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STEVEC è il vincitore del giorno 25 Luglio 2022

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  • Compleanno 1 Febbraio

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  • Marca e Modello Auto
    PEUGEOT 208 1.2 EAT8 100cv anno 2022

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Reputazione Forum

  1. Yes but this is a road-legal car. A proper one, unlike Valkyrie
  2. We are sure for nothing with Ferrari, but I cant think what else it could be
  3. Didnt know that Tavares had any other fetishisms apart from cost-cutting
  4. The SF90 XX is matching, if not surpassing, Revuelto's performance. This one is gonna be more special (0-100 in 2sec, Fiorano laptime about 1.15) Not heavier than the SF90 XX. You can't compare it with the Valkyrie, the Valkyrie doesn't have so many e-motors and all-wheel-drive, plus the interior is a joke. The F250 will have obviously a proper interior, with all the amenities and gadgets (= weight) you would find in a 488 Pista or 812 Competizione
  5. The wing has a really strange, tilted position in these photos
  6. It is possible (however not certain) that it will have a rear wing
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