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Risposte pubblicato da Cole_90

  1. Hyundai ha deciso di correre ai ripari stravolgendo lo stile della sua HB20 che, benché sia stato criticato da molti media al debutto della seconda generazione, non ha impedito al veicolo di ottenere buoni risultati di vendita.

    Migliorati anche gli interni, la dotazione infotainment con il nuovo schermo da 8'', ricarica wireless e mirroring per smartphones e la dotazione di sicurezza che adesso garantisce sei airbags di serie DCT, ESP e Hill Holder.

    I motori sono il 1.0 MPi da 79 cv ed il 1.0 T-GDi da 118 cv.











    Press Release:



    lug. 6, 2022 La Hyundai HB20 festeggia i 10 anni dal suo lancio e riceve un look aggiornato seguendo l'identità di design globale del marchio, Sensuous Sportiness, con dimensioni maggiori e l'inclusione di contenuti di sicurezza e tecnologia che lo rendono il più completo della sua categoria. La percezione premium del veicolo è rafforzata dalla qualità delle finiture e dalle funzionalità di connettività del sistema Hyundai Bluelink migliorate per il modello. “Oltre al design all'avanguardia, con una personalità audace e dinamica, la nuova Hyundai HB20 è dotata di un livello superiore di comfort e praticità e di una suite completa di tecnologie avanzate che si trovano solo nei segmenti superiori. Siamo fiduciosi che i clienti godranno di un'esperienza di guida ancora più completa, con diverse innovazioni pionieristiche per il segmento", afferma Chul Youn Park, Vice President of Commercial Operations di Hyundai per il Centro e Sud America. “La Nuova Hyundai HB20 è un'auto in anticipo sui tempi, ispirata dalle preferenze delle nuove generazioni, come Millennia e Generazione Z, che stanno ora entrando nel mercato. Questi nuovi clienti non sono solo motivati dalla proprietà, vogliono un'auto che li aiuti a sfuggire allo stress quotidiano di lunghi spostamenti, traffico intenso e rischi di incidenti. Un'auto che dà loro il controllo e si relaziona ai loro scopi... che si adatta ai loro gusti e stili di vita con un'identità moderna ed emozionante", aggiunge Gerardo Carmona, Vice President Marketing, Product Planning and Sales per l'export Hyundai in Centro e Sud America mercati. “La Nuova Hyundai HB20 è un'auto in anticipo sui tempi, ispirata dalle preferenze delle nuove generazioni, come Millennia e Generazione Z, che stanno ora entrando nel mercato. Questi nuovi clienti non sono solo motivati dalla proprietà, vogliono un'auto che li aiuti a sfuggire allo stress quotidiano di lunghi spostamenti, traffico intenso e rischi di incidenti. Un'auto che dà loro il controllo e si relaziona ai loro scopi... che si adatta ai loro gusti e stili di vita con un'identità moderna ed emozionante", aggiunge Gerardo Carmona, Vice President Marketing, Product Planning and Sales per l'export Hyundai in Centro e Sud America mercati. “La Nuova Hyundai HB20 è un'auto in anticipo sui tempi, ispirata dalle preferenze delle nuove generazioni, come Millennia e Generazione Z, che stanno ora entrando nel mercato. Questi nuovi clienti non sono solo motivati dalla proprietà, vogliono un'auto che li aiuti a sfuggire allo stress quotidiano di lunghi spostamenti, traffico intenso e rischi di incidenti. Un'auto che dà loro il controllo e si relaziona ai loro scopi... che si adatta ai loro gusti e stili di vita con un'identità moderna ed emozionante", aggiunge Gerardo Carmona, Vice President Marketing, Product Planning and Sales per l'export Hyundai in Centro e Sud America mercati. che stanno entrando nel mercato ora. Questi nuovi clienti non sono solo motivati dalla proprietà, vogliono un'auto che li aiuti a sfuggire allo stress quotidiano di lunghi spostamenti, traffico intenso e rischi di incidenti. Un'auto che dà loro il controllo e si relaziona ai loro scopi... che si adatta ai loro gusti e stili di vita con un'identità moderna ed emozionante", aggiunge Gerardo Carmona, Vice President Marketing, Product Planning and Sales per l'export Hyundai in Centro e Sud America mercati. che stanno entrando nel mercato ora. Questi nuovi clienti non sono solo motivati dalla proprietà, vogliono un'auto che li aiuti a sfuggire allo stress quotidiano di lunghi spostamenti, traffico intenso e rischi di incidenti. Un'auto che dà loro il controllo e si relaziona ai loro scopi... che si adatta ai loro gusti e stili di vita con un'identità moderna ed emozionante", aggiunge Gerardo Carmona, Vice President Marketing, Product Planning and Sales per l'export Hyundai in Centro e Sud America mercati. Più comodità a bordo La Nuova Hyundai HB20 arriva ricca di contenuti tecnologici. Con il sistema Hyundai Bluelink, il riconoscimento vocale e la possibilità di connettere in modalità wireless Google Android Auto e Apple Car Play, conducente e passeggeri saranno più comodi e connessi ovunque si trovino. Il nuovo Supervision Cluster, disponibile dalla versione Platinum in poi, è un quadro strumenti completamente digitale, colorato e interattivo, che offre tre opzioni di colore di sfondo tra cui scegliere il guidatore e la configurazione personalizzata degli elementi di sicurezza e comfort. Inoltre, per la versione Platinum Plus, il climatizzatore digitale diventa automatico, con tre livelli di intensità. Particolare enfasi sul Remote Engine Start, disponibile dalla versione Platinum. Questa tecnologia offre al guidatore la comodità di avviare il motore e raffreddare l'auto a distanza, utilizzando la chiave di persona. Per avviare il motore, il cliente deve premere il pulsante per bloccare le portiere dell'auto e quindi tenere premuto il pulsante di avviamento a distanza per 3 secondi. La chiave in loco consente inoltre di bloccare e sbloccare le porte per prossimità, premendo un pulsante sulla maniglia, e di avviare il motore tramite un pulsante sul pannello. Sono inoltre disponibili le leve del cambio al volante e il sistema Stop & Go (ISG), che avvia e spegne automaticamente il motore in situazioni di stop per ridurre il consumo di carburante e le emissioni. La nuova Hyundai HB20 ha il centro multimediale blueMedia, che dispone di uno schermo da 8 pollici, connettività wireless agli smartphone tramite Google Android Auto o Apple Car Play e un pulsante per attivare il comando vocale al volante. Per soddisfare le richieste di un pubblico sempre più connesso, sia tramite telefoni cellulari che altri dispositivi elettronici, la nuova Hyundai HB20 dispone ora fino a 3 porte USB, di cui una di tipo A, per la trasmissione dei dati al centro multimediale, e le altre due Tipo C per la ricarica rapida della batteria, di cui 1 disponibile per i passeggeri posteriori. C'è anche un'opzione di ricarica a induzione (wireless) per la batteria del cellulare nella console centrale, appena sotto i comandi dell'aria condizionata. Cruise control e limitatore di velocità diventano standard per l'intera linea. E, per le versioni Limited, Platinum e Platinum Plus, sono disponibili le funzioni di monitoraggio posteriore tramite telecamera e sensore di parcheggio posteriore e la funzione fari automatici. Insieme al lancio della nuova Hyundai HB20, il periodo di prova gratuito del sistema di connettività veicolare Bluelink è stato esteso da 6 mesi a 3 anni. Questo periodo di grazia, valido dalla data di acquisto del veicolo, si applica retroattivamente anche a tutti i clienti che hanno acquistato in passato veicoli dotati di Bluelink, sia della famiglia HB20 che della gamma di SUV Hyundai Creta. Per Hyundai Bluelink, Vivo Empresas è responsabile di portare la tecnologia più moderna nelle auto connesse al mondo: la connessione M2M (machine to machine) per dispositivi intelligenti, che trasmette dati tra più dispositivi senza interferenze umane. In questo modo, l'IoT e-SIM incorporata consente la produzione e il collaudo del sistema in qualsiasi parte del mondo, dando a Hyundai completa libertà sulla sua catena di produzione. “La soluzione che stiamo sviluppando insieme a Hyundai non è solo la connettività, ma un ecosistema completo dedicato ai veicoli connessi”, spiega il vicepresidente B2B di Vivo, Alex Salgado. “Con il 5G, l'uso dei veicoli connessi tende a diventare ancora più significativo. Ciò consentirà di ampliare le capacità di guida del veicolo, con dati di guasto trasmessi praticamente in tempo reale, consentendo un agile ciclo di miglioramento continuo”, aggiunge il dirigente. maggiore sicurezza SmartSense è il pacchetto di sicurezza avanzato di Hyundai, che ha acquisito funzioni aggiuntive per la nuova Hyundai HB20, alcune delle quali senza precedenti nel segmento delle compatte. Con queste funzioni, la nuova Hyundai HB20 è il veicolo compatto che offre le caratteristiche di sicurezza più attive nel suo segmento. Uno degli highlight è il Lane Centering Assistant (LFA), che monitora la posizione del veicolo in relazione al segnale stradale e al veicolo che precede, agendo autonomamente sul volante per mantenere la nuova Hyundai HB20 centrata nella corsia di tiro. Nuovo nella versione Platinum Plus, il Rear Cross Traffic Assistant (RCCA) aiuta a evitare collisioni quando si esce da un parcheggio, utilizzando radar che rilevano quando un veicolo si sta avvicinando, emettendo un avviso acustico e persino frenando l'auto, se necessario. Un altro avviso senza precedenti è l'uscita sicura, che previene gli incidenti che possono essere causati dall'apertura delle porte quando altri veicoli si avvicinano. Il sistema emette avvisi se un'auto, in avvicinamento da dietro, viene rilevata nel momento in cui un occupante apre la porta per uscire. Inoltre sarà disponibile anche il Blind Spot Assist (BCA), che utilizza sensori per segnalare al guidatore la presenza di veicoli negli angoli ciechi. Questa indicazione viene effettuata direttamente sugli specchietti retrovisori esterni. BCA è una funzione attiva e, se necessario, può controllare automaticamente il veicolo per ridurre il rischio di collisione quando si cambia corsia. Tutte le versioni della nuova Hyundai HB20 hanno sei airbag, inclusi gli airbag laterali a tendina standard. Sono inclusi nella lista standard anche i freni ABS con EBD, Controlli elettronici di stabilità e trazione (ESP e TCS), Segnalazione di frenata di emergenza (ESS) e Hill Start Assist (HAC). All'interno dell'abitacolo, il pacchetto comune a tutte le versioni completa le cinture a tre punti per tutti gli occupanti, poggiatesta dei sedili anteriori e posteriori regolabili in altezza, ISOFIX®, tergicristallo e sbrinatore lunotto, chiusura automatica delle porte e velocità del bagagliaio a 20 km/ h, sicurezza per bambini sulle porte posteriori e sbloccaggio automatico delle porte in caso di incidente. design aggiornato Visivamente, tutto è nuovo. Il frontale è stato completamente aggiornato. Una nuova griglia anteriore ha elementi parametrici, come i fari alogeni DRL standard. Nella configurazione top di gamma, il Platinum Plus, il DLR è disponibile in LED. Altri punti salienti sono il paraurti più voluminoso, che ora ospita gli indicatori di direzione, e parafanghi e cofano più orizzontali, portando maggiore raffinatezza e robustezza. Il nuovo design è più lineare e geometrico, aumentando la percezione delle dimensioni della vettura, che aveva la sua lunghezza aumentata di 75 millimetri, essendo 50 millimetri nello sbalzo anteriore e 25 millimetri nello sbalzo posteriore. La parte posteriore della nuova Hyundai HB20 è stata ridisegnata e anche cresciuta. Ora è dotato di luci posteriori integrate che attraversano l'auto da un lato all'altro, in linea con altri recenti modelli Hyundai, come le nuove Tucson ed Elantra. L'armonia tra il nuovo paraurti con elementi in nero opaco, i nuovi fanali posteriori a LED, gli indicatori di direzione e luci di retromarcia posizionati nel paraurti e il cofano del bagagliaio più grande rendono il look ancora più tecnologico e moderno. Le maggiori dimensioni esterne si abbinano ai nuovi cerchi in lega da 16” con finitura diamantata, che sono cresciuti rispetto ai precedenti cerchi da 15”. Per i colori della carrozzeria, sono disponibili sei tonalità di vernice: Atlas White ed Ebony Black, per le tinte unite, Brisk Silver, Sand Silver e Silk Grey, per le vernici metallizzate, e la tonalità perlata Sapphire Blue, che era un'esclusiva della berlina HB20 e ora è ora disponibile anche nel portello. Entrando nell'abitacolo, l'abitacolo presenta un'armoniosa combinazione di colori prevalentemente scuri, che rimanda ad un ambiente tecnologico e sportivo. Motore La nuova Hyundai HB20 monta i motori Kappa 1.0 e Kappa 1.0 TGDI, che utilizzano la configurazione a 3 cilindri con 12 valvole per offrire le prestazioni di un motore più grande con i consumi di un motore compatto, seguendo il protocollo delle emissioni L7. Il motore Kappa 1.0 TGDI è l'evoluzione della tradizionale versione aspirata. Con l'iniezione diretta, il turbocompressore e l'intercooler, la potenza del motore viene erogata dai regimi più bassi, da 1.500 giri/min, e continua costante fino a 3.500 giri/min. In altre parole: il sorpasso e l'accelerazione sono più efficienti, con la piena coppia sempre disponibile. Leadership nelle autovetture Il rinnovo della Hyundai HB20 avviene in un momento in cui il modello occupa la leadership nazionale tra le autovetture nel 2022 nella classifica Fenabrave, posizione conquistata alla fine dello scorso anno. Da gennaio a giugno di quest'anno, la berlina Hyundai ha venduto 42.834 unità. Nel 2021 c'erano 86.455 unità. Controlla di seguito i prezzi per ciascuna versione della Nuova Hyundai HB20. Per accedere al video di lancio speciale, clicca qui . Prezzi e Versioni tavolo


    Hyundai Brasil (tradotto)



  2. Hyundai presenta in Indonesia lo Stargazer, MPV compatto con tratti ispirati dal design dello Staria.

    Disponbile in configurazione a 6 o 7 posti, Stargazer offre 200l di bagagliaio con tre file di sedili e 585l con due file di sedili.

    Le misure sono paragonabili a quelle di Kia Carens, con 4460mm di lunghezza, di cui 2780mm di passo e 1690mm di altezza.

    L'unico motore disponibile è il 1.5 aspirato a benzina da 115 cv con cambio CVT.













    Press Release:



    - STARGAZER is the upcoming family MPV from Hyundai and is specifically designed for Indonesian families.

    - STARGAZER carries the Sleek-One-Box typology with a one-curve design to present a spacious impression.

    - Equipped with Bluelink, the STARGAZER will be a family MPV offered by Hyundai, complete with superior features and maximum comfort.

    - STARGAZER is available for “Book Now” Period” with 4 types of variants (OTR Jakarta):

    - STARGAZER Active MT: IDR 243,300,000,-
    - STARGAZER Active IVT: IDR 255,900,000,-
    - STARGAZER Trend MT: IDR 263,300,000,-
    - STARGAZER Trend IVT: IDR 275,900,000,-
    - STARGAZER Style: IDR 296,300,000,-
    - STARGAZER Prime: IDR 307,100,000,- 

    Jakarta, 15 July 2022 - PT Hyundai Motors Indonesia (HMID) is fully revealing the dynamic, expressive, and futuristic look of its upcoming MPV product, Hyundai STARGAZER. This new product is designed explicitly for Indonesian families with a futuristic appearance and answered the characteristics of the roads in Indonesia, making STARGAZER the center of attention on every trip.

    Indonesia is a country with a tropical climate and has various road contours. Heavy traffic is one of the realities faced by most Indonesians who live in big cities. On the other hand, long commutes are part of the daily life of Indonesians. Thus, Indonesian people need a family car that can provide comfort in all conditions to support their daily mobility. 

    Starting from the vehicle design concept that reflects Indonesian environments, the practicality and maximum comfort to all family members, combined with various technology and safety features makes STARGAZER set a new benchmark for a family MPV as the new star of the family or bintang baru keluarga.

    Woojune Cha, President Director PT Hyundai Motors Indonesia, said, “STARGAZER is designed with the feel of a spacious cabin and maximum space utilization while prioritizing comfort. This product is specially designed as a new benchmark in its class. The latest product to be marketed in the country will be Hyundai's response to fulfill the needs and modern lifestyles of Indonesian consumers. Comes with innovative technology and safety features, STARGAZER can be a comfortable, practical family choice vehicle for daily mobility needs on long trips.” 

    Dynamic and Expressive Vehicle Design

    STARGAZER carries the Sleek One Box typology with One Curve Design which makes the cabin height even more perfectly optimized. The curvature of the vehicle ceiling gives the impression of a taller, more spacious, and wider interior appearance, making it ideal for Indonesian family trips and providing the value of comfort.

    Designed as an eye-stealer, the exterior of STARGAZER is decorated with Horizontal DRL on the front, which makes it even more attractive. The application of Horizontal DRL is the design language of Hyundai STARGAZER and reflects Indonesia as a country located on the equator. At the rear, this MPV is also installed with a Distinctive H Rear Lamp, which emphasizes that STARGAZER is a product of Hyundai, even though it looks from a distance. In addition, the symmetrical H lamp symbolizes balance, unity, and harmony that connects Indonesia from the East to the West. The design shows Hyundai's innovation in combining technology and emotional values.


    The practicality of the STARGAZER interior is created thanks to the Multifunctional Storage Space, which is the main concept in the interior design of STARGAZER. This design concept allows all passengers to feel pampered with many versatile storage spaces that take advantage of hidden areas. Some include small trays, cup holders, extra pockets, picnic tables, and others. This makes the cabin space more spacious and practical without compromising passenger comfort. On the front side, an elongated and slim dashboard produces a wider, dynamic front space and gives the impression of extra protection for passengers.

    To provide maximum comfort, STARGAZER has a Captain Seat applied to the second row. The Captain Seat adds to the impression of airy space and a greater sense of open space. Even more, the Captain Seat is complete with an armrest, which makes passengers' hands more relaxed, and seat configurations that can be adjusted forward, backward, upright, or reclined. Passengers who will sit in the third row have easier access due to the space in the middle.  


    Innovative Technology Features

    Hyundai Motors Indonesia also presents its innovative technology by embedding the Hyundai Bluelink, a Connected Car Service innovation from Hyundai that allows customers to always be connected to their car via a smartphone. Hyundai Bluelink gives STARGAZER owners full access to essential features, such as knowing the current condition of the vehicle, turning on/off the engine, adjusting the cabin temperature, locking/unlocking the door, turning on the horn, turning on/off the lights, to find out where the vehicle is parked.

    This technology will also provide security and convenience because through Hyundai Bluelink. Customers can access various advanced features, such as Stolen Vehicle Notification & Stolen Vehicle Tracking, Stolen Vehicle Immobilization, ACN (Auto Collision Notification), SOS/Emergency Assistance, Roadside Assistance. (RSA) and other security features.


    Starting today, Hyundai opens the opportunity for the "Book Now" period,  whereas customers can place orders through the nearest dealer or HMID's official website at Hyundai STARGAZER is offered in four variants, namely Active, Trend, Style, and Prime, with the following prices (OTR Jakarta😞

    - STARGAZER Active MT: IDR 243,300,000,-
    - STARGAZER Active IVT: IDR 255,900,000,-
    - STARGAZER Trend MT: IDR 263,300,000,-
    - STARGAZER Trend IVT: IDR 275,900,000,-
    - STARGAZER Style: IDR 296,300,000,-
    - STARGAZER Prime: IDR 307,100,000,- 

    There is an additional cost of IDR 1.000.000 for Captain Seat that is available for Trend, Style and Prime variants. STARGAZER is also available with a Two-Tone Color option with an additional cost of IDR 1.500.000 for the Prime variant only.

    As the answer for a worry-free experience during the ownership of STARGAZER, Hyundai provides various sales and after-sales programs including: 

    - Free Spare Parts for periodic maintenance for 3+1 years or 60,000 (whichever comes first)
    - Basic Warranty for 3+1 years or 100,000 KM (whichever comes first).
    - Free maintenance services for 5 years or 75,000 (whichever comes first).

    Hyundai is currently offering a special program, Hyundai Owner Assurance Program, for customers who make purchases from July until December 2022, which includes:

    - Payment Protection Program*: guarantee of financing repayment during the tenor period for STARGAZER owners in the event of an accident. This applies within 1 year of usage, and specifically to financing through Hyundai Finance.

    - Customer Protection Program*: guarantee of medical expenses for STARGAZER driver and passengers in the event of an accident, for up to 7 people with expenses up to IDR 100 Million per-person. This program is valid for up to 1 year after the car is delivered.

    - New STARGAZER Replacement Guarantee*, replacement of a new car with the same type, color, and specifications if your STARGAZER car is damaged, at least 75%. Valid for up to 1 year after the vehicle is delivered.

    - Resale Value Guarantee*: this program guarantees customers’ STARGAZER resale value at 70% when they want to exchange their STARGAZER with any Hyundai car within the first 3 years of ownership.

    Hyundai also provides special financing programs through Hyundai Finance, including:

    - Smart Deal Package,  low installments starting from IDR 2,400,000 per-month.
    - Low Down Payment Package, low down payment starting from 10%. 

    For myHyundai Indonesia users, Hyundai offers various special promo programs during the "Book Now" period, which runs from 15 July to 10 August 2022, including:

    - ISMAYA e-voucher** of IDR 250,000 (no minimum transaction).
    - Mothercare e-voucher** of IDR 250,000 (minimum transaction of IDR 500,000).
    - E-voucher Optik Melawai** of IDR 1,000,000 (minimum transaction of IDR 3,000,000).

    As an additional benefit for customers that book STARGAZER during the “Book Now” period, Hyundai gives the opportunity to get The tickets to Qatar 2022 World Cup Final for lucky winners (Each winner will get 2 tickets). 

    HMID will officially announce complete car specifications and features that are available for Indonesian customers in the future. For more information regarding the latest innovations and programs from Hyundai, please visit the official HMID website at:,or through Hyundai's various social media channels on Instagram Hyundai Motor Indonesia, Youtube Hyundai Motors Indonesia, Facebook Hyundai Motors Indonesia, dan Twitter @HyundaiMotorID


    *terms and conditions applied

    Hyundai Indonesia


    Topic Spy: ▶️ [IDN] Hyundai Stargazer 2022 (Spy)


  3. Aggiornato il primo messaggio con un riassunto informativo su Crown Crossover condito con un po' di tecnica.

    Troverete anche video e nuove foto!



    Crown Crossover è quella che gradisco meno dell'intera famigliola, ma comunque il mio parere rimane positivo purché non bicolor.



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  4. 35 minuti fa, maxsona scrive:


    Dagli aggiornamenti sembra di no ... non capisco se è a trazione integrale o posteriore.

    Da Motor1 USA


    All  versions offer standard all-wheel drive, but the Platinum model's Hybrid Max powertrain introduces an E-Four Advanced all-wheel-drive system for the first time in the Toyota lineup. This unique layout transfers as much as 80 percent of the available power to the rear wheels, which gives the Platinum Crown a more dynamic edge.

  5. Toyota annuncia Crown come sub brand composto da 4 modelli e venduto in 40 paesi.

    Uno dei prossimi elementi sarà Crown Sport, SUV compatto che abbiamo già visto durante la mega presentazione Toyota ad inizio anno.









    Press Release:



    TOYOTA has unveiled the all new Crown for the first time in the world, and will release the Crown (Crossover type) as the first model around the fall of this year*1.

    Crown (Crossover type) Crown (Sport type) Crown (Sedan type) Crown (Estate type)

    The Crown made its initial debut in 1955 as Toyota's first mass production passenger vehicle created with Toyota's own domestic technology. The DNA of "innovation and limit-pushing" that led to the creation of the first independently developed luxury car in the early postwar period has been passed down to successive models of Crowns for the past 67 years, always pursuing new values that are one step ahead of the times and loved by many customers. However, the times have changed even faster, and the Crown has become unable to fully meet the diversifying needs of its customers, and its presence as a flagship vehicle has become less significant.

    In designing the new Crown, the development team thoroughly reexamined what "Crown" is, and as a result of their pursuit of a "Crown for a new era," they have created four completely new models. In addition to the Crossover type, a new style that combines a sedan and an SUV, the Sport offers a sporty driving experience with an enticing atmosphere and an easy-to-drive package. The Sedan is a new formal design that meets the needs of chauffeurs, and the Estate is a functional SUV with a mature atmosphere and ample driving space. The new series will be rolled out in about 40 countries and regions.

    Toyota Global







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  6. Toyota annuncia Crown come sub brand composto da 4 modelli e venduto in 40 paesi.

    Uno dei prossimi elementi sarà Crown Sedan, immancabile berlina e capostipite del nome.

















    Press Release:



    TOYOTA has unveiled the all new Crown for the first time in the world, and will release the Crown (Crossover type) as the first model around the fall of this year*1.

    Crown (Crossover type) Crown (Sport type) Crown (Sedan type) Crown (Estate type)

    The Crown made its initial debut in 1955 as Toyota's first mass production passenger vehicle created with Toyota's own domestic technology. The DNA of "innovation and limit-pushing" that led to the creation of the first independently developed luxury car in the early postwar period has been passed down to successive models of Crowns for the past 67 years, always pursuing new values that are one step ahead of the times and loved by many customers. However, the times have changed even faster, and the Crown has become unable to fully meet the diversifying needs of its customers, and its presence as a flagship vehicle has become less significant.

    In designing the new Crown, the development team thoroughly reexamined what "Crown" is, and as a result of their pursuit of a "Crown for a new era," they have created four completely new models. In addition to the Crossover type, a new style that combines a sedan and an SUV, the Sport offers a sporty driving experience with an enticing atmosphere and an easy-to-drive package. The Sedan is a new formal design that meets the needs of chauffeurs, and the Estate is a functional SUV with a mature atmosphere and ample driving space. The new series will be rolled out in about 40 countries and regions.

    Toyota Global


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  7. Toyota annuncia Crown come sub brand composto da 4 modelli e venduto in 40 paesi.

    Uno dei prossimi elementi sarà Crown Estate, SUV di grandi dimensioni












    Press Release:



    TOYOTA has unveiled the all new Crown for the first time in the world, and will release the Crown (Crossover type) as the first model around the fall of this year*1.

    Crown (Crossover type) Crown (Sport type) Crown (Sedan type) Crown (Estate type)

    The Crown made its initial debut in 1955 as Toyota's first mass production passenger vehicle created with Toyota's own domestic technology. The DNA of "innovation and limit-pushing" that led to the creation of the first independently developed luxury car in the early postwar period has been passed down to successive models of Crowns for the past 67 years, always pursuing new values that are one step ahead of the times and loved by many customers. However, the times have changed even faster, and the Crown has become unable to fully meet the diversifying needs of its customers, and its presence as a flagship vehicle has become less significant.

    In designing the new Crown, the development team thoroughly reexamined what "Crown" is, and as a result of their pursuit of a "Crown for a new era," they have created four completely new models. In addition to the Crossover type, a new style that combines a sedan and an SUV, the Sport offers a sporty driving experience with an enticing atmosphere and an easy-to-drive package. The Sedan is a new formal design that meets the needs of chauffeurs, and the Estate is a functional SUV with a mature atmosphere and ample driving space. The new series will be rolled out in about 40 countries and regions.

    Toyota Global





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  8. Non chiamatela IONIQ 6 N: è la RN22e, prototipo con due motori elettrici, trazione integrale e torque vectoring


















    Press Release:



    Alla scoperta di RN22e, un assaggio del futuro EV N


    RN22e offre prestazioni pronte alla pista perfezionando e ottimizzando l’innovativa Electric-Global Modular Platform (E-GMP) di Hyundai insieme a un design streamliner ispirato a IONIQ 6. Come primo rolling lab di Hyundai N basato sulla piattaforma E-GMP, RN22e illustra la visione e la direzione elettrificata del brand N aprendo la strada a un futuro modello elettrico ad alte prestazioni. Il concept ha ricevuto il suo nome perché si tratta del rolling lab del brand N sviluppato nel 2022, con prestazioni elettriche (EV).

    RN22e è stata testata per massimizzare i tre pilastri delle prestazioni N, a partire da “corner rascal”: il brand N si è impegnato fin dal suo lancio a sviluppare l’ormai caratteristica abilità nell’affrontare le curve, e ha equipaggiato la maggior parte dei modelli N con l’e-LSD, Corner Carving Differential. RN22e aumenta la sensazione di estrema aderenza in curva con un peso inevitabilmente maggiore, esplorando il torque vectoring attraverso una doppia frizione. Inoltre, le parti stampate in 3D riducono il peso e mantengono la rigidità per un migliore comportamento in curva. Dotata di trazione integrale (AWD), RN22e offre una distribuzione della coppia ottimizzata in base alle diverse modalità di guida, consentendo al conducente di scegliere la coppia sulle ruote anteriori e posteriori.


    Per migliorare le capacità di RN22e in circuito, il brand N si è concentrato sul raffreddamento e sulla frenata per aumentare la resistenza. RN22e offre impostazioni ottimizzate per la pista, per consentire ai clienti di godersi la guida senza subire cali di performance. Le pinze monoblocco a quattro pistoni e il disco ibrido da 400 mm consentono a RN22e di sopportare il peso del sistema elettrico (PE). Inoltre, Hyundai N utilizzerà RN22e per studiare il modo in cui offrire un dinamiche di guida ulteriormente migliorate utilizzando la frenata rigenerativa per controllare con precisione gli spostamenti di carico e l’ingresso in curva.

    Poiché Hyundai N sviluppa e testa tecnologie all'avanguardia da trasferire ai modelli N di produzione, RN22e svolge un ruolo importante come laboratorio di prova per i prossimi modelli N completamente elettrici. Ben conoscendo cosa entusiasma gli appassionati, il brand N sta sviluppando nuove funzionalità, come l’esperienza di guida entusiasmante per i modelli elettrificati. RN22e offre N Sound+, che genera suoni da altoparlanti interni ed esterni per incrementare la sensazione di guida dinamica. Inoltre, N e-shift integra le vibrazioni e la sensazione di cambio marcia con N Sound+. Come laboratorio su ruote che Hyundai N utilizza per sviluppare continuamente tecnologie avanzate, RN22e servirà a testare e collaudare esperienze di guida emozionale così che i futuri clienti abbiano la possibilità di scegliere il proprio personale divertimento elettrificato.


    Adattando il design streamliner di IONIQ 6, RN22e sfrutta le caratteristiche aerodinamiche del nuovo modello elettrico, cui Hyundai N ha aggiunto dettagli ispirati al motorsport per massimizzare le prestazioni. Grazie alla ridotta altezza da terra e alle spalle allargate, Hyundai N ha ottenuto un design con una forte presenza su strada. Pur mantenendo il design di IONIQ 6, il paraurti inferiore è stato progettato per essere sportivo, capace un fascino inaspettato. Grazie a questa estetica funzionale, RN22e ha potuto migliorare il raffreddamento e l’aerodinamica.

    Con una lunghezza di 4.915 mm, una larghezza di 2.023 mm e un'altezza di 1.479 mm su un passo di 2.950 mm, RN22e continuerà a evolvere grazie all’esperienza nell’ambito del motorsport, in modo che Hyundai possa affinare e perfezionare le sue tecnologie avanzate per lanciare un modello N elettrico di serie che sfrutti il potenziale della piattaforma E-GMP.


    RN22e – Specifiche tecniche



    Lungh. / Largh. / A // PASSO (㎜)

    4,915 / 2,023 / 1,479 // 2,950



    Potenza massima totale (kW)

    430 kW (anteriore e posteriore combinati)

    Coppia massima totale (Nm)

    740 Nm (anteriore e posterior combinati)


    Capacità (kWh)

    77.4 kWh

    400-V / 800-V fast multi-charging capability

    Tempi di ricarica

    Inferiori a 18 min (dal 10 all’80%)


    Velocità massima (kph)

    Superiore a 250

    Hyundai Italia



  9. Benvenuti alla  sedicesima generazione di Toyota Crown, che dopo 67 anni si evolve in una vera e propria sub gamma.

    Il primo modello ad arrivare sarà Crown Crossover che per la prima volta nella storia porterà il nome anche in America come sostituta della Avalon che sta vivendo attualmente il suo ultimo M.Y.

    Il modello misura 4928mm di lunghezza (il passo è di 2850mm), 1539mm di altezza e 1839mm di larghezza, è basato sulla piattaforma TNGA-K ed è dotato di MacPherson all'anteriore e di Multilink al posteriore.

    Se l'esterno è in piena linea con il trend del momento (ibrido tra sedan e crossover), l'interno è decisamente più in linea con lo stile a cui ci ha abituato Toyota.

    Spiccano il quadro sturmentazione da 12.3''e l'infotainment di ultima generazione con schermo sempre da 12.3''. Non mancano ricarica wireless per smartphones, aggiornamenti OTA per il software dell'infotainment ed un assistente vocale.

    A seconda dei vari allestimenti troviamo impianto audio JBL, sedili in pelle riscaldati, tetto panoramico fisso in vetro, cerchi da 21'' e sospensioni adattive.

    Il motore d'accesso è il noto 2.5 Hybrid AWD dotato di due motori elettrici, trasmissione a variazione continua controllata elettronicamente e un nuovo pacco batterie ad alto rendimento al nichel-metallo idruro.

    Il top di gamma ottiene, invece, il nuovo 2.4 Tubro Hybrid (in USA Hybrid Max) con motore a combustione unito ad un elettrico sempre posto all'anteriore per massimizzare l'utilizzo della coppia motore. In questo caso la trasmissione è un'automatico a 6 rapporti con nuova frizione idraulica multidisco con avviamento a bagno d'olio. 

    La potenza totale per il 2.4 è di 345 cv, mentre la trazione è l'integrale E-Four Advanced AWD che riesce ad inviare l'80% della potenza alle ruote posteriori.

    Ottima anche l'insonorizzazione grazie all''ampio utilizzo di materiale fonoassorbente, vetri isolanti ed un nuovo fissaggio dello sterzo che atto a ridurre vibrazioni e rumori.



    Crown Crossover (JDM)

















    Press Release:


    • While inheriting the Crown's DNA of innovation and limit-pushing, it has been renewed as a flagship for a new era with four variations to meet the diverse values and lifestyles of customers.
    • The new Crown (Crossover type) is an innovative package that combines a sedan and an SUV, and offers new values unconstrained by conventional concepts.
    • Powerful styling with large-diameter wheels and a simple, high-quality design.
    • Excellent ease of entry and exit as well as high visibility are achieved by raising the hip point. The passenger-embracing interior design and the roomy cabin space make every seat feel like a first-class seat.
    • Two types of powertrains with individual characteristics are employed. The newly developed 2.4-liter Turbo Hybrid System delivers a powerful yet comfortable ride, while the Series Parallel Hybrid System, which has evolved over the years, delivers a high-quality, smooth ride.

    TOYOTA has unveiled the all new Crown for the first time in the world, and will release the Crown (Crossover type) as the first model around the fall of this year*1.

    Crown (Crossover type) Crown (Sport type) Crown (Sedan type) Crown (Estate type)

    The Crown made its initial debut in 1955 as Toyota's first mass production passenger vehicle created with Toyota's own domestic technology. The DNA of "innovation and limit-pushing" that led to the creation of the first independently developed luxury car in the early postwar period has been passed down to successive models of Crowns for the past 67 years, always pursuing new values that are one step ahead of the times and loved by many customers. However, the times have changed even faster, and the Crown has become unable to fully meet the diversifying needs of its customers, and its presence as a flagship vehicle has become less significant.

    In designing the new Crown, the development team thoroughly reexamined what "Crown" is, and as a result of their pursuit of a "Crown for a new era," they have created four completely new models. In addition to the Crossover type, a new style that combines a sedan and an SUV, the Sport offers a sporty driving experience with an enticing atmosphere and an easy-to-drive package. The Sedan is a new formal design that meets the needs of chauffeurs, and the Estate is a functional SUV with a mature atmosphere and ample driving space. The new series will be rolled out in about 40 countries and regions.

    The details of the new Crown (Crossover type) are as follows.

    Vehicle Outline


    1. The "Crown" for the future reimagined from the ground up with a high-quality minimalist design

    Exterior Design

    • The stylish, coupe-like silhouette is combined with elevated styling that conveys a sense of strength, achieving both fluidity and dynamism and expressing a completely new form of a flagship vehicle for a new era.
    • The headlights and taillights, connected from left to right in a single straight line, and the side view that expresses sophistication through surface variation without relying on character lines, combine to create a simple yet refined and majestic design.
    • Large-diameter tires that break with the conventional idea of a sedan have been adopted. By applying innovations to the body structure to create an underbody that extends outward close to the sides of the body and carefully examining the balance of the spaces between the body and the tires, we have created a powerful style that is neither a sedan nor an SUV with the sense of stability representative of an elevated sedan.
    CROSSOVER G "Advanced Leather Package" (2.4-liter Hybrid Model)
    CROSSOVER G "Advanced Leather Package" (2.4-liter Hybrid Model)

    Interior Design

    • Horizontally integrating the display and operating equipment creates a functional layout that can be operated intuitively from any seat. The wrap-around form from the instrument panel to the doors also give a sense that all seats are special, enabling the driver to focus on driving and providing comfortable and enjoyable mobility for passengers.
    • Meticulous attention to every interior component, including the understated and welcoming decorations of WARM STEEL, an invitingly shaped and comfortable shift knob, seats that focus on instantly recognizable finishing and provide a sense of security when seated, and other features, helps create a space with a sense of quality and richness.
    CROSSOVER RS "Advanced" (2.4-liter Turbo Hybrid Model)
    CROSSOVER RS "Advanced" (2.4-liter Turbo Hybrid Model)

    Color Design

    • In terms of body colors, the newly developed "Precious Bronze" and "Precious Ray" as well as other distinctive bytone colors are coordinated to express the new Crown's transformation. A total of 12 body color and four interior color combinations offer a wide range of variations.


    1. Effortless and dignified driving and a comfortable ride becoming of a Toyota flagship

    2.4-liter Turbo Hybrid System

    • The hybrid system, which combines an inline 4-cylinder turbo engine that produces powerful torque even at low RPM, the latest eAxle electric powertrain that provides high driving torque, and a newly-developed bipolar nickel-hydrogen battery have been combined for the first time by Toyota. The hybrid system responds linearly to the operation of the accelerator by the driver creating a driving feel with a sense of comfortable acceleration.
    2.4-liter Turbo Hybrid System
    2.4-liter Turbo Hybrid System

    2.5-liter Series Parallel Hybrid System

    • The Crown (Crossover type) is equipped with an optimized, high-efficiency hybrid system and a newly-developed bi-polar nickel-hydrogen battery, achieving class-leading fuel economy and quietness and further advancing the high-quality and smooth driving performance distinctive of the Crown.

    Newly developed platform

    • Using a hip point higher than earlier sedans enabled through the adoption of large-diameter wheels makes entry and exit easier and allows excellent visibility. Additional space is provided above the head and to the front and rear to create a comfortable interior space with the sense that every seat is a first-class seat.
    CROSSOVER RS "Advanced" (2.4-liter Turbo Hybrid Model)
    CROSSOVER RS "Advanced" (2.4-liter Turbo Hybrid Model)
    • While the package prioritizes ease of entry and exit and driving, the TNGA platform provides a lightweight and well-balanced high-rigidity body. The use of McPherson struts in the front and a multi-link suspension in the rear also allows for solid straight-line stability characteristic of the Crown, agility, and a flat feeling that does not blur the line of sight. All these features along with a smooth ride with minimal vibration were pursued to achieve a comfort level that makes you want to stay in the car for a long time.
    High-rigidity body
    High-rigidity body


    1. The most advanced safety and driving support systems provide reassuring and convenient driving

    Toyota Safety Sense

    Toyota Safety Sense,*2 the latest active safety package with advanced and improved functions, is standard on all Crown grades. The range of accidents it can respond to has been expanded even further, enabling enjoyable driving with peace of mind.

    Toyota Teammate

    The new Crown (Crossover type) is equipped with Toyota Teammate, a suite of driver-assistance technologies. Advanced Drive*3 (support during traffic congestion), which supports safe driving in traffic congestion, Advanced Park*3 (with remote function), which automatically parks and exits from a parking space in a variety of parking situations and can be operated remotely as well, and other safety and convenient advanced functions are included.

    The new Crown (Crossover type) will also start being offered via the KINTO*4 car subscription service. When ordered through KINTO, automobile insurance, periodic maintenance, and various other vehicle expenses are included in the monthly payments. Customers, corporations, and individuals can sign up either online or at a dealer to enjoy easy access.

    In addition, if the "Cancellation Fee Free Plan" is selected as the payment method, the cancellation fee can be reduced to zero and the vehicle usage can be continued after the expiration of the initial three-year contract period by paying a predetermined application fee. The CROSSOVER G "Advanced Leather Package" monthly fee starts at 89,100 JPY (including tax) *5. For details, please visit

    *1 The grades other than CROSSOVER RS "Advanced," CROSSOVER G "Advanced/Leather Package," and CROSSOVER G "Advanced" are scheduled to be produced after January 2023.
    *2 Details about the Toyota Safety Sense on the New Crown (Crossover type) can be found here.
    *3 Details about Toyota Teammate Advanced Drive (traffic congestion support) and Advanced Park (with remote function) can be found here.
    *4 A service that packages automobile insurance, periodic maintenance, automobile taxes, repair expenses, registration expenses and taxes, mandatory inspection fees (in cases of the five- and seven-year plans), and other costs for a fixed monthly fee.
    *5 In the case of the Entry Package without additional options, 500,170 JPY (including tax) is required as an application fee, and the total cost for three years would amount to 3,707,770 JPY (including tax).

    Sales Outline

    Base sales volume for Japan
    3,200 units per month

    Production Plant

    Motomachi Plant and Tsutsumi Plant, Toyota Motor Corporation

    Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Prices

    Crown Powertrain Driveline Price*
      CROSSOVER RS 2.4-liter Turbo Hybrid System (T24A-FTS 2.4-liter)+Direct Shift-6AT E-Four Advanced 6,050,000
      "Advanced" 6,400,000
      CROSSOVER G Series Parallel Hybrid System with reduction gear (A25A-FXS 2.5-liter) E-Four 4,750,000
      "Advanced・Leather Package" 5,700,000
      "Advanced" 5,100,000
      "Leather Package" 5,400,000
      CROSSOVER X 4,350,000
    * Does not include recycling fees / including tax

    Toyota Global



    Crown Crossover (USDM)




















    Press Release:


    • Reimagined Sedan with Bold Styling, Premium Comfort and Elevated Ride Height
    • Three Grades, XLE, Limited and Platinum, All with Standard Electronic On-Demand AWD
    • Hybrid Powertrain Standard with Choice of First-Ever HYBRID MAX or Toyota Hybrid System
    • HYBRID MAX on Platinum Pairs a 2.4-L Turbo Hybrid Engine with Rear eAxle for 340 HP
    • Spacious Interior and Quiet Ride, with Standard Adaptive Variable Suspension on Platinum
    • Platinum Grade Offers Unique Bi-Tone Paint and Standard 21-inch Wheels
    • Toyota’s All-New Audio Multimedia System with 12.3-inch Touchscreen Standard

    AUSTIN, Texas (July 15, 2022) – With a striking debut, Toyota is reimagining the full-size sedan with the all-new 2023 Toyota Crown. Built to deliver an intuitive driving experience, this new premium sedan brings powerful acceleration and confident handling, along with supreme comfort for a sophisticated ride, all wrapped in a bold new design. It is also the first Toyota sedan to offer the HYBRID MAX System, Toyota’s performance hybrid with power that drivers will feel.

    Available in three grades: XLE, Limited and Platinum, Toyota Crown will offer a choice of two different hybrid powertrains: HYBRID MAX or the fourth generation Toyota Hybrid System (THS). The HYBRID MAX powertrain, exclusive to the Platinum grade, is Toyota’s all-new performance hybrid that puts out a manufacturer estimated 340 net horsepower.

    Paired with a 2.4-liter turbocharged engine and a direct shift 6-speed automatic transmission, HYBRID MAX produces powerful torque at low RPM for sporty, exhilarating driving and has a manufacturer-estimated 28 MPG combined city/highway fuel economy rating. XLE and Limited grades are equipped with THS, a highly efficient hybrid system with a newly developed, high-output bipolar nickel-metal hydride battery that can achieve a manufacturer-estimated 38 MPG combined city/highway rating.

    Built on a newly developed chassis based on Toyota’s GA-K platform, Crown has a raised overall height that’s nearly four inches higher than Camry. The unique height of this sedan offers increased road visibility, along with easy entry and exit. Its flowing silhouette and sculpted body lines create a fresh look that is entirely unique for its class. Altogether, the Crown package is a combination of innovative style, performance and function.

    The XLE grade comes equipped with the 2.5-liter THS, AWD, three selectable drive modes, 19-inch alloy wheels, heated and powered woven fabric front seats and our all-new Toyota Multimedia System with 12.3-inch touchscreen and 6 speakers. It is available in five colors: Black, Oxygen White, Magnetic Gray Metallic, Heavy Metal and Supersonic Red, with a black interior.

    The Limited grade also comes equipped with XLE features and adds multibeam LED headlights, a fixed panoramic roof, Softex® and fabric-trimmed seats that are heated and ventilated up front and heated in the rear, 11-speaker JBL audio system, rain sensing windshield wipers and intelligent clearance sonar along with rear cross-traffic braking. There is also an available Advanced Technology package that adds dark metallic 21-inch, 10-spoke alloy wheels, a birds-eye view camera and digital key (with Remote Connect subscription). Interior colors include black, black and chestnut and macadamia.

    The Platinum grade includes everything on XLE and Limited and raises the bar with the HYBRID MAX powertrain, Adaptive Variable Suspension, six selectable drive modes, Advanced Park and unique 21-inch machined 10-spoke alloy wheels with black accents. The color palette adds a Toyota first bi-tone paint option, with black paint that extends from the hood to the trunk, that can be paired with Oxygen White, Heavy Metal, Supersonic Red or an all new, bi-tone only Bronze Age color.

    Each grade of Crown will come with Toyota’s new Audio Multimedia System and Toyota Safety Sense 3.0 standard. It is expected to arrive in Toyota dealerships later this year.


    Crown History

    The Crown first debuted in 1955 as the “Toyopet Crown,” Toyota’s first mass produced passenger vehicle. When the first generation was developed, Crown came to symbolize “innovation” and “pushing the limit” within Toyota. Since then, it has gained recognition in Japan as Toyota’s premium sedan. It was also the first Japanese car to hit American shores back in 1958, last being sold in the US in 1972.

    Across the 15 generations of Crown, it has been a vehicle that has led the way with innovative technology — pursuing value through engineering that is one step ahead of its time. For the new Crown, Toyota’s development team once again set innovation and pushing the limit at the core of the new generation’s concept. Toyota team members from product planning, design and engineering worked together to identify a Crown for a new era.

    The result is a completely new Toyota Crown that throws off the conventional concepts of a sedan and takes it into a new era. Design choices push the limit, with large-diameter wheels that give the car a powerful style, a raised hip point for ease of ingress and egress, and meticulous attention to detail on the inside for a comfortable home-away-from-home. Innovation is engineered into the new Crown with two different Hybrid powertrains available, HYBRID MAX with responsive acceleration and THS for great fuel economy and standard electronic on demand All Wheel Drive.

    Two Hybrid Systems, Two Winning Choices

    Toyota made “hybrid” synonymous with fuel efficiency more than 20 years ago with the first Prius. Today, Toyota continues to expand its hybrid lineup and overall electrified vehicle offerings, with Crown bringing the number of Toyota electrified vehicles to 16. The Toyota Crown innovates on the hybrid front with another first for Toyota sedans, the HYBRID MAX System. This new system is designed to deliver smooth and powerful torque-filled acceleration, while keeping an eye on efficiency.

    HYBRID MAX combines a 2.4-liter inline 4-cylinder turbo engine tuned to hit peak torque between 2000-3000 RPM, with a front electric motor that helps maximize torque production. A rear wheel eAxle that’s equipped with a high output water-cooled electric motor is combined with the hybrid engine to directly transmit force to all four wheels, ensuring a thrilling throttle response and linear acceleration throughout the power band.

    The fourth-generation Toyota Hybrid System in the Toyota Crown combines a high-efficiency 2.5-liter DOHC four-cylinder engine with two electric motors in a highly compact system. The gas engine employs Variable Valve Timing-intelligent by Electric motor (VVT-iE) on the intake camshaft, and VVT-i on the exhaust camshaft. The variable range for the valve timings of both the intake and exhaust are set to maximize both fuel consumption and output.

    THS-equipped vehicles feature selectable NORMAL, ECO and SPORT driving modes that let the driver tailor the Toyota Crown’s performance personality. SPORT mode improves and sharpens throttle response, making hybrid driving more fun. ECO mode changes the throttle and environmental logic to help the driver focus on maximizing mileage from the fuel and battery, while NORMAL mode is ideal for everyday driving. Additionally, an EV (Electric Vehicle) mode allows electric-only driving at low speeds for short distances.

    The HYBRID MAX equipped Platinum grade receives a more comprehensive drive mode selection – which not only includes NORMAL, ECO and SPORT but adds three drive modes: SPORT+ mode that provides an emphasis on steering response, flat cornering and a sense of stability, COMFORT mode that provides a more supple drive that emphasizes passenger comfort and a CUSTOM mode that enables drivers to adjust system settings individually, creating a safe profile that suites their driving habits.

    All-Wheel Drive at its Smartest

    The 2023 Toyota Crown comes standard with Toyota’s Electronic On-Demand All-Wheel Drive. The XLE and Limited grades come with E-Four AWD and the Platinum grade comes with E-Four Advanced, two highly efficient systems that take maximum advantage of the hybrid powertrain’s benefits. Instead of using a transfer case and driveshaft to the rear wheels, Electronic On-Demand AWD employs a separate rear-mounted electric motor to power the rear wheels when needed.

    E-Four AWD achieves stable performance by driving the rear wheels with a rear motor, to provide traction when needed in slippery conditions. Toyota Crown uses the latest evolution of this system and strengthens the driving force of the rear motor compared to the conventional E-Four, enhancing stability when cornering. The front and rear wheel driving force distribution is precisely controlled to the front and rear wheels between 100:0 and 20:80, ensuring both enhanced fuel efficiency and comfortable driving performance.

    E-Four Advanced AWD, paired with HYBRID MAX on the Platinum grade, delivers power to the front and rear wheels via a front mounted hybrid motor and to rear wheels through a rear-mounted eAxle electric motor. This system helps ensure stable AWD performance and satisfying acceleration thanks to being paired with a direct shift six-speed automatic transmission. On the E-Four Advanced system, the front and rear wheel drive force is precisely controlled between 70:30 and 20:80. The rear motor, which generates power through water cooling, makes it possible to maximize torque to the rear wheels. This new AWD system enhances the drive force of the rear wheels and provides the feel of rear-wheel-drive maneuverability, straight line stability, comfortable turning and responsive acceleration.

    Toyota Crown offers either a direct shift six-speed automatic transmission (Platinum grade only) or an electronically controlled Continuously Variable Transmission (eCVT) (XLE and Limited).

    The Platinum grade’s direct-shift six speed transmission provides responsive acceleration thanks to Toyota’s new Hydraulic multi plate wet start clutch. A combination of technologies works together to ensure enhanced accelerator operation and vehicle response. The six speed AT also applies the assistance of the motor generator within the HYBRID MAX system, minimizing shift drop across the power band. Drivers can also throw the shifter into fixed gear mode, for paddle shifted fun.

    The eCVT on the XLE and Limited Grade uses a shift-by-wire system that shifts gears electronically, providing smart shift operation with a single action. Paired with the THS front and rear hybrid transaxle, Toyota Crown’s powertrain provides low fuel consumption and low noise. Aspects that manage fuel efficiency include an optimized gear ratio and a deceleration mechanism to reduce gear engagement loss.


    Smooth Operator, Ready to Ride

    Toyota Crown is built around a version of the Toyota New Global Architecture K (TNGA-K) platform that underpins some of the company’s sedans and crossovers. As such, Crown delivers the best of both worlds: sedan driving comfort and crossover-like ride height. Crown’s overall height comes in at 60.6 inches, compared to 56.9 for Camry, its overall length is 194 inches, width is 72.4 inches, and wheelbase 112.2 inches. The TNGA-K platform also allows front strut and rear multi-link suspension tuning that helps foster handling agility while providing a supple, quiet ride.

    The Platinum grade comes equipped with a standard Adaptive Variable Suspension. AVS components have been tuned to support the high output of 2.4 L Turbo Hybrid Engine and eAxle. Crown’s AVS uses variable oil pressure shock absorbers. This system automatically controls the friction within the absorber when turning, controlling the damping force, reducing pitch at high drive torque and minimizing the effects of bumpy roads. A linear solenoid type actuator is also equipped on the system to minimize body pitch and roll.

    For all grades, Toyota engineers developed a suspension system that provides comfortable maneuverability and a relaxing ride. Front suspension components include a MacPherson-type strut and a new method for fastening the steering gear, enabling rigid, direct handling that also reduces noise and vibration. A newly developed multi-link rear suspension with higher rigidity helps ensure a faster response to drive torque. Rear suspension arm placement was also optimized to suppress changes in the vertical posture, contributing to a flat driving feeling and enhanced texture.

    Toyota Crown’s handling is bolstered by an electronically controlled brake system featuring Active Cornering Assist (ACA), which engages the stability control to reduce understeer in certain cornering situations, so the driver feels the enhanced agility, not the system’s operation.

    The combination of large-diameter tires and wheels helps give the Toyota Crown its “lift-up” style. The XLE and Limited grades ride on 19-inch multi-spoke two-tone alloy wheels. Limited has available 21-inch 10-spoke dark metallic alloy wheels as part of the Advanced Tech package. The Platinum comes standard with 21-inch machined 10-spoke alloy wheels with black accents.


    First Class Cabin

    Toyota Crown provides exemplary comfort with standard 8-way power adjustable driver and front passenger seats. Front seat adjustments include slide, recline, tilt, height adjust and lumbar support (driver seat only). Rear seats include ample cushioning and bolster support for maximum enjoyment.

    The Toyota Crown comes with standard heated front seats that can be adjusted to three levels. Limited and Platinum add standard ventilated front seats and heated rear seats to the list of creature comforts. The seats are not only comfortable, but stylish, with black woven fabric seating on the XLE, Softex and fabric-trimmed seating standard on the Limited and leather on Platinum grade.


    Dual zone climate control is also standard for all grades. A thin, attractive illuminated control panel runs along the dashboard, just below the multimedia screen, with frequently used functions placed on the lower row keyboard switches. All Crown grades also receive a 12.3-inch color MID. Drivers can select different displays with the push of a button, including a Hybrid System Indicator showing the driver system output and regeneration status to encourage eco-driving habits. As used on other Toyota hybrid models, the display suggests the optimal acceleration amount for eco driving.


    The Crown Platinum and Limited grades include a standard panoramic moonroof. For added function and ambience, in-cabin LED lighting adds a premium feel. Illumination, out of consideration for visibility and operability, includes overhead and front/rear footwell lighting, and cup holders, USB ports and door handles also receive lit accents.

    Crown has drivers and passengers plugged-in when it comes to charging devices. On the driver’s side, a vertical-type wireless Qi charging with enhanced space efficiency comes standard. There is also a standard USB-Type A and 12V charging port inside the console. A separate dual USB-Type C terminal is also standard on the passenger side, with the insertion port intentionally pointing to the passenger seat. For rear seat passengers, two USB-Type C ports are standard.

    To aid outward visibility, the Platinum grade comes standard with Bird’s Eye View Camera with Perimeter Scan, which provides a panoramic overhead view of the vehicle’s surroundings. Bird’s Eye View is available as part of the Advanced Tech Package on the Limited grade.

    The standard backup camera features projected path and dynamic gridlines. For additional convenience, Limited and Platinum come standard with a Smart Key System that works on all four doors.

    A Sanctuary on the Road

    For customers who seek premium experiences in a vehicle, keeping unwanted noise out is paramount. The 2023 Toyota Crown’s cabin brings that priority quietly home. Rather than simply aiming at a “numbers” goal for sound level (decibels), Toyota engineers created a calm atmosphere conducive to enjoying easy conversation or hearing music in cleaner detail.

    The high-strength TNGA-K platform is the first defense against noise intrusion, curbing vibration through the steering, floor and structure. Suspension tuning resists road surface disturbances and tire noise is reduced via strategically placed insulation and thoughtful tire/wheel construction.

    That’s just the beginning.

    Acoustic glass adds a sound-blocking barrier and absorbing insulation and body sealing material are placed throughout the structure, under the carpeting and above the headliner. The materials and their placement were optimized to minimize noise in the frequencies that typically interfere with conversation.

    As one example, a sound absorbing pad is placed between the engine bay and cabin to reduce road and engine noise. Engineers also undertook extensive analysis of noise transmission paths and filled spaces around door frames, window openings and wiring harnesses for enhanced cabin quietness. Even the inner rocker and bulkhead are connected with adhesive for maximum noise control.


    Next Gen Toyota Audio Multimedia

    All Toyota Crown models feature Toyota’s all-new, North American developed Audio Multimedia system. Featuring a 12.3-inch touchscreen, the system offers an improved user experience and a wide range of enhanced connectivity and convenience features, including being Over-the-Air (OTA) updatable. Users can interact with the new system’s design through touch and voice activation. With Intelligent Assistant available through Drive Connect*, simple phrases like “Hey Toyota” awakens the system for voice-activated commands to search for directions, find Points of Interest (POI), adjust audio controls, change the cabin temperatures and more.

    The cloud-based native navigation system also offered through Drive Connect allows for real-time Over-the-Air updates for mapping and Points of Interest (POI), and Google POI data is integrated to ensure up-to-date search capability.

    The XLE grade features a 6-speaker sound system that provides clean, powerful sound for all types of music. On Limited and Platinum, standard is an audiophile-worthy JBL Premium Audio System with 11 speakers, including a rear subwoofer, powered by an 8-channel amplifier. It was acoustically tuned for Toyota Crown to match unique vehicle characteristics.


    Toyota Audio Multimedia allows for simultaneous dual Bluetooth phone connectivity with support for wireless Apple CarPlay® and Android Auto™ capability. A Wi-Fi Connect subscription offers 4G connectivity for up to five devices. Adding to the already robust offering of audio playback ability with HD Radio, USB data and a SiriusXM® Platinum Plan 3-month trial subscription, Wi-Fi Connect also enables the Integrated Streaming feature, providing the ability to link your separate Apple Music® and Amazon Music subscriptions to the vehicle for onboard control.

    The Toyota Crown also offers a host of additional Connected Services. A Safety Connect 1-year trial includes an Emergency Assistance Button (SOS), 24/7 Enhanced Roadside Assistance, Automatic Collision Notification, Stolen Vehicle Locator and Collision Assistance. A Service Connect 3 -year trial provides drivers the capability of receiving Vehicle Health Reports, Maintenance Alerts and reminders.

    A Digital Key is offered on the Platinum and as part of the Advanced Technology package on the Limited grade. With an active Remote Connect subscription, drivers can use the Digital Key via the Toyota app and allow passive entry unlock on front doors and trunk or push start using smartphone as key. The Digital Key also provides the ability to share keys with friends and family.

    Advanced Park, Safety & Other Technology

    Standard on the Platinum grade is Toyota’s Advanced Park System. Sensors identify an open parking space, then control steering, shifting, acceleration and braking for hands-free parallel or reverse/forward perpendicular parking.

    All Toyota Crown grades come standard with Toyota Safety Sense 3.0 (TSS 3.0), which includes enhancements made possible by system sensors with improved detection capability. The Pre-Collision System with Pedestrian Detection is capable of detecting motorcyclists and guardrails in certain conditions. When making a turn or approaching an intersection, the system is designed to detect certain forward or laterally approaching vehicles and provides audio/visual alerts and automatic braking in certain conditions.

    Toyota Crown will be equipped with Dynamic Radar Cruise Control (DRCC). Improved lane recognition delivers refined performance of Lane Departure Alert with Steering Assist and Lane Tracing Assist. Lane Departure Alert with Steering Assist is designed to notify the driver via audible and visual alerts and slight steering force if it senses the vehicle is leaving the lane without engaging a turn signal. When DRCC is set and engaged, Lane Tracing Assist uses visible lane markers or a preceding vehicle to help keep the vehicle centered in its lane.

    Automatic High Beams are designed to detect preceding or oncoming vehicles and automatically switch between high beam and low beam headlights. Road Sign Assist is designed to recognize certain road sign information using a forward-facing camera and display it on the multi-information display (MID).

    Toyota’s Rear Seat Reminder comes standard on all Toyota Crown grades. The feature can note whether a rear door was opened after the vehicle has been turned on, with a reminder message in the instrument cluster after the engine is turned off, accompanied by multitone chimes.

    In addition to the TSS 3.0 system, other standard safety features on the Crown include Blind Spot Monitor (BSM), which is designed to help detect and warn you of vehicles approaching or positioned in the adjacent lanes, and Rear Cross Traffic Alert (RCTA) for added peace of mind by helping to detect vehicles approaching from either side while backing out and alerting you with a visual and audible warning. Hill Start Assist Control (HAC) also comes standard.

    Toyota Crown comes with a one-year trial subscription of Toyota Safety Connect® at no additional cost — which includes Emergency Assistance, Stolen Vehicle Locator, Roadside Assistance and Automatic Collision Notification.

    Toyota Limited Warranty

    Toyota’s 36-month/36,000 mile basic new-vehicle warranty applies to all components other than normal wear and maintenance items. Additional 60-month warranties cover the powertrain for 60,000 miles and against perforation from corrosion for 60 months with no mileage limitation. Hybrid-related components that require repairs needed to correct defects in materials or workmanship are covered for 8 years/100,000 miles, whichever comes first from original date of first use when sold as new. The hybrid battery is covered for 10 years/150,000 miles, whichever comes first, and is transferable across ownership.

    The 2023 Toyota Crown also comes with ToyotaCare, a complimentary plan covering normal factory-scheduled maintenance, for two years or 25,000 miles, whichever comes first, and 2 years of Roadside Assistance, regardless of mileage.


    Toyota America



    Topic Spy: ▶️ Toyota Crown Crossover 2023 (Spy)






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