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Ford Explorer Facelift


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Exploring its Options: 2006 Ford Explorer gets new face and an optional Mustang V8

When you see this new face on the 2006 Ford Explorer this fall, remember to look behind the grille for what’s really important: a new, higher-output 4.6-liter V8. Like its Mercury Mountaineer sibling that debuted at the Chicago auto show in February, the new-look Explorer gets an optional V8 lifted directly from the 2005 Mustang.

Variable valve timing and three valves per cylinder boost the 4.6-liter’s output to 292 hp and 300 lb-ft of torque, up from 239 hp and 282 lb-ft in the two-valve V8 it replaces. The V8 Explorer also gets a new six-speed automatic transmission.

For those who don’t like change, the base Explorer will still come with the same 4.0-liter, 210-hp, 254-lb-ft V6 and five-speed automatic.


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