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  1. In una lettera ai dipendenti Michael Lohscheller ha scritto, che anche 2021 sara un anno difficile perche (anche se il personale era gia diminuito da 19.000 a 13.000 fine 2020) si deve ridurre il personale ancora e anche altre razionalizzazione sono necessario. Vedremmo se Opel sara l'unica divisione del complesso che risparmiare e diminuire i dipendenti.
  2. ...hmmm, in caso delle sospensioni dietro mi sembra il contrario - 147 ha riasorbita la geniale costruzione della Delta 831, una evoluzione della "Camuffo", usato in primo step gia con la Beta 831 147
  3. si senza dubbio, ma la customizzazione non credo succedera piu sulla base meccanica, in futuro, specialmente con la elettrificazione, la differenza fara la software di una auto.
  4. ..ti posso capire in vista del se faranno tutto anche in futuro come si fa oggi, da dove poi vengono le sinergie? Se voi sinergie (e questa e il nucleo per i 5Mrd annuale annunciati) poi devi fare questi "cloni rivestiti".
  5. cosa e male a questa strategia?...serve per guadagnare soldi...questa e il compito di ciascuna azienda. ma oggi avere molti pianali non e un vantaggio...e solo la incapacita di focalizzarsi...
  6. Europa (Novembre con E, F, D, ma ancora senza UK e I
  7. In un intervista con la "Wirtschaftswoche" (una rivista per l'economia) Markus Duesmann ha detto, che in Audi/Vw si discuta molto concreta di finire la produzione della A1 con questa generazione. Il complesso ha gia abbastanza proposte in questo segmento e il compito di Audi sara di concentrarsi a modelli piu grandi e lussuosi.
  8. tutti i diesel FCA in Europa per cilindrata (YTD '20 ottobre comlpleto, novembre mancano ancora qualche mercati, dicembre manca completo)
  9. ..forse non la domanda giusta...forse la domanda deve essere "quale e la piu venduta" e cosi quale macchine devo cambiare o di nuovo omologare quando cambio il propulsore? E quale e il motore da produrre piu economico?
  10. ..CKD (completly knocked down) o SKD (semi knocked down)...
  11. Vendita IBM-PC a Lenovo - centro sviluppo e fabbricche per prodotti primari (IC/Chips) e PC's in Europa (con baricentro zona Stoccarda) qualche anni dopo la vendiita, quando i Cinesi tutto hanno imparato e spostato il know how e i brevetti verso Cina (quasi quandi hanno "aspirato la sapienza) hanno diminuito e alla fine chiuso i punti europei. Quasi lo stesso con la parte "light/Led" di Osram: dopo lo scorporo di Osram da Siemens qualche anni avanti il nuovo managment di Osram ha deciso, di scorporare ancora il parte automotive e consumer (tutti i lampade alogeno/xeno/Led incluso fari auto e elettronica per i fari). Era quasi la meta di Osram (con sede/fabbriche a Berlino, Ratisbona e Augusta). Anche qui lo stesso schema dei Cinesi, guardare, imparare, spostamento delle produzione parte per parte verso Cina, incassare i brevetti e chiusura delle fabbriche in Germania e Serbia. Stesso con altri aziende (sempre abbastanza avanzati nel loro settore e ben funzionando, non in perdita) . Mi posso immaginarmi che con Pirelli e con il caso attuale di Iveco alla fine non sara molto diverso. Sono migliaie posti di lavoro persi, ma ancora piu grave la perdita della sapienza a loro. E il nostro problema in Europa, che lasciamo comprare i Cinesi qui cosa vogliono, ma noi in Cina possiamo comprare o anche aprire una dita solo se il governo cinese da il permesso e fa i termini.
  12. ..vedi ramo IBM-Personalcomputing, Osram e altri.... --> piu o meno niente dopo qualche anni.
  13. FCA execs Manley, Palmer eligible for millions in Stellantis retention awards, documents show Mike Manley will lead the Americas region at Stellantis, the new company that will be created in the merger between Fiat Chrysler and PSA Group. Fiat Chrysler Automobiles CEO Mike Manley and Chief Financial Officer Richard Palmer will be eligible for cash retention awards worth tens of millions of euros after FCA merges with PSA Group to form Stellantis, company filings show. According to the documents, Manley and Palmer will receive the payments for certain possible role changes in the merged company, including specifically if they are not appointed to the Stellantis board of directors. The latter change is already certain, as neither has been nominated to serve on the 11-member Stellantis board, which will be led by FCA Chairman John Elkann. Manley has served on FCA’s board of directors since July 2018 and Palmer since April 2019. FCA and PSA shareholders on Monday approved the terms of the Stellantis merger, including the designated board members. The approval clears the way for the merger to close on Jan. 16 and for Stellantis shares to be publicly listed on Jan. 18 in Europe and on Jan. 19 in the U.S. PSA CEO Carlos Tavares, who will also be CEO of Stellantis, will be a board member. PSA shareholders will appoint six members, while FCA shareholders will appoint five. According to calculations by Automotive News Europe, Manley could receive up to 51.4 million euros ($62.7 million) as a cash retention award, based on his latest published base salary, the number of FCA performance share units and FCA restricted share units granted to him within his incentive plan and on the value of FCA’s share price on Dec. 30. Palmer will receive a similar treatment for his FCA shares as given to Manley, plus a part of the award equal to four times his annual base salary; his cash award could reach a total of up to 16.6 million euros ($20.3 million), according to ANE calculations. Elkann said last month that Manley would serve as the head of Stellantis’ Americas region, which includes Latin America and North America. FCA currently divides the region into two businesses, with one executive overseeing Latin America and another North American countries, including the United States, where nearly all of FCA’s recent profits have been generated. Palmer is seen by financial analysts and people close to the Stellantis merger as the front-runner to become CFO of the new company. The British executive has been CFO at Fiat Chrysler since 2011, working alongside the late CEO Sergio Marchionne, who died in July 2018. He was part of the team that managed the merger between Fiat and Chrysler and the FCA stock listing in the U.S. Palmer also managed FCA’s move to the Netherlands. Palmer has experience with stock market regulations in the U.S. and Italy, where FCA shares are listed, and in the Netherlands, where it is supervised by the authority on financial markets AFM. PSA shares are listed only in France. Stellantis shares will be listed in the US (New York), France (Paris) and Italy (Milan). The Stellantis merger prospectus, issued in November, says that for both Manley and Palmer the cash retention award will replace the rights they had under FCA's Equity Incentive Plan, with a "qualifying termination of employment, with accelerated vesting of all outstanding awards under the plan and severance payments as contemplated by their employment agreement as applicable," in case of "certain changes in role following the closing of the Merger (including no longer serving as a member of the board of directors)." The cash retention award to both executives is "payable on a specified date after closing of the Merger upon the satisfaction of certain conditions," the prospectus says. These are the provisions in the prospectus: With respect to Manley, the cash retention award will replace, effective as of the closing of the Merger, his outstanding FCA performance share units and FCA restricted share units, with such portion of the retention award calculated based on the value of such awards at the closing of the merger, replace certain other severance rights, with such portion of the retention award equal to one time his annual base salary, and provide a recognition award with a value equivalent to approximately five times his annual base salary. Conditions for payment Giorgio Fossati, FCA's general counsel, said on Monday that Manley and Palmer would not receive the awards if they left FCA before the merger closed. "Payment will be made at a future date with the intent that the executive remains with the company," he said in response to a question at the shareholders' meeting, adding that payment "generally will be not forfeited if the executive leaves the company.” He did not offer any details on Monday about conditions that Manley and Palmer would need to meet at Stellantis after the merger's closing to receive the retention awards. FCA said it would not make any further comment on the awards. Other FCA executives eligible to receive a one-time cash award are Pietro Gorlier (head of Europe, Middle East and Africa region and Mopar), Antonio Filosa (head of Latin America region), Mark Stewart (head of North America region), Davide Grasso (Maserati CEO) and Giorgio Fossati (FCA general counsel). The prospectus did not indicate the size of these cash awards, which are not connected to board of directors positions, as none of these executives serve on the FCA board. (automotivenews)
  14. Le cifre in effetti sono dalla OECD, ma questa grafica e fatta della "Kurt-Böckler-Stiftung", un istituto della DGB (Dt. Gewerkschaftsbund = la unione delle sindacati tedeschi) Giorni persi per scioperi per 1000 operai in medio del anno (per le ultime decade)
  15. oddio...Opel in Germania e in discesa continuamente per quota di mercato da decenni.
  16. Non era pensato come cifra concreta per un anno, ma e un fatto, i giorni che perde una economia al anno per scioperi in Francia e Italia sono molto piu alto come in Svizzera, Polonia o Germina, questa si puo vedere in tante statistiche. Ma scioperi sono solo un elemento per questo Italia sicuramente non e famoso per condizioni della produzione molto aperte, flessibile e effetissimo. Non dico che Germania e sempre meglio in queste cose, penso che tutti i "vecchie" paesi del Europa hanno i loro problemi, e con i costi del lavoro (qui in primis Svizzera e Germania). Non e un caso che molti fondazione di nuove fabbrice di qualsiasi tipo, se sono pur sempre in Europa, poi in Europa del est. Loro sono piu flessibile, meno reglementato e hanno costi piu bassi. Non e neanche per caso il annuncio per i nuovi bsuv di Stellantis per Polonia o la nuova fabbrica BMW in Ungheria. L'unica via per evitare la chiusura delle fabbrice nel vecchio Europa e aumentare la efficienza anche con provvedimenti non popolare come 3 turni al giorno, giorno lavorativo anche domenica, linea in lavoro continuamente senza ferie collettive, tempi di lavoro incluso conti per +/- tempo molto piu flessibile come oggi, ecc. ecc.
  17. ..o anche si, quando perdi 30 giorni al anno di 250 giorni lavorativi per scioperi, se una produzione 24/7 non e possibile per legge o perche i sindacati rifiutano o a causa religiosa ecc. ecc.
  18. ...hmm, secondo Lohscheller il concept Monza avra una versione di serie su base eVMP sopratutto per l'ingresso di Opel nel mercato Cinese verso 2024. Ma hai ragione anche Tu, perche una macchina cosi non molto probabile non sara prodotta in Europa ma in loco Cina e poi forse espotato anche verso Europa.
  19. Primo giorno alla borsa 18.gennaio Fiat Chrysler, PSA expect to complete merger on Jan. 16 PARIS/MILAN -- Fiat Chrysler Automobiles and PSA Group said that investors had approved their $52 billion merger, and that shares in the new company, named Stellantis, would start trading in two weeks. With annual production of about 8 million vehicles worldwide and revenues of more than 165 billion euros ($203 billion), Stellantis is expected to play a key role in the auto industry's jump into the new era of electrification. Stellantis will have 14 brands, from FCA's Fiat, Maserati and U.S.-focused Jeep, Dodge and Ram to PSA's Peugeot, Citroen, Opel and DS. PSA has traditionally been more focused on Europe. FCA and PSA said they expected to complete their tie-up on Jan. 16, ahead of an earlier indication which aimed for a closing within the first quarter of this year. Stellantis shares will start trading in Milan and Paris on Jan. 18, and in New York the following day, the two automakers said in a joint statement. ............. (automotivenews) altro informazione di automotivenews Plunging sales in Europe and weakness in China meant that Stellantis would have been the No. 6 global automaker in the first three quarters of 2020. Fiat Chrysler Automobiles and PSA Group, the two automakers that are merging to create Stellantis, have been touting the combined entity as the world's fourth-largest car company. The assertion is based on both automakers' vehicles sales in 2019. According to Automotive News Europe's calculations using figures from company reports, Stellantis would have been in sixth place based on FCA's and PSA's passenger car and light commercial vehicle sales through September 2020. Combined global sales of FCA and PSA fell 33 percent to 3.89 million units in the first three quarters, compared with the same period in 2019. FCA's volume declined 30 percent to 2.27 million, while PSA's vehicle sales fell 37 percent to 1.62 million. Neither FCA nor PSA have reported fourth-quarter sales yet. The global leaders The chart below shows passenger car and LCV sales (in millions) for the top 6 global automakers in the first three quarters of 2020, with % change from 2019. It includes PSA and FCA sales as Stellantis. 1. Toyota 6.68 -17% 2. Volkswagen Group 6.18 -21% 3. Renault-Nissan 5.54 -28% 4. General Motors 4.72 -17% 5. Hyundai-Kia 4.50 -16% 6. Stellantis 3.89 -33% Sources: Company financial and sales reports Stellantis drops to No. 6 from No. 4 because both FCA and PSA had steep sales declines in Europe during lockdowns imposed by governments to limit the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. PSA's volume fell more than FCA's because most of its sales are in Europe so the automaker did not benefit from China's quick rebound from the COVID-19 lockdowns, nor from a recovering North American market. FCA is also weak in China but a strong performance in the U.S. limited its global sales drop.
  20. Si, ma con la sigla WCM e un po come quello della TÜV, hanno tutti, i KPI vere sono altri.
  21. si in senso comprare e tenere per sempre.........e forse dopo 30 o 40 anni ha un valore molto alto.
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