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[China] Alleanze Fiat in Cina

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Fiat and Chery postpone JV, according to WSJ

From the WSJ:

BEIJING — Chery Automobile Co. and Fiat SpA have postponed their plan to begin producing cars this year for the Chinese market because of the global economic downturn, Chery spokesman Jin Yibo said Thursday.

“It definitely won’t happen this year,” Mr. Jin said. No new timeline has been set for the start of production, but the two companies are continuing talks, he said.

The two auto makers signed an agreement for a 50-50 joint venture in August 2007 and had aimed to produce 175,000 cars a year from 2009. The venture was to produce Fiat’s Alfa Romeo and Fiat cars, as well as Chery’s own models.

“The global situation is totally different from before,” Mr. Jin said. “We have had to adjust our strategy accordingly.”

So it starts good, and then:

For Chery, one of China’s 10 largest auto makers, this represents yet another blow to its ambition to use its association with a more established foreign auto maker to elevate its technical capability and make inroads into the U.S. and Western European markets.

Late last year, Chery’s bid to break into overseas markets fell apart when it was forced to end a joint project with Chrysler LLC to make small cars in China for sale around the world.

Does a JV in your own domestic market with a foreign manufacturer actually even matter in the global market? Chery are doing very well with their own designs and their own engineering (the G6 would be proof of this), would Chery actually benefit from Fiat tech? Possibly, but then again, possibly not. The biggest step for Chery would be high quality levels in production and the finished product, Fiat could have stepped in here.

The postponement also highlights Fiat’s difficulty in making inroads in the Chinese auto market. The Italian auto maker used to produce passenger cars in partnership with Nanjing Auto, but it exited that money-losing joint venture after Nanjing Auto was merged into Shanghai-based SAIC Motor Corp.

Fiat no longer produces passenger cars in China, though it has component and truck operations with Chinese partners. All the Fiat cars being sold in China are imported.

Fiat won’t take part in next month’s auto show in Shanghai for the first time since it began participating in China’s auto shows in the 1990s, company spokeswoman Zheng Xiaoli said Thursday. The decision is an effort to control cost amid the global financial crisis, she said.

Also Thursday, Chery announced plans to launch in China two new brands, Riich and Rely, with which the company said it hopes to break into the upscale market. It also unveiled a sedan, called G6, for the Riich brand. The car is expected to go on sale in the second half of this year with a price tag of between 200,000 yuan and 300,000 yuan ($29,260 to $43,890), the company said. It wasn’t clear what other cars Chery is planning for the two new brands.

“The launch of Riich and Rely highlight a big step forward for Chery toward an international auto company,” Yin Tongyao, Chery’s president, said in a statement.

So it looks like RIICH is set to be a one car brand, for the time being.

CCT is currently translating an interview with the Chery president, which we will post later today.



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L'impianto sorgerebbe nella citta' di Guangzhou

(ANSA) - MILANO, 18 MAG - Fiat valuta di costruire una fabbrica di automobili in Cina con il gruppo Guangzhou Automobile in un progetto da 470 mln di euro. I due gruppi,riporta l'agenzia Bloomberg citando un comunicato sul sito del ministero cinese della Protezione ambientale, hanno fatto domanda per realizzare un impianto a Guangzhou. La fabbrica, scrive il South China Morning Post,potra' produrre 140 mila auto all'anno. Fonti del gruppo del Lingotto sottolineano che il progetto e' solo in una fase iniziale.

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Fiat, Guangzhou Auto agree on car venture, paper says


MAY 22, 2009 06:01 CET

SHANGHAI (Reuters) -- Fiat S.p.A. has signed an agreement to set up a car manufacturing venture with China's Guangzhou Automobile Industry Group, the Shanghai Securities News said on Friday, citing the Chinese automaker's general manager.

Zeng Qinghong did not disclose the size of the venture, which is still pending government approval.

The same newspaper said on Thursday that the Fiat-Guangzhou Auto project would need an investment of 4.27 billion yuan ($625.7 million), citing a government document.

Gaining traction?

Fiat has had trouble establishing itself in the key market.

In March, China's Chery Automobile Co. delayed a car joint venture project with the Italian automaker because of changing market conditions.

Chery Chairman Yin Tongyao said production at the partners joint venture would not start this year as previously planned.

The aim was to produce Alfa Romeos anf Fiat brand cars in China.

In December 2007, Fiat sold its share of its joint venture with Nanjing Automobile Group in Nanjing, Jiangsu province. The venture used to produce three Fiat models, the Siena, Perla and Palio cars.

Growth ambitions

Guangzhou Auto, a partner of Toyota Motor Corp. and Honda Motor Co., signed a deal on Thursday to take a 29 percent stake in Hunan Changfeng Motor Co. the newspaper said, confirming an earlier Reuters report.

It will buy the shares from Changfeng's state parent for about 1.05 billion yuan, becoming the largest shareholder of the SUV specialist.

Under the agreement, Guangzhou Auto will invest 10 billion in Hunan province, the home base of Changfeng, in the next five years, increasing their joint vehicle production capacity to 500,000 units per year, it said.

Changfeng's current vehicle production capacity is 100,000 unit.

Earlier in the week, Guangzhou Auto also acquired one-third of a Fiat transmisson plant in the eastern Chinese city of Hangzhou, Zeng was quoted as saying. Financial details of the deal were not disclosed.

Zeng also dismissed a local media report claiming Guangzhou Auto would seek a back-door listing via Changfeng.

"Changfeng Auto is a listed company and a very good fund raising platform. But Guangzhou Auto is proceeding with our own plan to go public currently," Zeng was cited as saying.

Zeng told Reuters in April that both Shanghai and Hong Kong were ideal listing venues and the automaker had already submitted its application to China's securities regulator.

nuove notizie su jv Fiat-Guangzhou

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  • 1 anno fa...

Possibile che non ci sia nessuna novità di FiatChrysler in Cina? Da quanto lessi tempo fa (e come ho riportato in un mio articolo) Marchionne doveva incontrare il ministro dell'industria cinese. Ricordo anche che Gm sta vendendo molto in Cina!


Il mio sito "Gruppo Hainz": - I miei articoli su Automotivespace - E quando ci sarà il nuovo sito di Autopareri anche su - I video del salone di Ginevra 2012

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  • 2 settimane fa...
Possibile che non ci sia nessuna novità di FiatChrysler in Cina? Da quanto lessi tempo fa (e come ho riportato in un mio articolo) Marchionne doveva incontrare il ministro dell'industria cinese. Ricordo anche che Gm sta vendendo molto in Cina!

Avevi chiamato delle novità? Ciapa. :mrgreen:

Più un aggiornamento che delle novità. E il comunicato a un vago sapore da anni '70. :lol:

Il Segretario del Partito Comunista Cinese della Provincia dello Hunan, Zhou Qiang, incontra il Presidente della Fiat, John Elkann

Il Presidente della Fiat, John Elkann, ha incontrato oggi, al Lingotto, Zhou Qiang, Segretario Generale del Partito della Repubblica Popolare Cinese nella Provincia dello Hunan, dove è in fase di costruzione lo stabilimento di automobili della joint venture paritetica tra Fiat e Guangzhou Automobile Group (GAC).

La visita ufficiale si inserisce nel quadro dell’iniziativa industriale che il Gruppo Fiat e GAC hanno avviato nella Provincia della Hunan e che rappresenta il più grande investimento automobilistico del territorio.

Hunan è una delle più grandi province della Cina centrale, che conta circa 70 milioni di abitanti e grazie all’impegno della dirigenza politica sta attraversando una fase di forte sviluppo, puntando sulle infrastrutture, sui trasporti e sull’industria automobilistica.

Durante gli incontri, ai rappresentanti della delegazione cinese, sono stati illustrati i programmi e i futuri progetti della joint venture Fiat-GAC.

Tale iniziativa rientra nel piano di sostegno allo sviluppo che il Governo cinese ha varato per favorire nuovi investimenti nelle sei province della Cina centrale.

L’alleanza tra Fiat e GAC per la produzione di autovetture e motori in Cina sta procedendo secondo i piani e prevede il lancio della nuova piattaforma per autovetture medie nel 2012.

L’impianto di produzione è situato nella città di Changsha, importante nodo stradale e ferroviario nel cuore della Cina centro-meridionale, a circa 600 chilometri a nord di Guangzhou, alla quale sarà collegata entro breve attraverso una rete ferroviaria ad alta velocità.

Torino, 14 settembre 2010

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sono andato a cercare. é il secondo gruppo per grandezza a quanto pare, lo stesso marchio che produce in joint venture con toyota (camry) , honda (per le moto, la accord,la fit che poi è la jazz e la odissey) e isuzu (bus)

boh.. vedremo


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