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  1. As the three Dongfeng Motor Group, one of the Group, in the FAW, SAIC and even widely steam are released after their own cars, rely on the Peugeot, Citroen, Nissan, the three joint ventures, but in their own cars have been no as naturally not satisfactory. However, a few days ago Dongfeng cars autonomy aspects of the news finally came, a positioning of the micro-car A00 formal exposure, a new car with the Chery QQ, BYD F0 equal size, appearance resembles Dongfeng Peugeot 206 hatchback. In body size, the Dongfeng is much smaller than the 206, is a A00-Class car, the bus captains and the Chery QQ3 exactly the same, but the width and height than the Great One QQ, and also in wheelbase than the QQ3, F0 to longer believe in the internal space to the outstanding performance of some. In shape, the east side with independent Peugeot 206 hatchback is very similar to, but overall higher body, car is also designed to face more full of thick, intake grille is a lot like the smiling faces of QQ3 modeling, side turn signal be integrated into the rearview mirror on the outside. In particular, belong to Dongfeng Group, Dongfeng a number of elements can also find the shadow of the East Ocean scenery, such as the former can be said that the design of headlamps and basic, like King Plaza, Eagle Eye is the design, but used in front fog lamps is a diamond-shaped design, with the King Yat different. *Chinacarsforum
  2. Dovrebbe essere basata sulla Peugeot 206..

    [China] Haima 2 (Spy)

    Daccordo la Jv con questa sembra l'operazione di una 10 anni fa' Ford Fiesta /Mazda 121
  4. OT In effetti e' pronta ... Ford concept geeft blik in toekomst redactie Voor de derde maal neemt Ford een studiemodel mee naar een grote internationale autotentoonstelling die de naam Iosis draagt. Op de Autosalon van Genève (5-15 maart) debuteert de concept car. Met de auto geeft Ford dit keer een signaal af hoe de auto's van het merk er vanaf 2010 uit komen te zien. In welke vorm de fabrikant de conceptcar giet, is niet bekend. De Iosis 3, zoals we de wagen voor het gemak maar even noemen, toont de designstijl en ontwikkeling op het gebied van technieken die in de toekomstige Ford-modellen zal worden doorgevoerd. De wagen wordt pas aan de vooravond van de belangrijke autoshow gepresenteerd. Met de eerste Iosis gaf Ford in 2005 een voorproefje van de huidige Mondeo. De Iosis X, het tweede studiemodel ui 2006, was een voorloper van de Kuga. De Telegraaf vermoedt dat de derde Iosis de kleine MPV onthult. De woordvoerder van de fabrikant wil daar niet op reageren. Ford brengt komend jaar namelijk een compacte ruimtewagen op de markt. Het model komt onder de C-Max in het programma en zal de plaats innemen van de Fusion, waarvan de productie komend jaar wordt beëindigd. Met het studiemodel kan de autobouwer potentiële kopers alvast opwarmen, aangezien Opel de Meriva heeft uitgesteld tot eveneens 2010. Bovendien toont Kia op de Geneefse autoshow haar compacte MPV. Ford maakt dan van de gelegenheid gebruik de wereld te laten zien aan een dergelijk model te werken. Begin maart zullen we het weten.
  5. Come su CLS ...anche qui' vedo un pesante restyling... Ma potrebbe essere presto x dirlo.
  6. Sempre dal Porsche Museum: Porsche 356 B 2000GS Carrera GT
  7. La C88 me la ricordo quando la presentarono... Nel 1994 del mercato auto cinese non si sapeva veramente niente: ma tutti dicevano a gran voce che si sarebbe stato imminente il gran botto di vendite. Se non sbaglio c'era un anche un prototipo Mercedes per la Cina...piu' o meno nello stesso periodo di questa C88.
  8. Dal museo Porsche: Porsche C88 Low Cost per il mercato Cinese Porsche 754
  9. Quei fanali cosi' piccoli fanno tanto 166 prima versione.
  10. Altre foto della sessione di test in Norvegia: Gallery:
  11. Quanto e' inflazionata la nervatura del 3/4 posteriore discendente sul paraurti..!! Cmq sembra carina e attuale...molto attuale. nessuna innovazione stilistica.
  12. Spero che nella transposizione a modello di serie vada a perdere il meno possibile dei dettagli lezziosi della versione concept.. Il rischio nel proporre la PACER edition 2000 e' molto sottile...
  13. Si sbrigassero ...xche sta' incominciando ad invecchiare.
  14. Se nelle prime edizioni delle JV Renault/Opel e' stato un bene che per il design si sia occupato Renault... Visto l'andazzo recente nel design Renault....spero vivamente che questa volta sia Opel ad occuparsi del design...
  15. AB dice che trattasi del nuovo Trafic/Vivaro... Ma credo (e altri forum francesi sono concordi) che invece si tratta del nuovo Master /Movano. Inj ogni caso : troppo coperto per un primo giudizio.
  16. Il frontale mi piace...Molto bella la nuova calandra Carine anche le soluzioni del mezzo montante centrale... MA il posteriore lo vedo un po' troppo semplice... Orribile il logo DS...!!!
  17. Citroën : la future DS sera assemblée à Poissy Citroën dévoile ce jeudi à 18h, à Paris, le premier concept car qui préfigure la nouvelle lignée de voitures commercialisée sous le nom de DS. Cette gamme aura trois modèles identifiés sous les sigles DS3, DS4, et DS5. Le concept présenté aujourd’hui sera très proche de la DS 3 d’entrée de gamme qui sera vendue à partir de 2010. Contrairement à ce que certains supputaient, ce modèle ne sera pas assemblé à Rennes, mais dans l’usine de Poissy. La DS 4 (millieu de gamme) sera fabriquée à Mulhouse. Reste la DS5. Citroën n'a pas encore annoncé le lieu de sa production.
  18. Se x il frontale il lavoro sara' piuttosto facile (basta evolvere ancora un po' il kinetik design gia' visto su Fiesta/Ka/Kuga e Mondeo..) Il posteriore sarà il lavoro piu' difficile... E questo di AE non convince x niente...

    Kia Forte Coupé (Spy)

    These are the very first spy shots of the 2010 Kia Forte/Spectra coupe! We have been waiting for a very long time to see the first XK prototype, and finally, the stylish two-door Kia coupe has hit the streets. Codenamed XK, the two-door Kia coupe has been first shown as a KOUP concept vehicle at New York Auto Show last year. With it’s attractive exterior form, the concept car gained a great response from auto show visitors and automotive press, therefore it was only a question of months when Kia brings it to production. As we see here, the XK coupe retined the general exterior shape from the KOUP concept, but most likely, production model will receive a few mild styling tweaks to differentiate it from the show car. There is still no word yet on a release date for the new Kia XK but if these pictures are anything to go by it shouldn’t take too long. But according to some rumors spreading around, we can expect the XK coupe to hit the showrooms sometime by the end of the year. Pesantuccia , direi.
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