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  1. So interior looks pretty final and climate control buttons kinda bother me, it's look similar to 600 and Avenger's one. But 600 and Avenger doesn't have dual-zone climate control. It will be VERY strange to have single-zone climate on Ypsilon and dual-zone on 208 and Corsa. I hope they just put the second zone controls into infortaiment or add a new button we can't see.
  2. Still don't get it how they came from the masterpiece Grando Punto (imo one of the best looking B-class hatchbacks ever) to that mess on the Punto Evo face.
  3. That's Alfa Romeo Milano, the one and only. RWD, Busso, Transaxle and De Dion.
  4. V6, RWD or AWD (almost Integrale!), don't forget about Poltrona Frau - the best Lancia since 1960s!
  5. Well, right now it looks like french care much more than italians. It's a miracle that Lancia getting such a treatment after so many years in the coma.
  6. Structured steel wheels look a bit better than the standard steelies, with covers it looks almost like alloy wheels (got them on my Astra for a winter).
  7. Yep, rear door handle looks pretty fake here, they placed it almost on the middle of the door 😅
  8. Agree but the rear door handles on the photos look kinda fake, especially the right one.
  9. I know, the question was about the Ypsilon presentation date.
  11. That's a good news, I was afraid this kind of circles on the Ypsilon roof. 😁
  12. They changing Tonale's platform from the Small Wide to Giorgio 🤣
  13. Ok, I found it. Hope it will take place early in the 2024.
  14. By Ascariss Design
  15. The more I look at it, the more I think they should build the production version (yes, I know they wouldn't). Looks fantastic in every single detail. One of the best concepts of the last years, if not the best.
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