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  1. 2027 e 2035 e un po' di differenza. 2027 sono sicuramente in vendita qualche B ice, ma non credo che qualche B nuovo escono a 2027 o dopo.
  2. non si gira un treno a piena velocita per 180gradi. La maggior parte dei produttori hanno in programma (e in sviluppo) le ice fino 2028-2030, al massimo 2032/33. Per arrivare a 2035 significa di partire 2028 o 2029 con un modello nuovo ice - e questa qui fa nessuno.
  3. ...siamo gia a questa strada se vedi le 20 piu grandi gruppi indotto del 2021 per fatturato e il loro sviluppo del fatturato - Benvenuto Cina!! (fonte ManagerMagazin)
  4. Hmm....credi davvero? Secondo me un target abbastanza sfidante, sopratutto in vista dei produttori tradizionali. Per Q1/2022 (per gli altri mesi al momento non ci sono i dati dattagliati) i bev hanno avuto una quota mercato USA di 4,6% con maggioranza Tesla. Se adesso togli i Tesla, poi rimane una quota bev di 1,35% per tutto il resto delle produttori. Certo, ci sono regioni come California, costa nord est ecc., dove sicuro c'e un forte movimento verso le bev, ma 50% per gli stati intero in 8 anni a me sembra difficile e poi resta la domanda, quale grandezza avra la fetta di questa torta bev per i vecchi produttori.
  5. Boh...nomi sono solo la U25 e l'erede della F60.
  6. ...probabile - ma di sicuro la J01 e roba completamente diversa, che ha niente comune con prodotti esistenti di BMW tranne la software.
  7. No, fanno qualcosa nuovo che poi usano anche per prodotti loro.
  8., perche tutti i Uxx usano la FAAR II, le Fxx usano la FAAR Evo, cosi una generazione piu vecchia.
  9. Si, forse per gli states e gli appassionati petrol heads e tifosi della marca in Europa si avrebbe aggiungere la versione 2.0GME 4WD come e prevista in realta per USA, anche se con questa soluzione essi sarebbero i costi della omologazioni EU per un volume abbastanza piccolo, ma con un prezzo piu alta potrebbe funzionare. Secondo me quelli che sono pronta di comprare una Alfa EU/fuori Italia vogliono una Alfa potente, uno che vuole un auto con 130CV non prende in considerazione una Alfa, per la clientela di questo tipo ci sono gia molti altri brand.
  10. Come Lexus, Phev e bev. Naturalmente con una vista piu internazionale, la decisione attuale crea unaltra macchina italcentrico e poco vendibile globale.
  11. Alfa per avere volumi molto piccoli si deve decidersi per una via, non si puo avere tutto (simile come Lexus)...solo che in caso Alfa hanno puntato sul cavallo perdente con i due benzina asmatica.
  12. Si in favore della Tonale si deve anche annotare, che il volume produzione della X1 giocca in un altro mondo come quella della Tonale e cosi naturalmente e piu facile di offrire ampie versione rimunerative. Con piu volume hai piu possibilta.
  13. Ma manca la versione phev per meno cavallate per le casalinghe che sarabbe come Renegade e Compass mostrano sarebbe in casa con 190CV. E per una versione phev cavallata le 275 sono poche, gia la 3008 ha piu in versione top. L'unica versione della Tonale con 275 e come spesso (in FCA) una cosa in mezzo e indifferente, non orientato alla concorrenza.
  14. ...altra spiegazine: sono due auto completamente diverse, 2erAT e una versione della FAAR II invece la J01 e basata su una archittetura cinese.
  15. SAN FRANCISCO -- Elon Musk needs to cut one in ten jobs at Tesla. Some may already have their eye on the exit. The Tesla CEO’s intentions, conveyed in an internal email seen by Reuters, are rooted in what he described as his “super bad feeling” about the U.S. economy. Some of the nearly 100,000 people employed at the automaker may already be considering their options after Musk issued them with a return-to-office ultimatum. In an email sent to staff Tuesday night, Musk threatened to fire anyone who did not work in the office 40 hours a week, a sharp contrast to flexibility offered by Big Tech companies that compete for the same talent pool. The office edict, on top of a steep drop in Tesla’s share price this year – partly due to Musk's costly pursuit of Twitter – and his public alignment with the Republican party are a toxic mix for some staff. "Tesla is kick-starting its own local Great Resignation," said Stanford University economics professor Nicholas Bloom, who predicted that 60 percent of employees would return to the office full time, about 10 percent would quit, and about 30 percent would look for another job. Tesla did not immediately reply to a request for comment. Some tech companies, sensing an opening, were quick to swoop. Scott Farquhar, Australia’s third-richest man and the co-founder of software maker Atlassian, tweeted about plans to expand and offer flexibility. "Any Tesla employees interested?" he added. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more tech workers, used to working from home or hybrid policies, are refusing to come back to the office full-time. One former Tesla engineer told Reuters he recently took a job at Alphabet because of the lack of work-life balance, including pressure to come into the office during the pandemic. At Google, he has to come to office only three times a week, with some of his team members working remotely, he said. He said his friends working from home "are not less productive, but significantly happier." Another former Tesla engineer said he had been under pressure to work in the office during pandemic in 2020 and got COVID twice - before moving to Apple. Bigger stock compensation The threat of layoffs and the return-to-office order come as Tesla engineers are watching their stock-based compensation drop. Tesla faces some of the same problems assailing other companies, such as China lockdowns. But investors also are concerned that Musk's $44-billion pursuit of Twitter is distracting him, despite Musk's contention that he spends relatively little time on it. Tesla stock fell 9 percent on Friday after Reuters published his staff cut plan and Twitter said the Musk acquisition had passed U.S. antitrust review. The stock had already been down about 30 percent since Musk announced his purchase of shares in early April, roughly double the drop of the Nasdaq index. "If this is sustained, they will absolutely have a retention problem. You have got two things happening. You have got Elon Musk saying things that are controversial and do not appeal to everybody. And you have got the stock price taking a big hit," said Michael Solomon, founder of compensation negotiation advisory service 10x Ascend. Stock options are a bigger portion of executive compensation at Tesla than at its peers, the company said in its securities filing this year. When shares do not go up, that part of compensation can be worthless. Tesla employees get annual bonuses in the form of stocks, and generally receive lower cash salaries than peers at big tech companies, according to former and current employees and data provided to Reuters from job sites Blind and Glassdoor. Tatiana Becker, who runs NIAH Recruiting, a recruiting firm for startups, recently did an email marketing campaign to Tesla employees and received responses from 14 percent, compared with a normal top rate of 10 percent. Musk brand To be sure, Musk's brash personality has helped build the Tesla brand, allowed it to expand without marketing, and given many employees a sense of mission tied to the man and his climate goals. Long hours and unreasonable working conditions are the norm for some, a former Tesla engineer said: "It's how we are wired." And other tech companies are cutting jobs or slowing or pausing hiring amid weakening demand, potentially reining in some Tesla staff's willingness to jump ship. But Musk's recent embrace of a new partisan political identity is off-putting to some employees, particularly liberal tech workers in Silicon Valley. "He's a very polarizing guy. You either love the guy or you hate the guy," said Will Hunsinger, CEO at recruiting firm Riviera Partners. "Some people are huge fans, and they will do anything to work for one of his companies. And others will say, like, I do not really agree with his way of running the company." The billionaire has tapped his large Twitter following to attack Democratic lawmakers, used his bid for the microblogging platform to champion free speech, including a pledge to restore former president Donald Trump's account, and he has said he will vote Republican. "There are people for whom this is very distasteful," recruiter Solomon said. "These are people who have a lot of choices about their employment options." Many Tesla employees will wait for the stock to recover, said a former Tesla manager, who described stock awards as "golden handcuffs" that keep staff from leaving. "But if they think the Tesla share price will remain low, then they are more likely to leave: their big bonus is not so big anymore." (Reuters)
  16., non era un adesivo o adesivo tolto, era coniata nel cofano e un piccolo sigla anche nel parafango.
  17. previsione per U11/Italia sara un po' diversa della tua: Per 35% del volume totale si vede diesel, altri 35% phev e ca. 15/15% benzina / bev. piu o meno 50% del volume diesel si prevede non 18d. (in stato stabilizzato, non durante il ramp up)
  18. ...mah...BMW quasi 50% delle Phev vende fuori EU e aspetteremo quante phev diesel alla Mercedes avranno in gamma quando EU7 entra in vigore.
  19. No, la 4wd meccanica e disponibile solo con i diversi motori 4cil.
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