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Guest DESMO16

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Infatti il problema e' l'attendibilità degli altri 364 giorni... :-)

esatto, e in situazioni come queste entri in crisi, perche non sai se è un pesce o è semplicemente :lol::D


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elettroshock per i nostri piccoli amici.

Yes, it's a bunch of C.R.A.P. You know, if you're going to fork over the big bucks for a BMW, you don't want some mutt wizzing all over your wheels. This is where BMW's new Canine Repellent Alloy Protection (C.R.A.P.) comes in handy. Using green energy generated from BMW's EfficientDynamics Brake Energy Regeneration system, tiny sensors detect the offending liquid and send "a small and relatively painless electric shock" to the pup. A Dr. Hans Zoff (hmmm, haven't heard much from him in the past), Head of Automotive Security from BMW AG, said that the C.R.A.P system is just what people want. "Research shows that most BMW customers like to keep their cars clean and dog fouling is a constant irritant. Not only does the Canine Repellent Alloy Protection system support this aim, but it does so using energy created through the EfficientDynamics programme." Clean and green - that's the stuf.

... Le Alfa del futuro, Mazda a parte, dovrebbero essere ingegnerizzate là. Ma io dovrei comprare un'Alfa fatta dagli ingegneri della Chrysler ?

( Cit . Giugiaro da Quattroruote )

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Guest EC2277

Io ho ricevuto un bel pesce d'Aprile da un mio professore: in un capitolo delle sue dispense definisce la potenza prima con P, poi con W, quindi con H ed infine con N! :(

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