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Tutti i contenuti di Jonathan19

  1. It will be interesting to see how Porsche handles the hybrid system with the 992.
  2. Teaser?
  3. F167 Patents?
  4. Some details: - 525hp - Single-mass flywheel - €292K - 1380kg with full tank - No rear axle steering
  5. - Hybrid V6 - 800hp - 33 Cars Sound good for me.
  6. The AMG GT will be present at Goodwood. "Also taking to the track at Goodwood are a still camouflaged variant of the next-generation Mercedes-AMG GT" "The Mercedes-AMG ONE and the new Mercedes-AMG GT can be seen in the Supercar Paddock"
  7. Some of the details I received. - Power 1030hp (Combined). - 0 to 100 km/h in 2.3s and 200 km/h in 6.5s. - New high performance braking system. - Superb seats and especially carbon door panels. - No roll bar available. - Full carbon bodywork available as an option. - No boot. - Enormous work on the car's on-track performance. - Coupé and Aperta both have rear wings. - Ferrari says it has made a track car with road homologation.
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