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  1. Il concept coupè della Cyberster, secondo i piani dovrebbe debuttare il prossimo anno nella versione di produzione, in occasione dei 60 anni della MG GT (versione “chiusa” della MGB)
  2. Brussels, Belgium, 03 March 2021 Toyota Commits to the A-Segment in Europe • New model to continue role of an affordable entry point to the Toyota brand • Use of GA-B platform will deliver familiar ride, handling, safety and design benefits • Annual production of GA-B based models will rise to 500k to secure economies of scale • Installation of an internal combustion engine will keep new model within reach Toyota today announces its continued commitment to Europe’s important A-Segment with the confirmation that a third model featuring the GA-B platform will be produced. The upcoming model will continue the role of entry point to the Toyota brand and will retain the key dimension of being accessible. Toyota’s development of new platforms under the Toyota New Global Architecture (TNGA) philosophy has delivered recognised improvements in the ride, handling, safety and styling of a series of recent new models. The new Yaris, for example, which recently won the 2021 European Car of the Year and based on the GA-B platform, has been very well received by European customers for its dynamic styling, great packaging, very efficient yet responsive hybrid engine and excellent driving dynamics as well as class leading safety. The next model to feature the GA-B platform is the Yaris Cross, which will be launched later this year. Together, Yaris, Yaris Cross and the new A segment model are expected to bring annual production of GA-B based products to over 500k in Europe. This volume achievement will help to deliver the economies of scale that are necessary to secure the key element of accessibility that A-segment customers demand. Equally important is the selection of powertrain. Today the A-segment is heavily dominated by products featuring internal combustion engines, illustrating that budget is a key consideration – and the market outlook sees this strong mix continuing, especially for customers where financial accessibility is a dominant factor.
  3. Legend”, presentata in data odierna, è il veicolo urbano adatto a tutti gli utilizzi senza compromessi: migliore efficienza della categoria con soli 10 kWh/100km, riduzione del 75% delle emissioni di CO₂ rispetto alla media dei veicoli termici europei venduti nel 2023 nell’arco del suo ciclo di vita, zero emissioni di CO₂ allo scarico e minor consumo di materie prime grazie alle dimensioni compatte. Prodotta in Europa, sarà offerta ad un prezzo di ingresso inferiore ai 20.000 euro (incentivi esclusi), ossia a meno di 100 euro al mese per i clienti.
  4. BYD presenta a Pechino il concept della nuova berlina media: la Ocean. Sarà posizionata tra la Dolphin e la Seal, sarà una hatchback di circa 430 cm disponibile anche nella versione sportiva M, quella del Concept. Non ci sono molti dati tecnici ma si sa che la trazione sarà posteriore e che probabilmente sarà lei a portare al debutto la nuova Piattaforma 4.0 e le batterie Blade di 2° Gen.
  5. Mazda ha sempre spunti interessanti... Mazda has revealed a new SUV concept at this year’s Beijing motor show that previews the company’s second Chinese-centric electrified offering.
  6. PaoloGTC

    [Mai Nate] Porsche

    Inauguro questo topic perchè ho visto che specifico Porsche non c'era, cominciando con una rara immagine del progetto 902, che ovviamente era variante del 901 (che come si sa, era il primo nome della 911, prima che Peugeot facesse notare di aver depositato tutti i numeri di tre cifre con lo zero al centro). Questa era la 902. Cos'era? Una 911 (o 901 che dir si voglia) allungata e ampliata, a quattro comodi posti. Proseguendo, una 924 Targa. Se non erro i tempi erano antecedenti l'avvento della 944 e della sua versione scoperta. E per ora chiudo con questo stranissimo muletto Porsche che apparve nel 1992 insieme alla notizia di un interessamento a Zuffenhausen per un nuovo modello spider di gamma inferiore alla 911, che si concretizzò poi ovviamente nella Boxster prima serie. Non saprei dire se questo accrocchio fosse un muletto di collaudo per la Boxster o una specie di laboratorio mobile per test avanzati. Di sicuro, di un'auto definita aveva ben poco.
  7. Al prossimo salone di Tokyo (28/10-5/11) Honda presenterà un serie di concept (non solo di auto) tra cui una city car, le cui forme ricordano una po’ la Honda e, caratterizzata dalla carrozzeria con una speciale resina acrilica riciclata e riutilizzata. Al momento non sono invece disponibili dettagli su dimensioni e powertrain.
  8. Asso di Picche In Movimento: A Timeless Ode to Design and Digital Prowess to honor Asso di Picche’s 50-year legacy. “Fifty years later, an automobile’s design continues to be the formal interpretation of the concept of movement.”, said Joquin Garcia, Italdesign Head of Design. Italdesign Asso di Picche In Movimento (Italian for “In Motion”) is, in fact, the name chosen for the digital anniversary show-car that translates the original model into the present, conferring a timeless nature, while preserving its essence and the simplicity of its design. A 2+2 electric coupé, 3 doors, without a center pillar, built on a next-generation platform, and based on today’s rationale on car design choices shaped by the concepts of safety and electrification, Asso di Picche In Movimento is 4662 mm long, 1230 mm high and 1945 mm wide. Vehicle body in aluminum and windows in polycarbonate combine to form one monolithic and seamless aerodynamic whole, enclosed by a single unbroken outline that unifies the roof, front end and rear end, all the way down to the tail panel, wrapping around the passenger compartment. The top view highlights the visual continuity between the windshield, roof and rear window: a single transparent expanse, a true architectural element that guarantees a bright interior and structural strength. Underneath it, are concealed the cameras that replace side rear-view mirrors, which were absent on the first model. Designed to protect passengers from the sun, a part of the roof has been treated like a polarized lens and filters out 100% of UVA rays. The luggage compartment lid, at the front of the vehicle, features a nod to the past: the Asso di Picche’s long air intake has been transformed into a contemporary functional element, which opens up to fit the charging port. Under the lid, the luggage compartment will hold two medium-sized wheeled suitcases. On the sides, the two generously sized classic doors are distinguished by their double-hinged mechanism, which allows the door first to slide forwards and then to rotate, thus reducing the volume of the doors themselves and making their opening easier. On the rear, together with a reflector and a centrally located extractor, an active spoiler, chosen to contribute to the car’s aerodynamics. The front and rear car lights are given the task of announcing the vehicle’s design identity, via fresh interpretations of the Italdesign logo. On the front, the letter “D” from the Italdesign pictogram, with its rounded curves, duplicates and flips horizontally to embrace a rectangular center module and, thanks to DRL (Daytime Running Lights) technology, transforms into a distinctive illuminated symbol. On the rear, it is the 13 progressively distant bars that provide inspiration for the graphical arrangement of the taillights. Internally, the level of comfort of the original 2+2 compartment remains unchanged: very relaxing and pleasant for the two front passengers, who can enjoy bucket seats designed for comfort but with a technical allure, like in the original model, while comfort takes second place to aerodynamics, in the rear of the vehicle, for the two passengers seated behind. The two cylindrical components that dominated the dashboard in the Asso di Picche have returned as a distinguishing element of the new Asso di Picche’s dashboard as well, and, with today’s high-tech approach, they have become an interface: a light, suspended, ultra-thin screen, which can be rolled up or unrolled as needed. Few basic features are constantly visible; this choice, combined with the presence of a built-in scent synthesizer and audio functions, contributes to an immersive experience in a passenger compartment that is purposely understated, less obvious and intrusive. The steering wheel is simple and clean: rectangular, with rounded corners, and built low to offer more functional space and increase visibility. One small cylindrical piece is responsible for its functionality. The leather belts on the storage pockets inside the door panels of the original model were elegant and highly distinctive. The same belts return as distinguishing elements of the door panels of Asso di Picche In Movimento, becoming functional and structural components, in that they merge with the armrests and transform into handles to open and close the doors.
  9. Oggi alla reggia di Venaria è stato presentato il progetto finale del master in Transportation design dello IED, in collaborazione con Pagani
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