workers have successfully completed the special training programmes.

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  4. Le rughe non mi piacciono, ma sono curioso di poterle vedere e toccare dal vivo al fine di confermare o meno il mio disappunto.
    Bellissime le nuove ottiche posteriori e gli interni.


    Tra le novita da segnalare il Night Vision (primo veicolo della categoria ad averlo), ADAS che permette di rilevare esseri viventi in caso di pessima visibilità, infotainment da 10’’, head-up da 12.3’’, inserti in legno di tiglio scuro.

    Fuori proiettori a led e griglie piano black sin dall’allestimento base mentre GT e GT Pack hanno in dotazione i Full Led con Modalità Nebbia, in sostituzione dei fendi.

    Addio all’arancione met. e al grigio-verde met. che fanno spazio a due nuove tonalità di blu, fra cui il Vertigo.

    Sotto il cofano 1.2 PureTech 130 (anche EAT8), 1.6 PureTech EAT8 180, 1.5 BlueHdi 130 (anche EAT8), HYBRID 225 e-EAT8 a trazione anteriore (un elettrico + benzina), HYBRID4 300 e-EAT8 a trazione integrale (due elettrici + benzina)

  5. Nissan USA ha deciso di sostituire il vetusto Frontier (leggasi Navara D40 del 2005), con una nuova generazione che poi proprio nuova non sarà poiché la piattaforma sarà la medesima, benché opportunamente migliorata e modificata.

    A tal proposito, Nissan intende usufruire dei miglioramenti che Mercedes-Benz apportò allo chassis durante lo sviluppo del defunto Classe X.


    Di seguito foto spia ed anteprima mostrata durante il lancio del nuovo product plan.

  - Nissan - WS















  6. 4 minuti fa, lukka1982 scrive:

    Ma domanda...

    Si da per scontato che sia il muletto della D-UV perchè le foto son state fatte in zona Innovation Lab di Modena?

    Cos’altro potrebbe essere? Fammi pensare un po’.
    Stando ai Product Fantasy di FCA l’unica papabile è effettivamente lei, a meno che non abbiano in mente un revamp pesante per Stelvio

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