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Tutti i contenuti di AleMcGir

  1. Il rosso è il colore di riferimento dello sponsor.
  2. Una rossa in testa al gruppo... ... la safety car Mercedes 2021
  3. Link presentazione SF21 ore 14:00 del 10/03/2021 -----
  4. Due auto Stellantis su telaio CMP con ponte rigido al posteriore
  6. Ha finito di analizzare i dati. Le conclusioni... F1, Binotto: “Abbiamo recuperato parecchi cavalli” Di conseguenza sulla SF21 i piloti troveranno il seguente pulsante
  7. FIA World Rally Championship The Council approved the final Rally1 technical regulations, including an update of the 1.6 turbo engine details. FIA Rally - 2022 WRC and ERC Sporting Pyramid The principles of a Rally Sporting Pyramid, to be implemented for the FIA World Rally Championship with complementary details for the FIA European Rally Championship, have been approved. The ambition of this new structure is to align the championships names with the car categories names (e.g. Rally2 cars compete in WRC2), to identify a common theme of Open and Junior categories between the series, and to reinforce the positioning of the FIA European Rally Championship both as a feeder series for the WRC and a goal in itself by creating a clear pathway. In application of these principles, the WRC2 classification, open to the Rally2 category, will feature an Open Championship and a Junior Championship for drivers under 30. The WRC3 classification, open to the Rally3 class, will also feature an Open Championship and a Junior Championship for drivers under 29. Similarly, the ERC3 classification, open to the Rally3 category, will feature an Open Championship and a Junior Championship for drivers under 28, while the ERC4 classification, open to the Rally4 and Rally5 classes, will equally have an Open Championship and a Junior Championship for drivers under 27. In addition to age limits, experience restrictions will be implemented in the Junior Championships. As a result, former champions will not be allowed to put their titles back into play. For both the WRC and ERC classifications, awards for Rookies, with less than three participations before the start of the season, and Masters, for drivers over 40 years old not included on the FIA Regional Priority List, will be created. As a next step, details will be defined to reflect these principles in the sporting regulations. -----
  8. Prime immagini delle nuove Vantage e DBX che faranno rispettivamente da Safety Car e Medical Car
  9. (OT - Il topic relativo al Tonale Concept è era chiuso...) Dal profilo instagram di Busse
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