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  1. ma Hyundai/Kia fa gia 7,5Mio per se stesso....?
  2. Si certo, il peso e alto, ma questo e una problema di tutti le macchne moderne, troppo grosso, troppo largo, troppo pesante - ma questa e la vista dei clienti "vecchio stile" europei. Ti posso capire molto bene, anch'io trovo strano una macchina sportiva / granturismo con piu di due tonnellate. Ma una GranCabrio, senza motore Biturbo (con tutto i suoi pesi addizionale in paragone di una aspirata), senza trazione integrale e con una struttura/rigidezza della carrozzeria piu di una banana come una costruzione rigido, ha quasi lo stesso peso come la M8 cabrio, cosi anche in Maserati non fanno meglio. (esattamente questa grandezza e questo peso per me personalmente e la motivazione di non comprare una macchina come GC o M8 cabrio, ma il mercato globale pensa diverso). La tua discussione per i prezzi - d'accordo, hai raggione con molti argomenti - ma al momento in vista globale funziona cosi, ci sono in giro troppi soldi di gente che comprano una macchina cosi solo per mostrare, per posing, non per usare in senso originale. Ma anche questo e valido per tutte le macchine/marchi del segmento sportivo di lusso. Se cerchi solo una macchina per divertirti in qualche giri sulle strade curvosi delle Dolomiti, Haute Alpes o Sardegna poi prendere una M2 oppure una Cayman GT4 e hai tutto che necessario. O forse meglio una M3 E30 Evo, una Ur-quattro, una 993, una 355GTS ecc. ecc..
  3. ..purtroppo ne Alfa ne Maserati hanno prodotti cosi nella gamma...cosi per un possibile cliente non c'e una alternative per una 8er coupe o cabrio... chi vuole una berlina pompata se esiste anche una Cabrio??? ..sicuramenta non il argomento in che una possibile clientela di una M8 (o anche AMG GT) e interessato in primis...forse uno che guardo subito all prezzo non guardo alla macchina guista per lui
  4. Communicato ufficiale della BMW Group BMW Group and Jaguar Land Rover announce collaboration for next-generation electrification technology Munich. As it develops its plans for the mobility of the future, the BMW Group is increasingly focusing on co-operations to help make next-level electrification technology more widely available to customers by the start of the coming decade. Cooperation between car manufacturers to share know-how and resources is important as the automotive industry tackles the significant technological challenges of autonomous driving, connectivity, electrification and services (ACES). After three years of Strategy NUMBER ONE > NEXT, the BMW Group remains firmly on track, having established a strong position as one of the world's top providers of e-mobility. The BMW Group is leading the global premium market with the largest portfolio of electrified vehicles and the biggest market share among traditional luxury rivals. Highly-integrated electric drive train The BMW Group and Jaguar Land Rover today confirmed they are joining forces to develop next generation electric drive units in a move that supports the advancement of electrification technologies necessary to transition to an ACES future. The BMW Group and Jaguar Land Rover share the same strategic vision of environmentally-friendly and future-oriented electric drive technologies. The BMW Group brings long experience of developing and producing several generations of electric drive units in-house since it launched the pioneering BMW i3 in 2013. Jaguar Land Rover has demonstrated its capability with this technology through the launch of the Jaguar I-Pace and its plug-in hybrid models. The BMW Group’s most sophisticated electrified technology to date features an electric motor, transmission and power electronics in one housing. This electric motor does not require rare earths, enabling the BMW Group to reduce its dependence on their availability as it continues to systematically broaden its range of electrified models. Starting next year, the BMW Group will introduce this electric drive unit, the fifth generation (“Gen 5”) of its eDrive technology, with the BMW iX3 Sports Activity Vehicle. The Gen 5 electric drive unit will be the propulsion system upon which subsequent evolutions launched together with Jaguar Land Rover will be based. “The automotive industry is undergoing a steep transformation. We see collaboration as a key for success, also in the field of electrification. With Jaguar Land Rover, we found a partner whose requirements for the future generation of electric drive units significantly match ours. Together, we have the opportunity to cater more effectively for customer needs by shortening development time and bringing vehicles and state-of-the-art technologies more rapidly to market,” said Klaus Fröhlich, Member of the Board of Management of BMW AG, Development. The cooperation allows the BMW Group and Jaguar Land Rover to take advantage of cost efficiencies arising from shared development of future evolutions and production planning costs as well as economies of scale from joint purchasing. A joint team of BMW Group and Jaguar Land Rover experts located in Munich will be tasked with further developing the Gen 5 power units with production of the electric drivetrains to be undertaken by each partner in their own manufacturing facilities. Both companies will seek to adhere to their own brand-specific propositions in any project. Technology openness The development of multiple new technologies is required for the company to meet customer and regulatory requirements around the world, which often vary by market. This means that the BMW Group will continue to improve its combustion engines, while also pushing forward the e-mobility strategy with both battery-electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids and investing in new technologies such as fuel–cell powertrains.
  5. con l'unica differenza, che con una BMW puoi andare ad un cliente o mandante, con una Ferrari no.
  6. Siemens Automotive non esiste piu da anni, hanno fusionato con VDO e poi Conti ha comprato Siemens-VDO.
  7. BMW e JLR svilupperanno assieme la prossima generazione di propulsori per le auto elettriche. BMW, Jaguar Land Rover will jointly develop electric car components FRANKFURT -- BMW said it will develop its next-generation electric motors, transmission and power electronics with Jaguar Land Rover, unveiling yet another industry alliance designed to lower the costs of developing electric cars. "Together, we have the opportunity to cater more effectively for customer needs by shortening development time and bringing vehicles and state-of-the-art technologies more rapidly to market," BMW Group r&d boss Klaus Froehlich said in a statement. BMW aims to have 12 full-electric models by 2025. Currently the BMW brand's sole battery-powered model is the i3 hatchback. Jaguar Land Rover's first EV is the Jaguar I-Pace. BMW and Jaguar Land Rover said they will save costs through shared development, production planning and joint purchasing. A joint team of BMW and Jaguar Land Rover experts located in Munich will be tasked with further developing BMW's fifth -generation eDrive technology that will debut this year on the iX3 battery-powered SUV. The X3 variant will be built in China and exported to the U.S. and Europe. Both companies will produce electric drivetrains in their own manufacturing facilities, BMW said. Nick Rogers, Jaguar Land Rover's engineering director said: "We've proven we can build world beating electric cars but now we need to scale the technology to support the next generation of Jaguar and Land Rover products." Jaguar Land Rover is still run by former BMW managers, including Ralf Speth the company's chief executive who spent 20 years at BMW prior to joining JLR, and Wolfgang Ziebart, the engineer who designed the iPace. Ziebart is a former board member responsible for development and BMW. BMW already has a deal to supply an 8-cylinder engine to Jaguar Land Rover. Jaguar Land Rover said it would redouble efforts to cut costs after it posted a $4 billion loss earlier this year, hit by a downturn in demand for SUVs in China and a regulatory clampdown on diesel emissions. BMW bought Britain's Rover Group, which included the Jaguar and Land Rover brands, for 800 million pounds in 1994. BMW sold Jaguar Land Rover to Ford in March 2000 for $2.7 billion. In 2008 India's Tata Group bought Jaguar and Land Rover from Ford for $2.3 billion.
  8. ultimi 6 mesi FCA Renault Ultimi 10 giorni FCA Renault
  9. Alstom lo stato francese e il azionario piu grande con 30% - non ha interessato Vestager.
  10. Ma anche se le due aziende, o Elkann e Macron, come volete, trovano una soluzione accetabile per entrambi, non significa che poi il deal e fatto. Dopo questo venira poi la EU e Verstager che deve dare l'ok - lei hai gia distrutto/stoppato la fusione Siemens-Alstom Rail, che era anche chiaro in vista delle due aziende.
  11. ?????????? Listino per il modello attuale uscente E nessuno ha detto, che un futuro elettrica non costa niente. Macchine a 10k tra qualche anni non ci saranno piu. (ecetto forse qualche usate)
  12. In Germania cost listino +/. 12.000.-€, cosi si puo comprare sicuramente per poco piu di 10k. E forse la maggior parte del mercato e nella zona della ex-DDR, vecchia tradizione per i prussiani ?
  13. Automotive news today .......... As the two sides appeared to be converging on a deal, with the Renault board meeting on Tuesday, President Emmanuel Macron's government upped its demands, two people close to the negotiations said. The government is now pushing for a significant board presence on the French subsidiary that would oversee Renault assets and plants, the sources said - as well as an effective veto on future CEO appointments after Senard, who is 66. French officials want to be able to ensure that the job guarantees and "merger of equals" philosophy underpinning the deal are respected, sources close to the Renault board said. ............
  14. Senza dubbio corretto. Ma con questo costrutto 50:50 si puo interpretare come Tu fai, come aquisto della Renault tramite FCA camuffato come fusione. Ma sia anche possibile di vedere viceversa, come una vendita di FCA a Renault nascosto in una fusione.
  15. molto interessante sopratutto questi capoversi del articolo ....... But the executive said the possible $35 billion merger of Renault and FCA would not give FCA the automatic right to use those technologies, which it needs to meet stringent emissions regulations and better compete in an industry being transformed by electric vehicles....... ....... "We would go ahead with partnering or cooperating with FCA only if we can guarantee tangible benefits from sharing technologies with FCA and only if we can work out conditions that are satisfactory to us," the executive said......................
  16. From automotive news today: PARIS -- Fiat Chrysler Automobiles is discussing a Renault special dividend and stronger job guarantees in a bid to persuade the French government to back its proposed merger between the automakers, sources close to the discussions said. The improved offer, if formalized and accepted, would also see the combined company's operations headquartered in France and the French state granted a seat on its board, two people with knowledge of the matter told Reuters on Sunday.
  17. Si, non ci sono nella Db. Si, meglio come Giulia ??
  18. Sopratutto sembra che lui non crede ad una futura con quotazione delle azioni piu alta.
  19. Se intendi con Mini la "Mini classic" F56 o la "Clubman" F54, poi la risposta e no. Mini classic diventera BEV con Cooper SE, Clubman niente versione elettrificata, Countryman PHEV al momento con la versione come 2er AT, ma molto probabile che ricevera anche la versione attualizata della X1LCI un po piu tardi.
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