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Mercedes Classe C SW (Spy)

Touareg 2.5

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Seen here for the first time with minimal disguising and testing alongside its saloon brother is the new 2008 Mercedes-Benz C-Class Estate. We now see more and more of the 4-door model on the roads here in Europe, and we expect the wagon to arrive later in the autumn of this year. We were lucky to shoot the car in Stuttgart earlier this week. Like with the brand-new saloon, buyers will have the option between the four-cylinder C180 (156 bhp, compressor) or C200 (184 bhp, compressor) and the six-cylinder C230 (204 bhp), C280 (231 bhp) or C350 (272 bhp). Diesel enthusiasts might prefer the C200 CDI (136 bhp), C220 CDI (170 bhp) or C320 (V6, 224 bhp).


Penso che molte Generaliste siano piu riuscite esteticamente rispetto a sta Classe C.

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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