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Tutti i contenuti di sonicwp7

  1. versione a passo lungo della Tiguan, ma la cosa che fa sorridere è la camuffatura... ricordo che gli ultimi prototipi VW hanno queste camuffature
  2. foto a risoluzione migliore in questa foto si nota la mancanza del tablet, cambia la posizione del display multimediale?
  3. è partito lo sviluppo della nuova supercar che andrà a sostituire LaFerrari, "...15 per cent lighter but with an over 20 per cent better performance in crash.." " Ferrari has joined forces with engineering and software company Altair for the development of their next-gen platform. The new architecture will spawn “several new flagship vehicle derivatives” according to Altair who is a longtime partner of Ferrari for over a decade. Altair has sent a group of designers and engineers to work on-site at Ferrari’s vehicle development center in Italy to work alongside Ferrari’s own team. The new platform is expected to be 15 per cent lighter but with an over 20 per cent better performance in crash, NVH and other critical attributes, according to Altair. “It was important for Altair to supply both CAD and CAE expertise to facilitate tight integration particularly when packaging ideas and manufacturing process are so fluid”, said Maximilian Szwaj, Ferrari’s Director of Innovation and BIW Development. “For Ferrari, the Next Generation platform is a significant engineering achievement and a symbol of our successful collaboration with Altair.”Royston Jones, Altair Product Design’s global chief technology officer added that the new platform will be the outcome of “a massive deployment of structural optimization” with the “optimum material layout”. “I love the Next Generation architecture; it has an organic nature, with the structure flowing smoothly from sections to joints”, he said. “I believe it [the platform] truly warrants the title of Next Generation and importantly, and repays Ferrari’s trust.”
  4. rimanendo in casa Hyundai, al posto del tablet sospeso, avrei preferito una soluzione tipo questa
  5. finalmente si è capito di cosa si tratta, SUV della cinese Geely
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