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Volkswagen Golf V Gti

Touareg 2.5

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è bellissima!!!!!!!!!!! :):):):):):)





This completely undisguised Golf is the forthcoming GTI variant which, after an official unveil at the Paris motor show, will go into production for mainland European markets this September.

Seen here undergoing brake tests, (or on the way out to lunch after some), the GTI is fitted with a new, 2.0-litre FSI petrol engine, turbocharged to produce 200bhp. That's powerful, but not powerful enough to make it the fastest hot-hatch on the block - expect 0-62mph to take more than seven seconds, and a top speed of around 140mph. Volkswagen is, however, promising that it will be fun to drive: the concept model from which this is developed had "substantially stiffer, but still comfortable, sporty running gear."

The GTI rides on 18inch alloys as standard, though we're not sure if these fairly anonymous ten-spoke items will be the standard ones. By the time that the Golf arrives in the UK next January, at around £20,000, a five-door version may already be available, which will share the three-door's deep front air-dam, discreet side-skirts and larger rear-bumper with twin stainless exhaust pipes.

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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Ma per carità... si sono superati, hanno reso un'auto brutta ancora più orribile! :?

......e non era facile.

La tanto vituperata Stilo (la 3P) è 5 spanne sopra.

Quanto al trilobo.........aspettiamo solo che i "fantasioni designers" VAG lo inseriscano anche sul New Beetle e chiudiamo il discorso. :lol:

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Uhm, non mi piace granchè la linea, troppo banale, comunica poco, IMHO. Poi, vabbè, immagino che andrà benissimo, però lo stile è un po' anonimo. Mi piaceva di più la vecchia.


Ingegnere è colui che vede la matematica come un mezzo e non come un fine.

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