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  1. Jaguar XF SportbrakeFiat Tipo SWCadillac CTS Wagon Dodge Magnum SRT8
  2. To start I should say that I'm talking about normal version of the car, not HF. Maybe you could try to make all the plastic and rubber bits gloss black(grill, air vents, window surrounds etc.). Speaking of the grill maybe making it flat(see Range Rover Velar) would keep it clean as well as modern looking. As for the lights I really like this double D design.
  3. So can we expect a refresh (interior and/or exterior modifications) too?
  4. Is that a new Explorer behind it?
  5. From what I've read here it seems that V8 Levante versions will also be present in Europe, or else why would they have European debut for Levante Trofeo?
  6. Versione GTS non ancora presentata mi pare. Sarà posizionata tra Levante S e Trofeo (motore 550 cv) o almeno così dice autore del video. I apologize in advance for my broken Italian. ?
  7. In my opinion an unsuccessful refresh by Toyota: AYGO 2014: AYGO 2018: While the one from 2014 looks in my opinion a bit cartoonish but cute, the one from 2018 just looks hideous and too narrow. Just my 2 cents.
  8. That seams reasonable, although the interior looks ridiculous and a bit ungainly with it. Anyway thanks for answers, I apologize for using English on Italian forum, I'm able to read texts in Italian but not write using it.
  9. Can anyone explain why this Tipo doesn't have a normal dashboard (one with the tablet) and instead has monstrosity? Here's a link:
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