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  1. 20 to 25% according to their projections. Same with diesel. The rest is MHEV. Diesel will not be available post 2025.
  2. No, that's not what Imparato wants. Imparato wants low CO2 performance. For PSA; low CO2 == performance. In other words, he is not happy with PHEVs CO2 emission. Hornet in 2023? Hornet is MY23 but AFAIK it should arrive much sooner than 2023. Original SOP date was scheduled for mid or late May 2022. This was at the time when Tonale SOP was scheduled for late December 2021 or January 2022. With Tonale moving to March 2022 SOP I would say that Hornet SOP should be in September 2022 with launch event coming before. Hornet (GG) will have PHEV version on sale.
  3. No. Launch event is scheduled for this year. First version on sale should be MHEV.
  4. Dodge on the picture is based on STLA Large. That's what Ralph Gilles said. But I was told that the design language or design itself belongs to Dodge Hornet. Yes and no. BTW. Hornet is the first new Dodge coming out as MY23. As M24 we will see 2 new Dodge models. One is based on the new Grand Cherokee while the other one is on STLA Large and will have BEV version. Latter is not an SUV.
  5. Compass has 10.1" 16:10 Unconnect 5 screen. The bigger version is 12.1" Italian brands will have 10.25" wide screen Unconnect 5. The bigger version is 12.3".
  6. Tonale is a Project 9650, body code GC Hornet is a Project 5920, body code GG.
  7. Launch event will be this year, production next. Planned production volume... Let's say that it's more than 50k.
  8. I'm under impression that the engine list, at least the one for the European market and first year of sales, was decided by French guys. More powerful and bigger engines are being axed. Just compare it to PSA offerings. MHEV or ICE at the bottom. Only a small diesel engine. PHEV at the top of offerings. Basically engine lists mirror those of the new 308, Astra or DS4. Of course here are FCA powertrains. It's about CO2 performance. Tonale PHEV or even Compass PHEV has too high CO2 emmision on paper. Some additional drawbacks like small fuel tank. They want bigger fuel tank. It's nothing related to engine power or similar. French or PSA do not care much about performance important for petrolheads or Alfisti.
  9. Yes, you have right. It also depends on evolutionary step. Some suppliers like ZF and Continental are calling it 48V HEV.
  10. Yet again, not all MHEVs are born the same. You have 12V BSG -> 24V BSG -> 48V BSG -> 48V P2. Renault Conquest (Arkana) has 12V BSG system. AFAIK Mazda has 24V BSG system. Tonale with 1.5 turbo engine will have P2 MHEV system.
  11. HEV doesn't make any sense. First of all it requires special tools for repairs. Second, CO2 reduction is almost the same as with P2 MHEV. Not to mention scooter like feeling on most HEVs which is due to EVT. HEV technology in the future will almost exclusively be linked to Toyota. European car makers will offer mix of P2 MHEVs and PHEVs. Of course if we are talking about hybrids. Yet again. Not all mild hybrids are the same. Difference is substantial between BSG MHEV and P2 MHEV technology.
  12. Keep in mind aha not all mild hybrids are the same. This one will have electric motor built into transmission. If you want to know CO2 emission per WLTP cycle for Tonale 1.5 turbo MHEV is less than 10% higher than for RAV4 HEV FWD.
  13. You think? The new generation Tonale is in the plans but at the much later date than 2026. It will come out in 2028 at the best.
  14. New Giulietta will not come out before 2027 and is not yet green lit. You guys put too much faith into French.
  15. It was Giulia Q MHEV, GranTurismo V6 MHEV.... All of those with 4th generation ZF 8HP80 with built in electric motor.
  16. Actually he has CTO role only on the paper. He is responsible only for IT sector. Harald Wester helds classic CTO role which is renamed to Chief Engineering Officer.
  17. 2022 Ram ProMaster will receive Pentastar upgrade and a new transmission. New engine transmission combo will bring 10% improvement in fuel economy.
  18. Nedžad Curić is the new Stellantis CTO. He was born in Novi Pazar, Serbia.
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