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  1. But internal combustion engine version will have, well, transversely oriented engine. And as we know for some time the real sports cars will have internal combustion engine.
  2. Sports car for 2026 (see above) is planned of STLA Medium. BTW, knowing what cars will be made in Italy I'm afraid that so called "D-Cross" (yet again, see above) for 2025 is based on STLA Medium. Larry Dominique(Head of Alfa Romeo North America) in his interview said that Carlos Tavares asked him to implement Peugeot plan for US on Alfa Romeo. First model planned for Peugeot in US was a long wheelbase 308 crossover, car which is small D segment. I'm very careful with ex PSA.
  3. PSA wants all C and D segment Alfa Romeo on EMP2 v4 platform which was renamed to eVMP and now to STLA Medium. For them sports EMP v4 is excellent for Alfa Romeo and suitable for Alfa's sports car. Sad story of PSA's Alfa Romeo.
  4. Not exactly true. At the time when 500X was at the top of the game, i.e. with broad range of engines, sales were 60:40 on the side of rest of the Europe. Actually there wasn't such Fiat except for the 500. People always forget one important thing about rational Fiats. Face of the Fiat outside of Italy is not Fiat Panda. It's Fiat Punto and it was always that way since the mid 90's.
  5. A D GX ? STLA Medium rules. What a nice way to kill sports brand.
  6. Jeep Compass Lancia C-SUV Opel Grandland DS 7 Crossback Lancia D-SUV?
  7. September was planned for Alfa Days together with Tonale's presentation. But do not expect detailed product plan from PSA. They don't do it. Usually they are all about CO2 reduction goals. 😆 And about state of the art platforms like CMP. And yes, even in PSA world there are delays. For example Punch fake DCT.
  8. Don't get me wrong. I think that the B-SUV and next generation Giulietta must be hear for Europe but sports car on a FWD based platform capable for up to 330 HP and crosswagon in D segment are missed opportunities. And this is exactly what French management gave us. Where are liftback and E-segment SUV? Fortunately some models are long way off so that they have a chance to fix this flawed product planning.
  9. You should have right. In US important segments for premium brands are D-segment sedan D-segment SUV E-segment sedan E-segment SUV With Stellantis(read: PSA) we may have the same problem as with FGA in the past. FGA thought that what sells in Italy could see well in the whole Europe. PSA now has similar problem. They think that what sells in France can be sold well all over the world.
  10. Imparato is keen on burning money with: 1) D segment model with a bodywork which is not popular in US, which no one in US wants 2) sports car model on a FWD platform. If you thought that someone can do it worse than FCA... Well ex PSA can. 🤣😆😆
  11. But how if one is on STLA Medium while the other is not sedan or SUV which makes is unsellable in US. They must be prepared to lose money on a lot of models and for a lot of years if they want to make a proper Alfa Romeo image and have long term success. French do not want to take risks. Koreans with Genesis want to do it. Do not mention non sense of keeping DS bran and Lancia revival. Two very stupid decisions. And one important thing with Marchionne got right but Tavares didn't and will not. To play at the high level in the automotive industry you need to rise CAPEX. Marchionne in 2018 had a plan to rise CAPEX. Manley stopped it and Tavares said the same. PSA+FCA will keep combined CAPEX at the same level. Basically there is no progress with this policy.
  12. Are you sure that MHEV doesn't matter in US? I would not bet on it, especially about P2 MHEVs which in case of upcoming ZF can improve fuel economy by a lot at fraction of the cost. Here is the thing and actually it's FCA vs PSA philosophy. PSA electrification program is all about cost. Control production with production in house or through JV. Price is the most important. Performance is last in the equation. Explore limiter scope of electrification technologies. FCA electrification is or was all about added performance. Use best technology available. For example for RWD cars it's through ZF as supplier. ZF for PHEV and then later ZF 4th gen for both PHEV and P2 MHEV. Of course Maserati Folgore electric motors are also ZF sourced. We are facing difficult times for Alfa Romeo. I'm afraid of a widespread use of STLA Medium because there is no sign of a proper STLA Large based models.
  13. I would like to say. It seems that Imparato doesn't understand US market at all or that he wants to abandon US market. Pick which you prefer.
  14. Compassa has a small trunk because of rear suspension scheme and not because of dimensions. Rear MacPherson suspension takes a lot of vertical space. Actually the solution would be to replace MacPherson with a simple multilink like on the Giulietta.
  15. The question is. What is a starting point for STLA Small?
  16. So this is the last model on CMP? In 2026 STLA Small should come. AFAIK CMP is not suitable for A segment cars. Actually even for classic B segment it's the smallest on the inside.
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