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  1. at first there were rumors next icona would be f40 inspired. but recently we are hearing that it would be a p4 icona. the front of the mule doesn't seem voluptuous like the p4 but rather flat like a f40 and square headlight design also like a f40 design but i really hope your info is correct and it looks like a p4...
  2. how they will do the windshield and roofline of the modern p4. one logical solution going full glass option as shown in the laferrari tenso concept ... pininfarina-ferrari p4 / 5 was the last modern interpretation of 330p4 / 412p and it had glass roof but comparatively flat front design .. will the new p4 look voluptuous as the original?
  3. f255 is the code name for next Lmh ferrari not the laferrrai-replacement and which will be a pure prototype, not based on any road going ferrari.
  4. this photo of the so-called next laferrari-mule by varryx was posted on a facebook group in january 2020 and according to the marked comment it's not a laferrari replacement mule but the next icona mule. now so many months later we are hearing that next icona is based on the laferrari and according to a well sourced member on ferrarichat it's inspiration is p4. another member stated it will not be hybrid. so a p4 icona based on the laferrari aperta seems feasible now since the running mules are all aperta....
  5. so next generation v6 race cars will be made by oreca in france? what a shame? very very sad day in ferrari history.
  6. while everyone is saying its the next flagship-hypercar mule, some-one suggests that its a mule of next icona . is there any truth in his comment?
  7. what about this laferrari mule? people are telling it may be a laferrari replacement mule, is't true? or what actually it is? according to spotters of this mule it's a v12 test-mule. is't a development mule for a new v12 engine?
  8. will there be any full EV ferrari in near future? various patents of ferrari ev are filed in european patent office.
  9. i would say an electric ferrari will free from many obstractions which designers face while designing an ice powered car. ev could open the idea of wild ferrari designs like this.. besids they're developing a new v12 and a v6. so it can be assumed that after 2025 they will have a lineup comprising v6+ hybrid. maybe also a non-hybrid v6(why not?). v8+hybrid. v12(NA) + next generation technology and pure EV models..
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