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  1. AMG plans both I4 and V8 PHEV models. For both small battery in PHEV terms, about the same size as on the new Ferrari. You really know nothing about the new plan.
  2. Stellantis EV Day 2021 Conference Call and Webcast Thursday, July 8, 2021 at 2:30 pm CEST / 8:30 am EDT
  3. That's better than what will be available form mid 2020s.
  4. It's not about all electric traction. The question is if 100% of electric motor power can be send to the wheels with 100% power of internal combustion engine? The answer is yes. This is impossible with P2 systems. Only P3 and P4 systems allow this.
  5. Yes but P2 can't give all power to the wheels like this one. Anyway impressive car, I like innovative engine and PHEV technology and also design which in my opinion is the best looking Ferrari in a while.
  6. For me there is electric vs. electrification. I think that most brands should have full lineup of electrified powertrains. MHEV, PHEV, BEV. PSA guys do not agree with this. They want to kill PHEV option with almost immediate effect. In the long run they also want to kill MHEV: Then there is a question about performance or sports oriented brand. For example. How each of mentioned powertrains may affect cat's handling. I think that we may agree that BEV is still a big no for performance oriented versions. PHEV with smaller battery? It could be the answer. Ferrari went that direction with the new 296 GTB and also Mercedes is preparing a lot of PHEV models for AMG. What will happen after 2035 or 2040? Who knows but in my opinion till then both MHEVs and PHEVs make sense.
  7. But the question is. Which models on STLA Large will be built in Italy? Anything besides Maserati like Alfa Romeo or Lancia? Or maybe Alfa's from C and D segments will be exclusively on STLA Medium?
  8. Grand Cherokee WK2 didn't have such old bones. Actually they are shared with the last generation of Mercedes ML. So around 2010 or just 10 years old.
  9. Usually it takes 4 to 6 months between production start of the new products from the same factory.
  10. Actually 508 SW is very small for a modern D-segment. But in general EMP2 is not the best platform in terms of packaging. For example this car with 2.73m wheelbase should offer similar combined leg room as VAG MQB A1 with 2.68m wheelbase or FCA Small Wide with 2.64m wheelbase.
  11. Today bonnets are very high which gives more of a "tapir" look. Part of it is due to Pedestrian impact crash test. There are some technical solutions how to improve it, at least how to get shorter front overhang on a FWD car with transverse engine. One of solutions is to have engines with exhaust facing to rear so that engine could be tilted slightly to the rear. This solution was adopted by VAG on their MQB platform. This solution is also deemed as optimal by Bob Lutz who proposed it to GM and AFAIK GM adopted it last year.
  12. But internal combustion engine version will have, well, transversely oriented engine. And as we know for some time the real sports cars will have internal combustion engine.
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