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Audi Q7


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The days are counting down to September’s Frankfurt IAA, the international auto show where Audi will launch their first SUV – the Audi Q7. Our favorite German manufacturer from Ingolstadt has been periodically previewing the new model on the Audi Q7 Globe, a dedicated micro-website that it has been producing in Germany. This week, Audi chose to give viewers a look inside of the Q7 via the site.

Unlike clay mockups we saw of the Q7 in an undisclosed location, the Q7 appears to lose the A6-like center console for something more unique to the SUV. Like virtually an Audi, the interior appears to be a tour de force - a benchmark of a cockpit for other manufacturers to follow adorned with aluminum, leather and burled wood.

We’ve heard some early hints at equipment for the new Q7 as well. Supposedly, when the Q7 is shown in Frankfurt, engine choices will be announced as Audi’s 4.2-liter V8 and the new 3.0 TDI. Presumably, a 3.2-liter gasoline engine will be added before the truck’s North American launch or Audi’s first new North American diesel in decades is a whole lot closer than we thought.

It is expected that the Q7 will forego the more complex and heavy all-wheel drive system shared between the Porsche Cayenne and Volkswagen Touareg and go with the traditional Torsen version of quattro, with 40/60 split like the new S4 and upcoming RS 4 models. However, it is expected that the Q7 will come with descent control like its corporate cousins.

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