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All-new 2006 Dodge Magnum SRT8: Beefed-up American Muscle

SRT Performance: 0-60 mph in low five-second range, 0-100-0 mph in mid 16-second range, 60-0 mph in approximately 110 feet

There is no rule that says you have to give up utility for high performance. But if there were such a rule, the all-new 2006 Dodge Magnum SRT8 would break it.

“Dodge Magnum is bold, powerful, street-smart and full of life,” said Darryl Jackson, Vice President, Dodge Marketing, Chrysler Group. “With a 425-horsepower 6.1-liter HEMI® engine up front, and 71.6 square feet of cargo space in the rear, the 2006 Dodge Magnum SRT8 hauls in more ways than one.

“At Dodge, the HEMI continues to resonate with our customers,” added Jackson. “The current take-rate for HEMI in the Dodge Magnum is 43 percent. The new SRT 6.1-liter HEMI quenches the thirst for even more power.”

Street and Racing Technology (SRT) engineers began with a solid foundation – the 2006 Dodge Magnum – and successfully injected SRT DNA in order to produce a vehicle that can cover a quarter mile in the high 13-second range and haul home a brand-new 27-inch TV.

“From the day it was introduced, the Dodge Magnum screamed performance,” said Dan Knott, Director, Street and Racing Technology, Chrysler Group. “Now, SRT engineering and the 6.1-liter HEMI will take Magnum to the next level.”

The 2006 Dodge Magnum SRT8 offers key SRT attributes in ride and handling across a dynamic range, benchmark braking, performance-inspired interior appointments and exterior styling, as well as the raw performance of SRT’s big-bore version of the HEMI engine.

Performance numbers for the all-new 2006 Dodge Magnum SRT8 include a 0-60 mph time in the low five-second range and 60-0 mph braking in approximately 110 feet. Capable of covering a quarter-mile in the high 13-second range, the Dodge Magnum SRT8 can accomplish SRT’s signature performance test of 0-100-0 mph in the mid 16-second range.


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