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CUPRA Raval - Seg.B BEV 2025 (Spy)


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Confermato un modello SEAT totalmente elettrico per il 2025c, con tanto di bozzetto:





Press Release:



SEAT S.A. President Wayne Griffiths explained that “we want to manufacture electric cars in Spain starting in 2025. Our ambition is to produce more than 500,000 urban electric cars per year in Martorell also for the Volkswagen Group but we need a clear commitment by the European Commission.”

SEAT S.A. aims not only to produce electric vehicles but also to lead the development of the entire project for the Volkswagen Group. “Our plan is to transform our Technical Center, the only one of its kind in southern Europe and an essential R&D asset for the region”, said Griffiths. “We believe that it’s part of our responsibility to electrify Spain. 70 years ago, we put this country on wheels. Our aim, now, is to put Spain on electric wheels.”

The urban electric car is a large project in terms of potential volume. It represents an important milestone on the road to sustainability and the fight against climate change and aims to become the engine for the transformation of the Spanish automotive industry.

“We’ve drawn up the plan, we have the right partners on-board and we’re generally ready to invest. This project is intended to become the driver for the transformation of the Spanish automotive industry. The support of the Spanish Government and the EU Commission for this cross-sectorial and nation-wide plan is needed for the Volkswagen Group to be able to take the final decision on its execution”, underlined Griffiths.

As the second largest car production industry in Europe, Spain has a major responsibility to reach the European Green Deal targets by 2030. To this end, the project includes the creation of an electric vehicle ecosystem, stimulating demand and developing public charging infrastructure. The next step would be to focus on localising the electric vehicle value chain, starting with the electric battery ecosystem.

Future Fast Forward would serve as a driving force to generate employment, especially for young people. The project includes SEAT S.A. as well as governments, technological centres and large, medium and small companies. A set of 15 participating entities from at least 6 sectors support the plan: Aeorum, Antolín, Asti Mobile Robotics, CaixaBank, Delta Vigo, Ficosa, Fisas Navarro, Gestamp, Iberdrola, Lithium Iberia, Mind Caps, Sayer Technologies, SEAT S.A., Sesé and Telefónica.    


Edited by j

12/17 Mercedes-Benz A180d Premium (W176 FL) ♥️ 

05/21 Mercedes-Benz C200 Coupé EQ-Boost Premium (C205 FL) 🔥

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Sketch molto raffazonato, come si vede dallo sfondo e dall'ombra pasticciate. Comunque, il muso fa presagire un muso alla Tavascan anche per questa piccola. Che ansia.

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  • Cole_90 changed the title to CUPRA Seg.B BEV 2025 (Notizie)

Non più SEAT (che si occuperà di ibride e plug-in), ma CUPRA

12/17 Mercedes-Benz A180d Premium (W176 FL) ♥️ 

05/21 Mercedes-Benz C200 Coupé EQ-Boost Premium (C205 FL) 🔥

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