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[USA] Nissan Pathfinder Facelift (Foto Ufficiali)

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The popular Nissan Pathfinder expands its lineup for the 2008 model year with the addition of a new 300-plus horsepower 5.6-liter V8, the first V8 offered in its 22-year history in the United States market. This more powerful option offers a significant increase in torque, rated at 300-plus lb-ft to achieve 7,000 lbs of maximum towing capacity. Also available is Pathfinder’s proven 266-horsepower 4.0-liter version of the award-winning Nissan VQ-series V6 engine. All Pathfinders continue to be built on a high-strength, fully boxed, all-steel frame based on the full-size Nissan Armada SUV.

Other changes for 2008 include new exterior styling and a greatly refined interior, as well as newly available technology such as a revised Nissan Navigation System with 9.3 gigabyte Music Box hard drive (available on LE only). The 2008 Pathfinder’s exterior features new front and rear styling, new 17-inch wheel designs for SE-V6 and LE-V6 and new 18-inch wheel designs for SE-V8 and LE-V8 models.

Pathfinder again offers first-class amenities with standard three-row seating. Inside, the refinements continue with a 7.0-inch color display and RearView Monitor (all models except S-V6), new center stack design, 2nd row reclining seat (center portion), revised cupholder design, new illuminated switchgear (all models except S), new fabrics and materials, heated steering wheel (LE models), Intelligent Key with twist start, Bluetooth® hands-free phone system (available on LE models only) and new Russet interior color (leather-appointed only).

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tra i suv è uno dei miei preferiti...

Chi va piano, andrà sano, ma ad arrivare lontano ci metterà un bel po'!!! :cool::cool:

Statisticamente, il 98% dei ragazzi nel mondo ha provato a fumare qualsiasi cosa. Se sei fra il 2%, copia e incolla questa frase nella tua firma

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mica tanto BBIG :D:D:D in USA è mid-size... :D:D:D:D:D :pz

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