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  1. si, chiaro, tutti i moduli e componenti sono gia in scaffale, devono "solo" connettere la nuova "mescola". Per essere al conce fine 2020 significa una SOP al piu tardi per settembre, questa significa i primi esemplari sulla linea della seria a Cassino a maggio (i test per lo invernale/freddo poi durante il nostro estate al altro lato del globo, nelle Ande o simile?). E fino maggio 2020 e solo poco piu di un anno - almeno per i stampi della carrozzeria una tabella di marcia mooolto ambizionata, ma forse il design-freeze era gia qualche mesi fa e tutto è in preparativo/sviluppo.
  2. Si - "product improvement" = restyling
  3. ..strano che questi V8 non sono sul sito ufficiale di Maserati NA ?|-75.0969&distanceto=0&cars=LV&minprice=73000&maxprice=190000&minyear=2018&maxyear=2019&minmiles=0&maxmiles=0&view=list i piu cari "nationwide" sono queste:
  4. ..come gia scritto una volta..semplicimente guidare la macchina con le ruote sue. Targa esportazione..e una cosa facile e normalmente da una mano il negoziante/conce. Fanno molti anche privati che comprano "Jahreswagen" di impiegati delle OEM tedesce. Costa poco se fai lo stesso o il conce, ma ci sono anche servizi che fanno per te, poi costa un po di piu - loro profitto per il servizio, per esempio a Monaco:
  5. ...temo che hai ragione....Bram Schot ha aumentato il programma di risparmio di Rupert Stadler fino 2022 per 50%. Penso che per modelli di piccoli nicchie non c'e piu posto, purtroppo.
  6. ...per essere forse un po troppo pessimistico (ma solo un po') - nessun delle gioccatori di oggi (ecetto i coreani forse), quelli che restano veniirano i prossimi anni - i CINESI. Forse anche per loro non e profitabile, ma non fa niente per loro, perche paga lo stato communista con soldi infiniti. ?
  7. ....non solo Tu, ma fino dicembre '18 non c'era nessun immatricolazione di un V8 e anche sul sito --> inventory new cars - non c'e ne una su 1707 Levante nuova disponibile oggi. ?
  8. questa data era pubblicata alla presentazione, quale data hanno pubblicato in Maserati per GTS/Trofeo ? Marzo 2025?
  9. Oggi Herbert Diess ha annunciato un nuove membro/sede nel consiglio d'amministrazione per il settore IT. Cosi saranno due responsabile per lo sviluppo, uno per la "hardware" e uno per la "software". Secondo Diess la machina dell futuro sara sopratutto una cosa di moduli software, la hardware secondo lui perdera sempre piu importanza e per questo VW e il primo azienda con un mebro nella CdA per IT. Sara communicato in breve il nome del nuovo membro.
  10. ..credo al momento sopratutto l'dea della piattaforma comune tra BMW e Mercedes e speculazione della stampa (ma c'e sempre un granello di verita), sarebbe una strada lunga. Piu vicino e concreto e lo sviluppo comune per parte elettriche e sopratutto per la guida autonoma. Eforse anche per usare una struttura modulo per macchine elettriche insieme, forse questa e piu importante che una piattaforma del seg C. e molto reale sono le tentative per amplificare i componenti in un aquisto comune, sopratutto per tutto questa roba, che non e "alla superficie/percezione" del cliente. Ma nell settore di guida autonoma forse ci sara anche una soluzione piu ampia, il nuovo AD di Mercedes al momento prova di creare una unione tra MB/BMW/VAG, Bosch, Conti etc. per sviluppare tutto per guida autonoma insieme, perche i costi per level 4 saranno esorbitante e con questo consorzio si potrebbe dividere.
  11. Il nome adesso e ufficiale, non Polar ma - KAMIQ (un parola della lingua dei Inuit) ? Presentazione a Ginerva '19
  12. ..complimenti a questo ca**o nella Mini per disprezzare completamente la distanza di sicurezza con questi condizioni di tempo e strada bagnata
  13. Temo che alle fine di C-, E- e S-Cabrio sopravive solo una piu lo SL, anche SLK morira secondo me ?
  14. Waymo fara il montaggio delle sue machine autonome lo stesso, compra solo le auto da FCA e JLR, l'attrezzatura per la autonomia poi sara nell nuovo stabilmento di Waymo a Michigan. fonte Automotive news europe: Waymo seeks U.S. assembly location for Chrysler, Jaguar self-driving models Waymo is looking for a location in the U.S. state of Michigan to install its self-driving systems on vehicles produced by Fiat Chrysler Automobiles and Jaguar. Waymo said the facility would be dedicated to mass production of Level 4 autonomous vehicles which can pilot themselves without a human driver under certain conditions. Waymo is partnering with Magna International to integrate the systems on vehicles, with a team hired exclusively for the work on the Chrysler Pacifica hybrid minivans and Jaguar I-Pace full-electric crossovers that the company plans on using as it expands autonomous operations in the years ahead. "As we begin to commercialize our business and vehicle supply grows, we're laying the foundation for a scalable, robust vehicle integration plan, starting in Michigan," the company said in a statement. Waymo CEO John Krafcik has said the company plans to expand its fleet to as many as 20,000 vehicles by 2022, and he has been assembling an array of partnerships to that end, including agreements with U.S. dealer chain AutoNation to provide maintenance and fleet management services. The scale of Waymo’s Michigan investment is small compared to operations run by the Detroit Three. Still, the Silicon Valley company’s decision has symbolic impact in the home state of the legacy U.S. auto industry, which is losing thousands of automotive jobs this year as General Motors and Ford cut staff. Both GM and Ford also have said they will build autonomous vehicles at Michigan factories. In December, Waymo launched self-driving taxis in Arizona for paying customers. Autonomous leader Waymo is considered the leader in developing self-driving technology, due to its decade of testing and millions of miles driven. Volkswagen CEO Herbert Diess said last November that Waymo had a one- to two-year head start. Waymo plans to move into the space by the midpoint of this year, company executives said, and the program is expected to be operational by 2024. The Michigan Economic Development Corp., a public-private partnership agency that works to recruit businesses, helped broker a deal to land Waymo's expansion in the state. Waymo has proposed private investments of $13.6 million to build the facility and create more than 100 jobs, potentially up to 400 jobs, the Michigan Economic Development Corp said on Tuesday. The state agency will contribute an $8 million grant to fund the project. That would equate to $20,000 in state aid per job if the project hits the 400 employee target. A Waymo spokesperson said the company would likely look to repurpose an existing space rather than develop a new facility from the ground up. Waymo already has a facility staffed with 20 employees located in the Detroit suburb of Novi, which the company opened in October 2017 to house vehicles used for testing throughout snowy winters and in other adverse weather conditions. But the company's biggest on-road presence remains in and around Phoenix. That's where Waymo runs an ongoing pilot project, in which members of its Early Rider Program can access hundreds of self-driving vehicles for ride-hailing purposes. Last month, Waymo formally kicked off Waymo One, its commercial ride-hailing business, in which those early riders can hail AVs — with human safety drivers behind the wheel — via an app. Magna expertise Magna has experience designing, launching and executing vehicle programs for many automakers. The company has a similar autonomous-vehicle partnership with ride-hailing service Lyft, in which it will integrate self-driving systems on fully autonomous vehicles for Lyft. Roughly 300 engineers from both companies work on that project in Palo Alto, California. When Waymo opens its operation with Magna this year, it will be one of the world's first factories dedicated to the production of Level 4 autonomous vehicles — those that require no human role in the operation of the vehicle. An assembly plant operated by French autonomous shuttle-maker Navya is located in Saline, Michigan, where they build vehicles and outfit them with Level 4 self-driving systems. Now Waymo, the self-driving company with more vehicles on public roads than any other competitor, is helping to entrench Michigan's role in producing vehicles of the future. "Auto manufacturing has created hundreds of thousands of jobs in the state, and built an economic engine that fuel the entire country," Waymo said in a statement. "We'll be looking for engineers, operations experts, and fleet coordinators to join our team and help assemble and deploy our self-driving cars." Reuters contributed to this report
  15. Secndo Herbert Diess potrebbe essere in futuro, che clienti con pocchi soldi non possono piu possedere una machina propria.... Automotive news: DETROIT -- Volkswagen Group CEO Herbert Diess warned that the European Union’s proposed emissions target for 2030 is too demanding and the resulting push to EVs could make motoring too expensive for some consumers. Diess said VW Group will be able to comply with the EU's average fleet carbon dioxide emissions of around 60 grams per km by 2030 by boosting sales of its full-electric cars to between 45 percent to 50 percent of the group's total volume. But he warned: "I am not sure how many customers could afford it." Buyers of premium cars will be able to afford more expensive EVs, "but I am not sure about a broader customer base," Diess told reporters on the sidelines of the Detroit auto show last week. As examples, Diess said the retail price of a VW Up minicar that could rise in price by about 3,500 euros to 14,500 euros to be compliant with the 2030 emissions target. The price for the small Polo model could rise by 4,000 euros, he said. “I am not sure how many customers could still afford our entry level models,” Diess said. Diess noted that France's "yellow vest" protests were sparked by a 10-euro cent increase in the price of diesel fuel. Another implication of electrification will be the effect on jobs, Diess said. If about half of VW's vehicle sales are electric cars, VW would have to reduce by half the number of plants building internal combustion powertrains. This will take VW's production restructuring "well beyond what we have already began discussing with the German unions,” Diess said. VW is well placed with its new MEB modular architecture for mass production of full-electric cars and expects between 15 percent and 18 percent of its European sales by 2025 to be battery-powered models, Diess said. However, he sees the 2030 CO2 reduction target as "too demanding." Europe also lacks a coordinated approach to the development of a necessary recharging infrastructure, Diess said.
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