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Tutti i contenuti di Franky...

  1. I recently saw an Avanger live and I have to say that I like the 600e better, especially inside. The LaPrima looks significantly more attractive inside than the Jeep.
  2. does anyone have a photo of the 160PS Speciale? I would like to see the other 20" rims
  3. it was after Easter, at the end of April at the beginning of May
  4. In Germany, the 130 PS Speciale is between 40.000 - 43.900 depending on the Colour and Version 1 or 2
  5. there is a white one at the top right, you can see the complete one on another photo
  6. Abbiamo avuto una foto nell'articolo 508 in cui è possibile vedere il motore elettrico sull'asse posteriore.
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