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Found 13 results

  1. Messaggio Aggiornato il 21/09/2017 Spy: http://www.autopareri.com/forums/topic/37538-volvo-xc40-spy
  2. Maessaggio Aggiornato al 15/09/2017 Fonte: https://media.group.renault.com/global/en-gb/renault/media/pressreleases/21195840/renault-revele-la-nouvelle-megane-rs-au-salon-international-de-lautomobile-de-francfort-2017 Spy: http://www.autopareri.com/forums/topic/61668-renault-megane-rs-2017-spy
  3. http://www.carscoops.com/2017/09/2018-audi-rs4-avant-has-450ps-does-0.html Spy: http://www.autopareri.com/forums/topic/58831-audi-rs4-avant-spy
  4. al salone di Tokyo sarà svelato un prototipo elettrico e con tecnologie di guida autonoma http://www.quattroruote.it/news/concept/2017/09/20/mitsubishi_e_evolution_concept_suv_coupe_elettrica_motor_show_di_tokyo.html
  5. https://www.motor1.com/photo/2341184/2018-genesis-g70/ Appendix. ‘Genesis G70’Specifications Category Genesis G70 Length (mm) 4,685 Width (mm) 1,850 Height (mm) 1,400 Wheelbase (mm) 2,835 Overhang (mm) F 805 R 1,045 Engine Type Lambda II 3.3 T-GDI Theta II 2.0 T-GDI R-FR 2.2 VGT Drive Configuration RWD AWD RWD AWD RWD AWD Fuel Economy (km/ℓ) 9.0(19”) 8.6(19”) 10.7(18”) 10.4(19”) 10.0(18”) 9.5(19”) 15.2(17”) 14.5(18”) 13.6(17”) 13.5(18”) Displacement (cc) 3,342 1,998 2,199 Max Power (ps) 370 252 (Sports Package: 255) 202 Max Torque (kg·m) 52.0 36.0 45.0 http://www.genesisnewsusa.com/en-us/releases/66 Spy: http://www.autopareri.com/forums/topic/61841-genesis-g70-spy
  6. sonicwp7

    Exeed TX 2018

    Chery lancia un nuovo marchio per l'Europa: Exeed https://www.noticiasautomotivas.com.br/chery-anuncia-nova-marca-exeed-para-europa-e-apresenta-o-utilitario-esportivo-tx/
  7. FIAT Brand Introduces New 500X Urbana Edition 2017 Fiat 500X Urbana Edition offers a unique, urban look with Miron (Metallic Iron) black-painted exterior and interior elements with copper accents Available in four colors: Grigio Graphite (Graphite Gray), Blue Sky Metallic, Bianco Gelato (White Clear Coat) and Nero Cinema (Black Clear Coat) 500X Urbana Edition starts at $24,195 U.S. Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) 500X Urbana Edition will be available in FIAT studios this fall Italian-designed, fun-to-drive 2017 Fiat 500X lineup starts at $19,995 U.S. MSRP and is available in three models – Pop, Trekking and Lounge http://media.fcanorthamerica.com/newsrelease.do?id=18566&mid=467
  8. Munich. Just a year on from the presentation of its future-focused NEXT 100 vision vehicles, the BMW Group is introducing the electric mobility of the much more immediate future at the IAA Cars 2017 show in Frankfurt. The BMW i Vision Dynamics is a four-door Gran Coupe with a range of 600 km (373 miles), a top speed of over 200 km/h (120 mph) and acceleration of 0-100 km/h (62 mph) in four seconds, and offers a look ahead to the e-mobility experience of the future with a new level of sporting elegance. “At the BMW Group, the future of electric mobility has already arrived,” says Harald Krüger, Chairman of the Board of Management at BMW AG. “We have more electrified vehicles on the road than any established competitor and are committed to expanding our activities in the field of electric mobility as part of our NUMBER ONE > NEXT strategy. By 2025 we will be offering 25 models with an electrified drive system – of which 12 will be pure-electric. With the BMW i Vision Dynamics we are showcasing how we envisage future electric mobility between the i3 and i8: a dynamic and progressive, four-door Gran Coupe. We are therefore electrifying the heart of the BMW brand and, at the same time, elevating BMW i into a totally new dimension.” BMW i sets the pace of innovation. BMW i is a byword for visionary vehicles and a new understanding of premium mobility focused squarely on sustainability. “BMW i is the innovation driver for the BMW Group,” explains Klaus Fröhlich, Member of the Board of Management at BMW AG, Development. “Here, visionary solutions and future-ready concepts become reality for the first time. But BMW i also acts as a spearhead of innovation for our other brands. The BMW i Vision Dynamics allows us to show right now what another electric BMW might look like. And BMW has demonstrated its talent for turning visions into real life throughout its history.” The inspirational design of BMW i models is particularly effective in both flagging up the brand’s pioneering role visually and making it something people can experience. “With the i3 and i8 we have designed a revolutionary city car and a revolutionary sports car,” says Adrian van Hooydonk, Senior Vice President BMW Group Design. “And now the BMW i Vision Dynamics is combining electric mobility with the core values of BMW: dynamism and elegance. We are therefore demonstrating how the product range and the design language of BMW i can be evolved further into other concepts.” “I do more with less” – the design identity of BMW i. The outline of the BMW i Vision Dynamics represents a further evolution of the classical BMW proportions; a long wheelbase, flowing roofline and short overhangs create a basic profile brimming with elegance and dynamism. This silhouette is fleshed out by large, fluently contoured surfaces, the exterior appearing as if cut from a single mould. Aerodynamic requirements define the car’s progressive appearance down to its details. Barely visible joins and the flush integration of glass into the main body lend the study a modern and technical overall impression. The tension between large surfaces and finely worked details points to the innovative technology at the heart of the car in an understated yet intuitively appreciable way, rather than advertising it in grandiose fashion. And that is very much in keeping with the identity of BMW i: “I do more with less”. Iconic window graphic symbolises the interior experience of the future. Within the smoothly flowing, neatly aligned progression of the surfaces along the car’s flanks, the new characterisation of the window profile is a standout feature of the BMW i Vision Dynamics. This iconic styling cue, which made its debut on the first wave of BMW i models, is depicted here in a fresh, likewise function-led interpretation and also sharpens the identity of the car’s flanks. Their virtually symmetrical form allows all passengers an equally good view out, highlighting the attention paid to the passengers and the shared driving experience in the interior. This is something that will gain further in importance in the future, in particular as far as (semi-) autonomous and connected driving is concerned. The distinctive driving experience is further enhanced by the full-length glass surface running from the windscreen to the rear window. This heightens the sensation of room and enables a feeling of spaciousness and freedom inside the car that belies its dynamic exterior silhouette. Viewed from the outside, the unbroken roof graphic reinforces the enclosed, modern feel of the exterior thanks to seamless transitions through the front and rear end. Familiar icons at the front gain new significance. The prominent, enclosed “kidneys” in the minimalist front end bring together the past and the future of BMW in more than just styling terms. Where the BMW kidneys have previously acted as a symbol for the company’s expertise in drive system development, the BMW i Vision Dynamics deploys them as declarations of technological know-how. Indeed, underlying sensors turn the kidneys into an “intelligence surface”. The headlights similarly combine tradition and the future. The classical BMW four-eyed front end is reprised here in a very modern and pared-back interpretation, two intricate, freestanding LED light elements on each side of the car’s nose integrating all the necessary lighting functions, yet also providing an extremely striking look characteristic of BMW. Poise and dynamic allure at the rear as well. Smooth curves guide the car’s horizontal profile when viewed from the rear and add poise and power. The tapering of the passenger cell creates broad shoulders and a muscular presence. The most eye-catching feature of the rear end are the L-shaped lights. Their slim cut underscores the dynamic efficiency of the vision vehicle on a detailed level, while at the same time accentuating its wide stance on the road. The BMW i Vision Dynamics exudes modernity, progressiveness and an appealing technical aesthetic from every angle. As a trailblazer for the BMW brand, it showcases very clearly the BMW Group’s future vision of emotionally engaging electrified mobility. Indeed, BMW will continue to focus its attentions on sporty and elegant vehicles in the years ahead. Spy: http://www.autopareri.com/forums/topic/62052-bmw-i5-spy
  9. La Audi Aicon Concept rappresenta lo studio di un veicolo totalmente autonomo con sistemi di guida assistita di livello 5 e propulsione elettrica: dotata di un'unità per ogni ruota con 260 kW e 550 Nm totali, promette un'autonomia superiore agli 800 chilometri. Sono previste batterie allo stato solido, capaci di recuperare l'80% dell'energia in meno di 30 minuti, grazie ai sistemi da 800 Volt e, come per la Elaine non manca la tecnologia Audi AI Zones. Per offrire il massimo confort l'Audi ha previsto l'utilizzo di sospensioni pneumatiche con attuatori che annullano gli effetti del rollio e del beccheggio agendo su ogni singola ruota, mentre l'impianto frenante sfrutta prevalentemente il recupero d'energia. È presente anche un sistema tradizionale, ma i dischi sono stati spostati verso i motori per migliorare l'efficienza aerodinamica nella zona delle ruote e ridurre le masse non sospese, a tutto vantaggio dell'efficienza e del confort. La sterzata integrale sui due assi è gestita da motori elettrici e tutte le componenti meccaniche e idrauliche tradizionali sono state eliminate: con un passo di 3,47 metri la Aicon Concept offre così un raggio di sterzata di appena 8,5 metri, ideale per la guida urbana. 2+2 nel massimo confort. Sulla Aicon Concept non esistono comandi in abitacolo e la guida è sempre gestita dall'elettronica, lasciando ai passeggeri la possibilità di sfruttare in altro modo il tempo a disposizione durante gli spostamenti. Le forme aggressive da berlina sportiva da ben 5,44 metri di lunghezza e 1,50 di altezza, con quattro porte e cerchi di lega da 26 pollici, sono abbinate a un abitacolo 2+2 con finiture e confort degni di un volo in prima classe. In assenza di un montante centrale, le portiere si aprono in senso opposto l'una all'altra e mostrano una sorta di open space, dominato da linee orizzontali. I due sedili anteriori singoli scorrono per 500 mm, possono assumere forme e altezze diverse in base alle necessità dei passeggeri e sono in grado di ruotare di 15 gradi verso l'esterno per favorire l'ingresso e verso l'interno durante il viaggio. Gli altri due posti sono ricavati nella zona posteriore, mentre i vani bagagli anteriori e posteriori offrono in totale una capacità di 660 litri. Anche in questo caso è il Personal Intelligent Assistant a dialogare con l'utente e a trasferire sul veicolo le preferenze personali, oltre a registrare le destinazioni richieste per avviare la guida. Oltre ai comandi vocali, sono presenti anche superfici sensibili con feedback aptico e un sistema di eye-tracking; inoltre ai display della plancia possono essere abbinate anche immagini dell'head-up display frontale. 600 pixel per parlare con il mondo. Nel frontale, dominato dal motivo single frame con esagono invertito, sono presenti anche 600 pixel 3D che possono essere utilizzati per "animare" lo sguardo della vettura e comunicare con l'esterno. Le possibilità sono infinite e variano dal saluto all'arrivo del guidatore con un "occhiolino" al semplice uso come luce diurna, fino all'indicazione rivolta ai pedoni per l'attraversamento della strada e alla proiezione di simboli e disegni sull'asfalto. La natura totalmente autonoma dell'auto, al contrario, non richiederà più l'uso di potenti gruppi ottici a lungo raggio, dal momento che saranno i sensori a fornire le indicazioni necessarie per la guida. Per raggiungere la porta di casa al buio non ci sarà più il "follow me home", ma un mini-drone che si attiverà per accompagnare l'utente fino a destinazione. Quattroruote.it
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