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  1. Some calculations are saying that engine with SCR is 200 euros more expensive to build compared to engines with NLT. But we do not know development cost. Also FCA played a lot of catch up games for diesel development in recent years. That possibly made development costs even higher compared to competitors. Do you know what is a MY? Is our Stelvio MY2017 or MY2018? For example US version of Stelvio starts with MY2018.
  2. Now when you mentioned both that's a very interesting story. Interior space for both is very similar although Cherokee is much bigger from the outside. Can Compass cannibalize Cherokee sales? For example in US they already abandoned Cherokee's base Sport trim level. IMO, the next step will be reluctance to introduce Hurricane for Compass.
  3. We'll see. There should be upcoming generation of diesel engines from FCA. They must be compliant with Euro 6d and they must have SCR. In other words you will fill in AdBlue. Euro 6d dates are 9/2018 and 9/2019. And Cherokee MY2019 is a facelift. Orders in US will be opened on 11th of January 2018. So a very early MY introduction.
  4. 2019 Cherokee engines2.0L Hurricane (NEW)2.2L Diesel (export)2.4L3.2L w/ESS
  5. They have chosen wrong country of production for price competitiveness on European soil.
  6. It's IMO connected not only to Brazilian market but also to space efficiency. This car is shorter than 4 meters in length. Maybe that's not important in Brazil but for India it is. Punto was penalized with higher tax because it exceeded 4 meters. Regarding platform. So much talk about Indian/Brazilian Punto based on Punto II or Palio. What a nonsense.
  7. I heard that all next generation A6, A7 and A8 models will be 48V mild hybrids.
  8. It's easy to see that based on used materials this is a step above Punto III. In terms of construction this product has nothing to shame about even against European competitors. One thing must be clear and we all must accept is. This car's exterior design is made for Brazilian taste. More edgy look. A design which maximize interior volume. This car is around 7 cm shorter in length than Punto III yet it offers 8% more interior volume, 2806 vs 2622 liters. Also Argo has bigger luggage capacity with 300 liters vs. 280 for Punto. If someone has looked at presentation and pictures where you can see materials used for this car than it's 100% clear it's very similar to Small Wide platform. For Brazilian platforms it's IMO more wise to ask some from Brazil as @Dallebu .
  10. I would not agree. It's simple. With impeding Euro6d which will introduce RDE (real driving emissions) you can not made diesel without SCR. Higher engine capacity will not longer be a way to easier pass of test. So I believe we will have only two diesels. New aluminium 1.6 with SCR and 2.2 with SCR. The usage of 2.2 will allow to avoid bi-turbo solution for higher power levels. It's always good guidance to look after the competition. For example PSA. They will have 1.5 HDI with SCR in the future. Power levels from 75 all the way to 130 HP. That 130 HP version will even be on DS 7 Crossback. To be precise. It's a Chrysler 948 TE. It's not identical to ZF 9HP48. Some parts are not interchangeable. We'll see. In the future naturally aspirated 2.0 GME will substitute 2.4 TS. 2.0 GME turbo for Compass is not sure thing before the facelift. They do not want to cannibalize Cherokee sales.
  11. Current diesel engines have around two years of life remaining at maximum. FCA obviously wants to prolong their life as much as possible. I would not exclude 2.2 in the future even for 150 HP version. It will have SCR.
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