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  1. For the Fiat codes: Fiat 500e -->332 There are some other codes, which I don’t know if they’re good: Panda IV --> 319 ??? The newcomer in Tychy 2023 --> 364 ??? (small crossover) Fullback --> 503 Talento based on Renault (2016) --> 296
  2. I like the presentations of Olivier François. He always smiles and speaks clearly and understandably. I expected a little bit more from this EV day for Fiat. I understand that Fiat will not be the pulling brand in Stellantis however I hope it can shine. There were some problem for me about this presentation: First: Fiat DNA I remember, that 2014 Fiat with FCA showed a very good presentation with full of optimistic plans for the future. There was a DNA – Rational-Emotional line. In 2021 Fiat uses the „DNA” idea and says „we don’t have to twist our brand”. Okay FCA era was different, but as I see Stellantis still doesn’t know how to use Fiat… Secondly: Fiat always tries to show, that environment is important and they watching „More care for the planet”. But EMEA region is not the whole world! This sentence made me confused: „examples from European plan do not all apply to Latin America”. Europe has stricter rules about environment protection, so Fiat in Latin America could follow the local rules. Slowly I started to envy the Fiats in Latam. It seems they have more freedom and more model types!!! It is not environmental protection that matters, but following the rules. This is an additional benefit. I hate this kind of communication…
  3. News from A&D - A PLOUE’ IL DESIGN LANCIA E VEICOLI COMMERCIALI STELLANTIS By A&D|13 Maggio 2021|NEWS Nel gennaio scorso Jean-Pierre Ploué, già a capo del design globale del gruppo PSA, è diventato uno dei due Chief Design Officer di Stellantis, la società nata dalla fusione con FCA. A Ploué rispondono tutti i marchi europei con l’eccezione di Maserati mentre al suo parigrado Ralph Gilles risponde il design di tutti i marchi americani più Maserati e Fiat Latin America. Da quel momento ci si è chiesti quali rivoluzioni o riconferme avrebbero investito l’organigramma della struttura del design del neonato gruppo franco-italiano. Mentre per la ex-PSA i responsabili del design di marca sono tutti riconfermati – Pierre Leclercq per Citroën, Thierry Metroz per DS, Mark Adams per Opel e Matthias Hossan per Peugeot – sul versante italiano la riorganizzazione non è ancora del tutto completata. Per ora è stato comunicato internamente che a guidare il design Lancia, marchio in cui il CEO di Stellantis Carlos Tavares ha dichiarato di voler investire in nuovi modelli per un rilancio del brand, sarà lo stesso a Jean-Pierre Ploué. Sempre a Ploué fa capo anche il design dei veicoli commerciali del gruppo. Per conoscere chi avrà la direzione del design Fiat Abarth Europa bisognerà aspettare fino al giugno prossimo, mentre a luglio è atteso l’annuncio di Alejandro Mesonero-Romanos quale nuovo responsabile del design Alfa Romeo. La struttura che fa capo a Ploué vede inoltre la nomina di Enrico Gobetto (ex FCA) a responsabile per Design Operation e degli ex-PSA: – Christophe Rondeau per Budget & Planning – Virginie Leprince-Mazurier per Design Quality – Bertrand Dantec per Advanded Design Operations – Mathieu Riou Chapman per Global Brands Design. A Klaus Busse, già Design Vice President per i marchi europei di FCA, la responsabilità di Stellantis Design Studio.
  4. So the project number of this SUV is 363. According to the news the a European Fiat SUV got 364 for project number, which will be produced in Tychy: Will they have connection with each other? Or the choice of the project number can be random? The Fiat 363 is based on Argo, and 364 will be based on CMP.
  6. for the sake of completeness 2017 (India) 2018 (Brazil) I found a beautiful collection from Centro Storico Fiat. Passanger car models from 1899 until 1963.
  7. Sorry if I show, that model range is narrow. I mean only for european passenger cars. And these images can be "illusory", because some versions are missing. For examlpe 3 or 5 door versions and SW versions are in the past, or as you wrote Tipo sedan, or Tipo SW for 2020. Officialy 124 Spider lives only in USA.
  8. krycek07

    Fiat Model Range

    Fiat Model Ranges I have not find this kind of topic, and I may not missed it, so I start it. Nowadays the Fiat model range is not so wide. I fould some old images about some Fiat model ranges. I try to notice more from other years, but it is hard to find. Can you share any images with better quality or about Fiat model ranges in other era? I hope that the dates are correct, because I found them in magazines that year. Some sources: autopareri, autoedizione;; 1956 1962 1963 1965 1969 1988 (UK) 1992 (Germany) 2020
  9. Stellantis from a different approach (is rooted in the Latin verb “stello” meaning “to brighten with stars”) 🙃, sorry for the joke.
  10. I guess this is the right topic for my questions. I watched the "New Fiat 500 | One Shot documentary by VICE - Genesis of the New 500 One-Offs" film from fiat. There are two scenes, where are strange cars on it: Are these only colour selections about FCA cars on the background, or are there unknown mock-ups? Maybe I see Giulia, 500, 500l, Panda. However what is on the top right? Tipo looks little bit different. (04:01) On the foreground there is a mock-up about the current 500, but what is on the background? It seems there is a "less detailed" fiat. Is could be a mock-up from the development of 500e? (04:05)
  11. I have read that the production of the FIAT Doblo is stopped. Could it be? I have not seen it on other sites.
  12. FCA Design Center LATAM opened a new studio, and they held an Open Day. Further information and images:
  13. I guess this was the "small fiat", which could have been smaller than Fiat 500. Unfortunately these are interior images, but it is more than nothing...
  14. Here is a Photoalbum about Fca Heritage HUB: Does anybody know what prototype could it be? According to Fiat Logo it was born between 1994 and 1999. I know most of the prototypes, but I have not seen this one. After the album the prototypes of Cinquecento (1992), Punto (1994), and Bravo-Brava (1996) are missing for me. Maybe these cars are from only Fiat C.S. as Fiat Scia...
  15. Thank you for the link, I have already found it. Maybe I am "old fashioned" but there were some good brochures or press kits about conceptcars, as Downtown or Ecobasic. I believed that Centoventi has some kind of paper-based brochure.
  16. About the front lamp it remembers me one of the "two of a kind" Panda concepts
  17. Was this prototype from "Acqua, Aria, Terra" ideas for the last phase? Or from Lancia CS in 2003? Or was it from second phase in 2004? (According to A&D 162) The door handles of this prototype looks similar to Grande Punto ones
  18. Source:
  19. I do not know whether this story is fake or not. Maybe it is real... In 1989 Fiat commissioned the successors of Fiat Croma, Lancia Thema and Alfa 164. Pavel Hušek was one of the designers who took part in the project. Maybe this was one of the proposals. Source:
  20. Back to Multipla There was an article with Mr. Giolito on He showed some special images: This image about the interior is nice, however at the background there is an interesting Multipla proposal. It has a "C" pillar rear lamp. The mock-up is little bit similar to Hyundai Atos (1997-2002) Source:
  21. I like this prototype. As far as I know I found in a page from Luciano Bove. The name of the image was "Stola RM PPG"
  22. I guess that few parts of 30% are from Punto. I do not think so that this slide would be fake. Some sites wrote that the platfrom of Argo is an evolution of Punto’s platform. So It can come from there. I do not know the truth.
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