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[CHN] Changan Mazda Arata EV Concept 2024

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Mazda has revealed a new SUV concept at this year’s Beijing motor show that previews the company’s second Chinese-centric electrified offering.








Two all-new Mazda EV models revealed at Auto China 2024
-Launching one of EVs in China in 2024; continuously expanding its EV lineup in China -


Changan Mazda Automobile Corporation Ltd. (Changan Mazda), a Chinese company receiving investment from Mazda Motor Corporation (Mazda), today, at Auto China 2024,*1 unveiled the all-new electrified vehicle, MAZDA EZ-6, and the MAZDA ARATA, the design concept model of electrified vehicle.


The concept model MAZDA ARATA, unveiled at the same time, is scheduled to be mass-produced as the second new electrified vehicle by the end of 2025 and introduced in the Chinese market. In China, where electrification is rapidly advancing, Mazda will expand its lineup of electrified products so that more customers can choose them.


The MAZDA ARATA is a design concept model for which Mazda took on a challenge to create a new value based on the Mazda philosophy of “Uplifting the Human Spirit.” As a crossover SUV, with a modern design that creates a sleek, elegant impression, it is designed to appeal to the advanced, sophisticated taste of Chinese consumers.


Mazda will continue to pursue the 'Joy of Driving' under its core Human Centric value and aim to deliver the 'Joy of Living' by creating moving experiences in customers' daily lives.


■ MAZDA ARATA design summary

  • The designed theme is “SOULFUL + FUTURISTIC x MODERN.” It embodies futuristic and modern forms that evoke the image of a new way of life with new energy vehicles, while fusing the ‘excitement of motion’ pursued by Mazda Design and the sense of life unique to KODO design.
  • The side view boasts thick doors and a three-dimensional configuration that provides traction to the four tires, creating a powerful, dynamic shape that is typical of KODO design. The ‘cross-wing’ rear combination lamps, with their two wings overlapping each other, are also used to emphasize the new Mazda brand.
  • Air tunnels are set at the tips of the front end hood, on both sides of the front bumper, and on the inside of the d-pillars, to name a few. The improved aerodynamic characteristics contribute to improved environmental performance, while lending a futuristic sense to the model.


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  • Beckervdo ha modificato il titolo in [CHN] Changan Mazda Arata EV Concept 2024
  • 2 settimane fa...

Probabilmente anticipa la futura CX5, piuttosto che CX30, per me al netto del fatto che la versione di serie sarà sicuramente diversa (e spero scevra di alcuni particolari kitch come le scritte mazda illuminate sul portellone e sotto gli sportelli) promette benissimo

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