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  1. Maserati Folgore on Giorgio base will have 3 electric motors. Even MC20 will have them.
  2. Not important if suspension scheme and some design ethos are connected with a platform. Look at suspension on Giorgio and compare it to EMP2 like for example 508. Look at the sideline on Giulia and compare it to 508. One has shirt snout and backward cabinet while the other has long snout and cabforward look. Which is more sexy from the side? The entirely different speech would be dedicated BEV platform but they aren't doing it. They are doing multienergy platforms which should be as cheap as possible not just in production but also for factory modernization costs.
  3. There will not be E segment Alfa Romeo models. Not before 2031. At least 2031. Most Alfa Romeo models will be on cheap and technically inferior STLA Medium platform. At least we can read it like that between the lines. Maserati will use STLA Large. But Maserati is in American and not French orbit.
  4. STLA Medium - Premium vehicles STLA Large - AWD Performance & American Muscle Fuck PSA! Fuck French!
  5. Battery cells. But very soon you will not be able to Fiat or Alfa with ICE, not even as PHEV. BEV Only! Ah it's official. From 2024 with the launch of the Alfa Romeo Kid Alfa will become Alfa e-Romeo. All subsequent models will be BEV only, even in US.
  6. In 2030 you would be able to buy only BEV model from at least 2 if not 3 Italian brands. Crazy French could push it to all 4.
  7. Indycar would be far better in terms of marketing. Make the best engine. Why not? But French dreams about North America are very little although they keep calling it Stellantis' Global Premium Brand.
  8. Formula E is Cup competition. Nothing good from it. Alfa will have 5 mass market models in the best case, out 4 in US. Additional model is Specialty. They call it Stellantis Global Premium Brand but model and powertrain model is very Euro centric, I would even call it French centric and more suitable for brand like Lancia and DS but not for Alfa Romeo.
  9. What if... is all based on Peugeot 308? One thing is sure. There is no Alfa E segment models in plan for 2030 period. New era of Alfa will start in 2024 with Kid. Starting with 2025 and ending in 2030 they will implement Alfa plan by PSA. You will see what it is. Maybe even today. One new model by each year. That's 6 new models and totally renewed model line up. If I got it right next year is the last in F1. Formula E starting in 2023 which is line with PSA induced Alfa Romeo branding.
  10. You think? Why? For Imparato and rest of the French guys word "performance" has strange meaning. It's related only and exclusively to CO2 emissions and production costs. Bigger and more powerful engines or more powerful electric motors or additional electric motor would result in higher CO2 emissions which is something what PSA doesn't want. It's in contrary to their "performance".
  11. During the last year FCA made a lot of investment for powertrain production spending with in my opinion highlights being: 1.5 turbo mild hybrid GME T4 Evo 8 speed FWD transmission The above is not complete list. They also made some planning for LCV BEV, spent money on it.
  12. Yes, EB Gen 3 in Douvrin from 2023. EP Gen 3 has been moved from Douvrin to Hungary. Date is also 2023. But who knows what will be with this engine.
  13. No. But they were even thinking of making Small Wide BEV version. PSA guys are obsessed with CO2. For them "performance" is equal to CO2 and production costs. So when Imparato spoke about "performance" it was only about CO2 emission, nothing else.
  14. Giulietta? Which Giulietta? There is no mention of Giulietta in the new plan. 😆
  15. If you wonder, P2 MHEV on Tonale will have lower CO2 emmision than available diesel.
  16. Continuity will be there but not all will like this continuity. In my opinion plan is very Euro centric, I would call it French centric. And yet they call Alfa Romeo their only Global Premium Brand important for EU, US and China market. But their strategy is totally wrong for US. I can say as much.
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