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[USA] Fiat 500e 2013

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Ma lol, bannate il Franzoso :lol:

Secondo me prende l'ispirazione da certi thread di AP :)

Alfiat Bravetta senza pomello con 170 cavalli asmatici che vanno a broda; pack "Terrone Protervo" (by Cosimo) contro lo sguardo da triglia. Questa è la "culona".

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Find Your Eco-Partner at

FIAT brand launches matchmaking site for people who love the environment, Italian design and electric cars

June 20, 2013 , Auburn Hills, Mich. - Does your planet-saving sexiness keep you from finding true love? Are you hot, eco-friendly and love to take charge? If you answered yes, the FIAT brand has the perfect mate waiting for you at Meet eco-friendly Italian car design lovers |

Created to introduce the all-new 2013 Fiat 500e, has the fun and flirty feel of a matchmaking site. The site is filled with information geared toward the California-based consumer providing them with the insight they need to select the right vehicle, find out about potential rebates they may be eligible for and identify charging stations located across the state. The 2013 Fiat 500e will arrive at California FIAT studios this summer.

"Our goal is to simplify the decision-making process on the purchase or lease of a 2013 Fiat 500e by arming consumers with information that is not only informative, but conveyed in an easy-to-understand manner," said Jason Stoicevich, Head of FIAT Brand North America. "The Fiat 500e is not your typical battery-electric vehicle; it's innovative, stylish, fun to drive and affordable. It was essential to design a site that would match the vehicle's persona and encourage visitors to test drive and ultimately purchase or lease a Fiat 500e." has the feel of a matchmaking site, but delivers information on the vehicle in formats, such as quizzes and videos. Homeowners, renters and apartment-dwellers will find information that is tailored to their specific needs. The site also will analyze a customer's lifestyle to match the appropriate Fiat 500 model that fit their needs.

Meet the Couples Who Found Their Match on
Environmentally-sexy power couples, Fabrizio and Kimberly, and Ryan and Sofia, found true love using These couples detail their love of the environment and the Fiat 500e through a series of video testimonials.

Fabrizio and Kimberly
Meet Fabrizio - He's an Italian eco-fashion model who loves the environment almost as much as he loves seeing his face on the covers of magazines or on the chrome of his espresso machine.

Meet Kimberly - She's a sassy and environmentally-sophisticated gal whose adoration for Fabrizio has introduced her to the many pleasures of the Italian-designed Fiat 500e.

Ryan and Sofia
Meet Sofia – Not only is Sofia a gorgeous, Italian game show host, but she's also a lawyer who can rattle off the differences between federal credits and state incentives as easily as it is to search for the perfect Fiat 500e on

Meet Ryan – He can't get enough of Sofia and her knowledge of the Fiat 500e. Whatever Sofia says, Ryan eats it up like Italian gelato on a hot summer day. was created in partnership with SapientNitro of Miami.

About the Fiat 500e
With its iconic style, world-class dynamics and environmentally responsible zero-emissions design, the all-new 2013 Fiat 500e builds on the Cinquecento legacy, while offering customers a no-compromise electric vehicle (EV) that embodies the FIAT brand's simple, purposeful and fun-to-drive values. The Fiat 500e electrifies the Cinquecento lineup with even more innovation and style, an EPA tested 87 miles of best-in-class driving range and an industry-best 108 per gallon equivalent (MPGe) highway rating of pure battery-electric power. The all-new Fiat 500e is available in the second-quarter of 2013 and is priced at $32,600, which includes a $800 destination charge. However, eligible California residents may be able to purchase the Fiat 500e for as low as $20,600, after federal credits, state incentives and FIAT rebates are included.

Fonte: Fiat's 'Environmentally Sexy' online matchmaking site amuses - Autoblog
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La Fiat 500e, presentata lo scorso novembre al Salone di Los Angeles e commercializzata in California, è andata "sold out" nello stato della costa pacifica. A ufficializzare la notizia, riportata da Wardsauto è stato Jason Stoicevich, numero uno di Fiat North America, che ha reso noto come da qui a fine anno tutta la produzione sia già stata prenotata.

My cars...

Autobianchi Y10 1.1 i.e. (1992) - Fiat Bravo 1.4 T-Jet Emotion (2008) - Fiat 500 1.2 Lounge (2017) - Alfa Romeo Mito 1.4 TB GPL Super (2017)


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Analogamente al discorso fatto per F-Type, coi costi di sviluppo e degli immobilizzi, sarebbe grave se non fosse sold out.

Anche perché mi pare di ricordare che ci andassero in perdita o quasi. :pen:

Alfa Romeo MiTo 1.4 MultiAir TB 135 CV TCT Distinctive, 2012

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Analogamente al discorso fatto per F-Type, coi costi di sviluppo e degli immobilizzi, sarebbe grave se non fosse sold out.

Anche perché mi pare di ricordare che ci andassero in perdita o quasi. :pen:

10.000 dollari circa di perdita per ciascun esemplare venduto.

Ma è praticamente indispensabile per poter poter vendere le altre auto di Chrysler/Fiat sul mercato californiano.

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  • 11 mesi fa...

Scusate se riesumo il thread maaa.... la 500e è omologata anche in Europa??








Scusate per le foto bruttine

Il portatarga dietro è quello europeo, davanti la targa (EV... ) è applicata sul paraurti, non c'è l'invito.

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