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  1. si ma uarda che fanno anke la versiobe 5 porte.. come e successo per la a3
  2. cioè prima dicono solo a 5 porte e nasce da un concept (metroproject) che era a 3 porte..e poi dicono che arriverà anke sportback (7 porte??) e anke cabrio.. chredo che la versine a 3 porte sarà la prima a debuttare... spero che per la sportback nn bisogni aspettare tanto.. =)
  3. INTERVIEW AT DR. FRANZ-JOSEF PAEFGEN, BUGATTI PRESIDENT FUTURE OF BUGATTI AND BENTLEY - Bentley Future - I had a chance to speak with Franz-Josef Paefgen about both Bentley and Bugatti and the shocking news of it all has come out. Bentley has plans to add another model to it's range in the coming years. As I'm to understand it this model will likely be a sportscar like model with a focus on performence, this model will be known as the Speed 8 Programm, which will see a light weight model be added to the Bentley line- up. He could not reveal much more at this point, but told me that I will be happy in due time. Also don't be amazed to see this model feature some cues from the LeMans racer, which leads me to think it could possibly be a mid-engine layout, but what type front or true mid-engine layout. - Next Bugatti's Concept - As far as Bugatti goes, he stated that the final selection of the next Bugatti, which he revealed to me that the Galibier 16 C is just the first, the second could be shown at NAIAS in January which will allow the world to see first hand, the last model will be shown could be shown at Geneva and the final decision will be shown in final from at Paris Autoshow 2010! My sources suggest these concepts will inclue the 4 door ultra luxury saloon, the hypercar Aerolithe, and the third concept is likely to be a modern Atlantic sportscar. - The Ultimate Veyron Edition: the GT/SS Grand Prix - I asked is the Veyron GT/SS with the huge engine horsepower upgrade, they told me they couldn't say, we will have to wait and see. Of course I had to make a call to my sources in France, and as I'm to understand it there have been a Veyron spotted testing close to the Molsheim Atelier Facility and whats strange about this model happens to be that it was camoflagged on the front fenders and doors. Which lead me to believe that this is a complete carbon fiber Veyron coupe, which could very well be the Veyron GT/SS, with a horsepower jump of close to 1200 BHP with unique wheels. My sources here in Europe have revealed to me that Bugatti could very well be planning to reveal a final special edition Veyron coupe. My sources have stated that it will reveal a complete bare carbon fiber bodied Veyron. MY sources have revealed to me that this model will feature bare black carbon fiber and Sang Bleu royal blue carbon fiber for the doors and front fenders. No word on horsepower, but some sources stated to me that this model will likely be the Veyron GT/SS. I have heard that this model will have a completely unique interior. Login | Facebook
  4. SPERO SAPPIATE L'INGLESE INTERVIEW AT DR. FRANZ-JOSEF PAEFGEN, BUGATTI PRESIDENT FUTURE OF BUGATTI AND BENTLEY - Bentley Future - I had a chance to speak with Franz-Josef Paefgen about both Bentley and Bugatti and the shocking news of it all has come out. Bentley has plans to add another model to it's range in the coming years. As I'm to understand it this model will likely be a sportscar like model with a focus on performence, this model will be known as the Speed 8 Programm, which will see a light weight model be added to the Bentley line- up. He could not reveal much more at this point, but told me that I will be happy in due time. Also don't be amazed to see this model feature some cues from the LeMans racer, which leads me to think it could possibly be a mid-engine layout, but what type front or true mid-engine layout. - Next Bugatti's Concept - As far as Bugatti goes, he stated that the final selection of the next Bugatti, which he revealed to me that the Galibier 16 C is just the first, the second could be shown at NAIAS in January which will allow the world to see first hand, the last model will be shown could be shown at Geneva and the final decision will be shown in final from at Paris Autoshow 2010! My sources suggest these concepts will inclue the 4 door ultra luxury saloon, the hypercar Aerolithe, and the third concept is likely to be a modern Atlantic sportscar. - The Ultimate Veyron Edition: the GT/SS Grand Prix - I asked is the Veyron GT/SS with the huge engine horsepower upgrade, they told me they couldn't say, we will have to wait and see. Of course I had to make a call to my sources in France, and as I'm to understand it there have been a Veyron spotted testing close to the Molsheim Atelier Facility and whats strange about this model happens to be that it was camoflagged on the front fenders and doors. Which lead me to believe that this is a complete carbon fiber Veyron coupe, which could very well be the Veyron GT/SS, with a horsepower jump of close to 1200 BHP with unique wheels. My sources here in Europe have revealed to me that Bugatti could very well be planning to reveal a final special edition Veyron coupe. My sources have stated that it will reveal a complete bare carbon fiber bodied Veyron. MY sources have revealed to me that this model will feature bare black carbon fiber and Sang Bleu royal blue carbon fiber for the doors and front fenders. No word on horsepower, but some sources stated to me that this model will likely be the Veyron GT/SS. I have heard that this model will have a completely unique interior. Login | Facebook
  5. Guarda bene le foto... - Guarda lo Scarico... nn noti dei fili strani?? - Guarda il motore.. nulla di strano?? (nn e completamente rifinito) - Guarda il cofano anteriore.. Ancora fili verdi.. qui ce lo stesso prototipo fotografato tempo fa (stessa targa) Qui un video dello stesso prototipo.. il sound nn è lo stesso... qui un prototipo allo chateau saint jean
  6. BUGATTI Sta lavora sul secodo concept.... pare proprio che la galibier nn andrà in produzione... nell'articolo si dice che bugatti stia puntando su un'altra berlina ma che possa avere un prezzo molto basso intorno ai 500.000€... oppure sempre per produrre una nuova supersportiva... PS: ci sono muletti veyron gia su strada... 2 Veyrons!
  7. ooohhh finalmente un muletto con carrozzeria definitiva!!! cmq per me la produzione per ottobre era inteso la produzione del muletto con telaio definitivo.... per la produzione credo che si aspetterà il debutto che avverrà o a los angeles o a ginevra.. mi avevano chiamato quelli di audi italia.. perche avevo chiesto informazioni a riguardo della a1.. mi hanno chiamato e mi hanno detto che il debutto e previsto entro i primi 6 mesi del 2010 mentre le consegne iniziavano a luglio 2010.. quindi la produzione credo che partirà a gennaio.. qualcuno sa per caso quali saranno i motori e se le versioni diesel avranno il cambio sequenziale? e ovviamente qualcuno sa i prezzi??
  8. La 16C Galibier Concept ha Ricevuto la Luce Verde per Essere Prodotta La Bugatti 16C Galibier avrebbe ricevuto il via libera per la produzione, con debutto fissato nel 2013. Lo riporta Auto Express, anticipando anche il prezzo finale: 1.000.000 di Euro tondi tondi, in linea con il “listino” della Veyron. C’è un però. Il costruttore francese, illo tempore, ammise di non avere ancora le idee chiare sul nuovo modello, riservando la decisione definitiva ai giudizi raccolti da tre prototipi presentati nel corso di non meglio specificati saloni o esposizioni. L’assenza di informazioni è ovviamente voluta. Così come l’aspettativa e l’attesa create. Un’ultima considerazione: sarebbe un rischio che l’eventuale 16C Galibier condividesse la piattaforma con la Bentley Mulsanne, ed è comprensibile giustificare i firmatari di un assegno milionario se l’auto dei desideri non soddisfa completamente le esigenze di esclusività. Bugatti?s super saloon | Auto Express News | News | Auto Express PS: Ma Gli altri Concept Che Fine Fanno? non Li Presentano??
  9. BUGATTI91

    Ferrari 458 ITALIA 2009

    la 458 italia e disponibile nel gioco forzamotorsport 3
  10. nuove stupende immagini!!!! troppo bella!!! :D:D:D
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