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AlfaRomeo Brera...topic ufficiale.


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mi fa ohibò egualmente...

un'espressione che usava mia zia ;) nn la sentivo da anni, l'avevo quasi rimossa :lol:

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Been at the press shop this morning and discovered the first short tests of the Brera. Even not sport-biased, French magazines say that the car is impressive as far as outlook is concerned, and has a very good balance and handling. Unfortunately it totally lacks feeling and feedback, and the engines are far from what is expected due to lack of character and, of course the weight.

L'automobile (F) had the good idea to provide in the same issue the news test of the Brera and a comparative one between Alfa GT 3.2 (Alfa engine!) and Peugeot 407 coupé. I reckon their bias toward the Peugeot in their overall rating (407 wins shortly despite the Alfa getting way more point for driving issue - only the internals and comfort issues are at the Pug advantage). That allows them to conclude the Brera test that the sporty customer rather should consider the GT 3.2 that give you a real, enthusiasming Alfa engine and costs 6000 euros less. And the 3.2 GT is weighed there at a not slim, but not insane either, overall of 1435 kg.

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...In effetti è calato un bruttissimo silenzio sulla Brera... prossimo fine settimana dovrebbe essere la presentazione, anche se il concessionario mio amico mi ha confermato l'idea di un porte chiuse più che porte aperte... con presentazioni molto riservate...

...però il silenzio che circonda il debutto Brera nella commercializzazione è impressionante... :(

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