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  1. ...di piu. 35Kw sono normale con riscaldamento centrale a gas. Nella casa dei miei genitori con riscaldamento elettrico e aqua calda istantanea solo il scaldaaqua ha 20Kw + Forno e piano cottura piu tutti le stufe nelle stanza, sei a circa 100Kw.
  2. Si parla di un prezzo base in Germania tra 29.000 e 29.500.-€, cosi meno i 4000.- incentivi la ID3 base costa poco piu di 25k. E un prezzo solo un po' sopra il prezzo di una Golf 1.6TDI base.
  3. Una piccola spiegazione di una istituto universitario che ricerca a questa tema
  4. ..o forse anche l'AD vuole, che la sua equipe guida elettrica...sei molto veloce fuori della via promozione se fai come dirigente qualcosa che il tua capo piu alto non vuole.
  5. questo punto Ti posso momento non e previsto una 418d o 418i ?
  6. 34.000 - 37.000.-€ per una FIAT 500 ?? ??
  7. certo, ma se ne ha neppure corrente trifase in casa, poi mi chiedo come attachi questa in cucina ??? ?
  8. esatto...dopo la 120 (2000CS), quasi come facelift, era uscita la E9 (2800CS)
  9. Non, il treno e gia partito, la macchina e gia arrivato nella linea in stabilmento di serie. Dingolfing ha gia prodotto i primi esemplari di prova, in questo stato non si puo cambiare piu un elemento principale.
  10. Si certo si puo fare, ma a questo punto siamo ancora qua cosa scrive Stev66, diesel e sopratutto una cosa europeo. E in Europa i leggi per tassazione, consumi, divieti di entrare in centro citta e sopratutto incentivi per comprare una macchina elettrica sono fatto cosi, che un Phev approfitta molto di piu, perche una Hev non conta come macchina elettrica invece una Phev con una autonomia elettrica sopra i 40Km (o 50 non mi ricordo esatto) si. Cosi al massinmo vedremmo diesel Phev, ma niente diesel Hev. Non vale la pena i costi di sviluppo.
  11. Una wallbox normalmente usa 400V / 16A o 400V / 32A come input e produce una potenza di 11Kwh o 22Kwh per caricare. Se hai per tutta la casa solo 6Kw poi non pou funzionare cosi.
  12. quarto posto (se conti solo le Bev senza Phev)..? I top 15 Bev europei fino luglio
  13. piu o meno qua dov'e la scritta BMW concept 4 nella foto. Alla versione di serie si vede a questo posizione un incavo al ponticello.
  14. Si Tesla non fa cosi, perche non sono serio. Una Tesla S 90 di un conoscente a gennaio, quando era il caos di neve a Tirolo e Baviera,, per la strada tra Kitzbühel e Stoccarda (400Km) con temperature a -10°, strada innevicata (anche autostrada) con traffico molto lento e code da pertutto, ha avuto bisogno di 2 volte ricaricare per fare la distanza di 400Km (con partenza a Kitzbühel con batterie a 100%). Cosi anche la Tesla ha i stessi effetti, solo che loro non parlano di questi effetti.
  15. Se vai al simulatore della Renault Zoe 41Kw/h R90 e giocci con i parametri, poi hai questi risultati: Temperatura esterna 5°, Riscaldamento accesso 22-23°, velocita media 80Km/h, ruote a 17" --> autonomia 256Km Temperatura esterna 25°, Riscaldamento off, A/C off, velocita media 50Km/h, ruote 15" ---> autonomia 388Km Ho guidato ieri una Zoe, solo in citta, traffico fluido senza coda, solo semafori normale, temperatura fuori 10°, riscaldamento e luce acceso -- secondo computer di bordo un consumo di 17,4KWh / 100Km, con 41KWh batteria sono 234Km se usi la batteria a 100%. Secondo indicatore la batteria era a carico di 50% e mi ha dato una autonomia rimanente di 95Km.
  16. No - sara il futuro ? Statement ufficiale: la concept mostra 80-90% del modello di serie! Foto di AM+S al salone:
  17. Secondo il managment di VW la MQB e la Golf sono il passato, il futuro sara MEB e come prima modello basato su MEB la ID3. Non fa senso di fare un auto BEV su una piattaforma ICE, la e-Golf Vii era solo un ripiego rapidamente.
  18. Press release: Munich. The 68th IAA Cars show in Frankfurt is the venue for the unveiling of the BMW Concept 4 – a future-focused interpretation of the BMW Group’s enduring DNA that represents the magic of coupe driving at its most exciting. “The BMW Concept 4 embodies the aesthetic essence of the BMW brand. It combines perfect proportions with a clear and precise design,” says Adrian van Hooydonk, Senior Vice President BMW Group Design. The front end – the new face of the 4 Series range. The BMW Concept 4 hovers close to the road. The distinctive kidney grille, remarkable air intakes and prominently sculpted surfaces provide an immediate advert for the car’s performance and its engaging character as a driver’s car. Grabbing the attention at the heart of the front end is the vertical kidney grille. “The kidney grille has always been a signature feature of BMW cars,” reflects Domagoj Dukec, Head of BMW Design. “The BMW Concept 4 presents a confident and classy take on this iconic feature. At the same time, the BMW Concept 4 offers a look ahead to the expressive face of the 4 Series range.” The vertically oriented grille fits seamlessly into both the proportions of the front end and BMW’s illustrious past. Indeed, its form and design reference legendary classics such as the BMW 328 or the BMW 3.0 CSi and therefore shine the spotlight on the BMW brand’s long and successful history as a maker of fine coupes. The kidney grille is also home to some elaborate details. The grating itself contains horizontal trim elements with a faceted cut which create a neat contrast against the sporty design of the front end and lend depth and exclusivity to the grille. Look closer and another highlight is revealed: the intricate grating within the kidneys and air intakes, which is made up of an array of small “number 4s” joined together. The slim and focused twin headlights are slightly angled and team up with the kidney grille to lend the front end a modern look with a strong identity. The striking LED light elements have no glass cover; instead they are worked into the body like three-dimensional sculptures. This allows them to bring an even greater sense of modernity and technical sophistication to the front end. The sharply contoured bonnet extends the lines of the front end through powerful volumes and edging of precision. The bold surfacing frames the kidney grille like a gemstone. The side – the aesthetic essence of a modern BMW coupe. The BMW Concept 4 displays BMW’s signature proportions at their most modern form yet. The stretched bonnet, long wheelbase, flowing roofline and short overhangs create a modern, elegant and dynamic coupe outline and send energy coursing through the low-slung body even while it’s standing still. Within the silhouette, the ultra-pure surfaces of the new BMW Concept 4 form a powerful main body. The interplay of tautly chiselled volumes and a small number of extremely precise contours create a rare sense of emotion and dynamism. The expressive exterior paint tone Forbidden Red accentuates the car’s surfaces particularly vividly; those in the light at any one time project a rich, glossy red, while shade creates an almost black effect and a striking contrast. The interaction of contours and volumes therefore exude a dramatic sense of radiance and depth. The athletic body incorporates a slender glasshouse with a narrow window aperture, which further emphasises the dynamism of the side. The long, sweeping roofline flows smoothly into the boot lid, giving the rear end a high-class and sporty aesthetic. The bulging rear wheel arches lend visual expression to the power coursing through the rear wheels and accentuate the muscular shoulders higher up. The slender area above the front wheels, meanwhile, strikes a neat dynamic balance. Its tempered volumes enhance visual agility and lightness. Together, the two sets of wheel arches give the new BMW Concept 4 a powerful and confident stance. A horizontal main line between the wheel arches takes the place of a classical contour line in shaping the character of the flanks. It runs relative low down along the side of the car, creating a low visual centre of gravity. Further down, another character line rises dynamically from the rear of the front wheels towards the boot lid, bringing extra agility into the mix. Sophisticated details at second glance. Look at the BMW Concept 4 more closely and further classy details are revealed. The minimalist, two-section exterior mirrors emerge harmoniously out of the weather strips. The lower section in polished aluminium extends the weather strip in a flowing movement and becomes a mirror surface, while the aerodynamically optimised rear section is in body colour and rounds off the design of the mirrors in dynamic fashion. On the inside of the mirrors is an apparently floating BMW logo, which only comes to light on more detailed inspection. The light-alloy wheels of the BMW Concept 4 are equally rich in detail. The 21-inch items represent a heavily “dished” take on the sporty five-spoke design, drawing the eye into their centre-points. The fronts of the intricate spokes have a high-polished finish, while the set-back surfaces are finely ground to create a slightly darker effect and give the rim design a sophisticated contrast. The rear end – clear, eye-catching, dynamic. The rear of the BMW Concept 4 sits low over the road, as befits a sporty car. The character line transitions from the flanks into the rear end in a broad, horizontal sweep and visually reduces the coupe’s height off the ground even further. Picking up where the front end left off, generously sized and clear surfaces with only a small number of lines are the dominant theme. Purism runs through every element of the rear end and creates a prominent tail graphic. The sporty glasshouse is indented into the powerful body, allowing it to chisel broad and athletic shoulders into the BMW Concept 4’s design. The vertical air outlets frame the lower section of the rear and emphasise the car’s broad stance. The LED rear lights consist of a single fibre-optic element, which lends the familiar BMW L shape a cutting-edge “heartbeat” graphic and dispenses with a glass cover. Their contours underscore the sportingly horizontal focus of the rear end and accentuate its brawny stance on the road. The striking diffuser integrated into the muscular rear apron sets the seal on the car’s rear-end design. Its vertical fins break up the clean surfaces of the car’s tail to send a statement of fine sporting pedigree, while the High-gloss Black paint finish with metallic particles lend it additional visual impact. The pair of exhaust tailpipes highlight a new and dynamic free-form, a detail of the BMW Concept 4’s design that expresses what this car is all about: the modern essence of a coupe oozing aesthetic appeal from every pore.
  19. No ma blu elettrico come nome del colore! Non hanno idee stesse per nomi dei colori??
  20. Come nuova Blu elettrico?? Blu elettrico ha piu di 20 anni adesso..?
  21. La etron GT e quasi la stessa macchina come la Taycan e come "S5 BEV" sicuramente non costera piu di 75-80k, cosi una Taycan base senza problemi puo costare 90-95k.
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