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  1. Velox, Currently, living in France, I must say it is not easy to be an Italian car fan. Maybe in Italy, you can not feel the same thing, but generally speaking, people in France are aggressively against Italian cars. For them : FIAT = "bullshit cars" Alfa = "a BMW for the Third World" Lancia = "it still exists ?" Ferrari = " They win because they corrupt FIA managers" Maserati = " a disguised Ferrari" Lamborghini = " Fortunately, the brand belongs to VW Group : thanks to that , we'll have, at least, reliable cars" In France, they have an expression about Italian cars : they call them "Pizzamobile" So, what can you say in front of such stupidity : nothing. It is worth talking with silly people and Talibans. But unfortunately, brand images of Italian cars in France (and in Denmark for Fiat) are very very bad. And this way of thinking in France is not confidential at all. Must I recall that, in France, Fiat sales are below Mercedes sales. Regards, Imothep
  2. Ciccio, It is not irresposible at all to boycott ennemies : Because, you can not learn anything from them. They are just Talibans. You say that Stilo is not at the level of the foreign competition : To which level do you refer ? : assembly quality, engine, suspensions, handling, comfort, equipment , price, design, reliability, driving pleasure ? IT IS YOUR ATITUDE, Ciccio, WHICH IS STUPID The purpose is not to say "everything is beautiful in a beautiful world" The aim is to have constructive critics and explicit discussions. That is what makes things going ahead Regards, Imothep
  3. Ciao Well, sorry my Italian is too poor to answer correctly so I do it in English. I am tifoso of Italian cars and as a true Italian car lover, I am also very exigent. My favourite brand is Lancia (I have got a Lancia Delta Integrale Evo I). To me, the last Lancia (Lybra, Delta II) are not true Lancia : a real Lancia must be SPORTY , POWERFUL and LUXURY : all those things which gave Lancia a unique feeling. Remember it is Lancia that has invented the GT concept with the Aurelia. In the same manner, the Fulvia , Flavia etc... I think that many people turned away from Lancia cars because they consider that Lancia does not make anymore true Lancia. With the Lancia upcoming models ( new Delta, Medea, Integrale and HF versions etc...), I am sure that these persons will come back to buy again Lancia cars. I am from Denmark and for my studies, I am currently in France. I can say to you that many persons buy German cars BECAUSE Italian auto industry, for the moment, does not offer similar models in the same segment. They have no choice : What do they want ? Customers want reliability, quality, good engines, good handling etc.. but they also want brand image, exclusive feeling (the famous Italian Touch) For example, if Lancia offers an alternative of the BMW M3 with the new Delta Integrale, sure it will be a GREAT SUCCESS. Because, it is what many previous Lancia owners EXPECT FOR !!! I AGREE with Taurus : I take an example : In France (also in Denmark), many people criticize the poor plastic quality, poor assembly quality ( ie dashboards), various noise (in France, they call it "usignolo Italiano") etc... They also said that the best engines are German : BMW M3 with the best Torque/Egine capacity ratio in the world, Porsche much more reliable than Ferrari, VW has the most powerful Diesel engine in the world (V10 TDI). Italiaspped, in a more subtle manner, has the same language than the adversaries of Italian cars. A TRUE ITALIAN FAN would say : Ok, compare to a VW Golf, why the Fiat Stilo has an inferior quality assembly. Is it due to an industrialization problem ? a problem with the supplier ? is it a design problem ? Or is it due to the fact that Fiat wants to sell the Stilo cheaper than the VW Golf so Fiat is forced to use plastic which are inferior to a Golf. I say, to me, it is a mystery ? I think it is much more difficult to create a Diesel Multijet engine than buying top quality plastic for dashboards to a supplier and assembly it in a good way !!!! I say it again : Italiaspeed is a enemy of Italian Auto Industry.
  4. Ciao, Taurus, dove posso trovare alcune immagine della 1900 Sprint Bertone ? Ti ringrazio, Imothep
  5. Ciao, Alcune parole del sito Italiaspeed sul Idea e Alfa Romeo GT : Sul Idea : ".... the cockpit's only let down being a cheap-looking design steering wheel..." "....The Idea's biggest problem, apart from the silly name...." "...knowing Fiat's reputation for "cringing"( in Italiano "rannicchiarsi") advertising campaigns..." "....With much interest in the Idea it was dissapointing that the two models here, a Multijet version finished in a dreary (in Italiano "squallido") orange and a second turntable-mounted model in an equally uninspiring pale blue colour, were mounted on stands where potential buyers were unable to give them detailed examination. Sul Alfa GT Coupe : "....The Alfa Romeo Coupe GT made its public debut in Geneva earlier this week to a lukewarm (in Italiano "tiepida") reception...." "....viewers from seeing either the controversial rear end,...." "....Journalists were unimpressed by the finish of the primary show car. The bonnet fit was poor, while the top of the large 'heart' shaped grille mounted on the bonnet sits uneasily with the main section....." "...Opinion is divided on the rear end. The 147-style side swages appear too deep as they flow back from the doors, while the C-pillar eases uncomfortably down to the body. The rear bumper offers cutouts for the exhaust on either side, implying that performance versions will receive a twin exhaust outlet system....." Le parole sono letteralmente INGIURIOSE per Alfa e Fiat !!! Che ne pensate ? Imothep
  6. Taurus, Grazie per la tua risposta. Infatto, credo che il sito Italiaspeed e un sito per li nemici della macchina Italiana BOYCOTT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Ciao, Nel sito Italiaspeed, hanno scritto che il disegno ( posteriore etc...) della GT Coupe é un flop (pubblico, stampa). Che ne pensate ?
  8. Ciao Taurus, Ti ringrazio per la tua risposta. Ma il motore : E un motore GM ( lo stesso della Opel Speedster Turbo) o un motore 100% Italiano ?
  9. Ciao Bialbero, Complimenti per il tuo sito !
  10. Concordo pienamente !!! Ma visto del estero, la Fiat non ha una immagine di qualita : Spero che il "Marketing Fiat" lavorarà su questo aspetto molto importante per superare la concorrenza teutonica e francese ! FORZA FIAT !!!!
  11. Caro Taurus, Potrei confermare che la nuova Fulvia avra un 4 cilindri 2L Turbo con 250 Cv ? Il motore : origine Fiat o GM (ie : lo stesso che la Opel Speedster Turbo) ? Quale sarebbe il peso paer la Fulvia ? Grazie per le tue risposte, Imothep (scusa mi per il mio Italiano, ma tento di miglioraremi)
  12. Ciao Taurus !!!!! La Kamal, la trovo BELLISIMA !!! Spero che ci sara una versione molto potenta ( almeno 350 cv) FORZA ALFA ROMEO !!!! (e bye-bye BMW !!!)
  13. Ciao Velox, Grazie per il tuo il messagio di benvenuto !!! Imothep
  14. Imothep

    Ciao !!!

    Ciao a tutti !!! FORZA Fiat ! Imothep (Denmark)
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