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[China] Chery B12/A7 (Spy)


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Chery A7 - going after the Camry?

Photos of a large saloon have been spotted out and about around Wuhu city, rumored to be the Chery A7.

The above A7, codenamed B12, is expected to replace the aging Eastar/Oriental Son. The Eastar has been on the market for 5 years, sales are slowly dwindling thanks to newer, better looking cars from rival companies. The A7 is expected to take back some of the ground lost to rivals.

Information about engines for the A7 are still non existant, but other the coming months, we’re sure we’ll bring you solid information. At the moment we can guess that 2.0l and above engines will be going in this, and seeing as Chery has a V6 model that they must be itching to use, we could say there is a pretty good chance of a V6 A7!

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