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Tutti i contenuti di 4200blu

  1. 4200blu

    BMW M2 2023

    La differenza non sono 130kg ma solo 90kg e poi alla fine sono le solite differenze come altro motore (B58D / S58T), altri freni, altri cerchi, rinforzamento della carrozzeria li e la...ecc. Sono 5kg qui e 3 la che in addizione fanno la differenza come sempre.
  2. 4200blu

    BMW M2 2023

    Hai ragione, per una sportiva e pesante, ma cosa avete aspettato? Sotto la pelle e la stessa macchina come una M4, cosi da dove potrebbe saltare fuori un peso piu piccolo? Impossibile per un modello in gerarchia piu sotto con prezzo piu basso (72.800.-). Se una dovrebbe essere meno pesante, pooi la M4 perche e il modello piu costoso e cosi con piu possibilita di usare elementi leggeri. M2 e solo il povero fratello dell' M4.
  3. Tough Euro 7 pollution rules planned for adoption this month The new rules, repeatedly delayed, will govern emissions of harmful pollutants such as fine particulates, hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide. BRUSSELS — After repeated delays, the European Commission is expected to adopt the Euro 7 tailpipe pollution regulations this month. The regulations will further limit emissions of harmful pollutants such as fine particulates, hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide from gasoline and diesel cars and trucks, and would replace the existing Euro 6 regulations, in place since 2014. Euro 7 is likely to be the defining pollution parameters for the final generation of combustion engines in Europe, with the EU planning to allow only zero-emissions vehicles to be sold after 2035. The most recent postponement of adoption was from Oct. 12 to Oct. 26 "or sooner," the Commission said Tuesday. It had been planned for July 20, which itself was pushed back from April 5 — and from the fourth quarter of 2021 before that. After the European Commission adopts the rules, a "co-decision" process will decide the final form and implementation process. They are likely to come into force no earlier than 2025 — and potentially even a year or two later, sources said at a meeting in Brussels last month of the Association for Emissions Control by Catalyst. Complex rule-making process European Commission officials have acknowledged the continued delays in adopting Euro 7. They are due to a number of factors, they say: The complexity in creating rules for passenger cars, motorcycles and commercial trucks at the same time; the need to acknowledge all stakeholders’ priorities; and even the Fit for 55 rules requiring zero-emissions by 2035, which were not anticipated when the Euro 7 process started. For some automakers, these delays raise the question as to why the regulations are even needed, given that they will be expensive and time-consuming to engineer, test and implement. At the same time because European brands are rushing to electrify their lineups well ahead of the 2035 deadline. “We are not overly convinced of the benefits of Euro 7,” said Paul Greening, Emissions and Fuels director at the automakers’ group ACEA, at the Brussels event. Both CO2 targets and Euro 7 are drivers for zero emissions, he said. In a likely scenario, Euro 7 rules would apply to a single generation of models starting about 2026, but by 2035 only a tiny percentage of new cars would still be launched with gasoline or diesel powertrains. With many automakers already announcing plans to launch only zero emission vehicles by 2030, a large investment in Euro 7 “does not make sense,” Greening in response to a question at the Brussels event. “The reality of investing in Euro 7 for a short return, and in a very difficult business market at the moment, with many pressures on the industry, is becoming more complex," he said, Panagiota Dilara, the team leader for vehicle emissions at the EC, said that Euro 7 is about much more than just passenger-car emissions. It includes commercial trucks — which are unlikely to be all-electric by 2035 — as well as non-fuel emissions from vehicles such as brake dust and tire particles, she said. Health impact A larger point, advocates say, is that the benefits of reducing tailpipe pollutants will extend far into the future, with many internal combustion cars and trucks sold even in the mid-2030s likely to still be on the road in the 2040s. If they are significantly cleaner than vehicles that meet the current Euro 6 standards, that could mean thousands of lives saved. The European Environmental Agency says that more than 300,000 deaths in the EU in 2019 were attributable to air pollution. That point was made by Francois Wakenhut, the head of unit for Clean Air and Urban Policy at the EC. "We need to improve the overall performance of all sectors that bear responsibility for emissions levels, and certainly the road transport sector does bear part of that,” he said. “No more than its share, but that share needs to be addressed." (ANE)
  4. ..come anche le future Alfa se mi ricordo bene...
  5. quella non mi sembra esattamente una C...🤔
  6. Il concetto X2 attuale non ha funzionato molto bene ne in Cina ne nei Stati...allora....
  7. ..non credo che c'e un altra possibilita. 😉 Un successore per X4 in questo stato come la macchina sulle foto non esiste, non e possibile per la tempistica.
  8. Non avete l‘impressione che questa per una X4 nuova e un po‘ piccolo con passo corto e lo sbalzo anteriore che puzza TA? 😝
  9. Non dovete credere tutto cosa potete leggere nella rete! 🤪
  10., metodo (se non abiti per caso accanto una stazione) completamente superfluo e inutile, fallito gia lo start-up " A Better place" di Shai Agassi con questa idea.
  11. ...hanno pubblicato una rata addizionale per lo swap, costa +/-200.- al mese (dipende dalla batteria 75/100), con questa rata addizionale e lo swap + la energia compresa, ma al momento esistono solo 3 stazioni in tutta la Germania.
  12. non hai box poi resta solo la possibilita di ricaricare su punti pubbliche penso. (ecetto tu hai un parcheggio fisso al aperto accanto il appartamento, poi potresti usare un cavo lungo dal appartamento alla macchina, in questo caso devi montare la wallbox nel appartamento 😉)
  13. Come ho capito io - Si. Per una sottrazione esatto hai bigno di una wallbox. La box e in grado a base della RFID di assegnare la energia trapassato alla macchina ricaricato, cosi se hai una macchina aziendale bev e una privata bev, la wallbox Ti da la energia per la aziendale e separata quella della bev privata.
  14. Normalmente un abbonamento include tutto trane energia per guidare (come anche un auto di noleggio di breve termine, dove la benzina, diesel etc e a conto tuo), cosi il swap sicuramente non e incluso, ma e irrelevante, perche le stazione swap in Germania sono/saranno pocchissime, per un uso normale serve un ricarico normale via cavo.
  15. ..che non sembra davvero attivo ma piu una poluzione passivo che solo reagisce, invece quella dei Canadesi e attivo, in versione senza regolazione gia usato su altri clienti, in Ferrari la prima volta in combinazione con la regplazione della altezza, funziona sicuramente piu importante per un Suv come per una macchina normale.
  16. La novita della versione che usa ferrari e la regolazione integrata della altezza.
  17. Gli ammortizzatori activi della canadese Multimatic, usato la prima volta in una macchina di serie per la Ferrari Purosangue 13 September 2022 – Markham, Canada: The Multimatic TrueActive™ Spool Valve (TASV) Damper system is debuting on the Ferrari Purosangue; the automaker’s latest vehicle and first to feature the innovative Ferrari Active Suspension Technology (F.A.S.T.) system enabled by Multimatic TASV technology. All passive and adaptive dampers are reactive elements designed to absorb energy imparted by the road surface and g-forces resulting from driver inputs to reactively control subsequent suspension movements and tire forces. The Multimatic TASV Damper technology has redefined the role of dampers, transforming the suspension into an active system capable of exerting enough force to move the entire vehicle body in anticipation of a road disturbance or driving manoeuvre to achieve optimal handling performance and ride comfort in all conditions. Spool valve damping is at the heart of TASV technology, it’s the fundamental core of every Multimatic damper. Inside each TASV Damper are two spool valves independently controlling compression and rebound motion, providing precise and predictable control in all driving conditions. The Multimatic TASV system is the first production active suspension in the world to integrate an electric motor with spool valve damping to supplement vehicle springs with parallel force actuation through the damper. This eliminates the need for any anti-roll devices and additional mechanisms for dynamic ride height and rate adjustment. It can also control vehicle wheel motions with more authority and at higher frequencies than adaptive or semi-active suspension systems. TASV Dampers use a unique liquid cooled 48V three-phase brushless electric motor to deliver supplemental force through a bespoke twin-lead ball screw and gearbox assembly into the damper shaft. The system is efficiently designed to minimize package space, weight, and rotational inertia. On the Ferrari Purosangue each damper actuator assembly is equipped with an onboard motor control module that receives direct commands from a vehicle dynamics controller based on control strategies that optimize the performance envelope of the vehicle and the ride-comfort of its occupants. “This technology makes it possible to continuously control the vehicle body to achieve targeted vertical, roll and pitch dynamics at any speed.” said Michael Guttilla, Multimatic Vice President of Engineering. “For example, the system can actively lower the vehicle’s centre of gravity and control pitch and roll stiffness under acceleration, braking and cornering to maximize traction and dynamically optimise under/oversteer handling balance. It can also optimise tire contact with the road as the vehicle drives over rough surfaces, delivering exceptional ride quality and stability.” The Multimatic TASV Damper System is the breakthrough technology that enables achievement of the elusive goal to give a vehicle ultimate handling performance and ride comfort without compromise. “TrueActive Dampers were created to empower the suspension system with the ability to simultaneously deliver what the driver wants, what the tires want, and what the vehicle needs to attain a performance envelope and level of vehicle control far beyond what is possible with electronically adaptive and semi-active systems.” said Raj Nair, President and COO of Multimatic. “This truly innovative technology is the culmination of Multimatic’s experience with vehicle dynamics optimisation, suspension system development, and unique spool valve damping, embedded in a product that provides optimal on-track capability and on-road driveability.” Multimatic TrueActive™ technology enables drivers to achieve faster lap-times, maintain control and confidence in all conditions and experience exceptional comfort on the road. Automakers and consumers no longer need to choose between ultimate performance, stability or ride comfort, TASV delivers it all without compromise.
  18. Perchè sono avvolte da una quantità di pregiudizi spaventosi. Primo su tutti “ma non la usi mai”, pensando che si scapotti solo a mezzogiorno di ferragosto a Capri (il peggior momento in realtà) A loro discolpa sono sparite le cabrio abbordabili come era la 206CC e con la moda del tetto rigido c’era troppa roba dalla linea discutibile. ...modo di vedere italiano, giusto, ma Italia non era era e non e un mercato importante per il segmento dei Roadster (e neache per le cabrio), ilproblema principale per le roadster e il crollo totale delle 3 mercati principali, USA, UK e D.
  19. I prezzi base per le 3 Nio in Germania, al momento disponibile solo in modo abbonamento. I "fixed" sono le rate per un abbonamento fissato per 36 mese, i flexible le rate mensile con la possibilita di cancellare l'abbonamento dopo il mese attuale. Partono con la batteria di 75kWh, la versione 100kWh venira a Gennaio, la 150kWh piu tardi durante il 2023.
  20. ...vendite globale delle BMW Roadster per gli anni.....😥
  21. ...non solo le piccole roadster, tutto il segmento delle macchine decapotabile morira con la sua clientela. I giovane non vogliono piu macchine senza tetto. Lo sviluppo delle vendite globale Cabrio+Roadster durante le 30 anni scorsi (2022 fino agosto):
  22. questa situazione molto probabile cambiera le prossimi mesi, il ricevimento dell'ordine nuove (mercato EU totale, non specifico Stellantis) e in caduta libera. Al momento gli ordini in portafoglio gia fatti nel passato ci sono, ma diventano di meno, ci sono anche abbastanza clienti che cancellano i loro ordini.
  23. ...perche non vale la pena per gli ultimi paia di anni e con questo volume della produzione, tipo/concetto di macchina morendo.
  24. Prezzo base della 500e (versione 70kW) in Germania fine del anno 2020: 23.560.-€ ottobre 2021: 26.800.-€ adesso ottobre 2022 con il nuovo sistema (base + 3 pack + full) la base senza pack: 30.990.-€ 🤔
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