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AlfaRomeo Brera...topic ufficiale.


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mode magister on:

oppure "de gustibus non disputatur"

Cmq non è sbagliato grammaticalmente quello di X-man, ha solo posizionato il verbo in modo non "classico". Già nel tardo latino troviamo espressioni simili... ;)

mode magister off

"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie -- deliberate, contrived and dishonest -- but the myth -- persistent, persuasive and unrealistic"

(John Fitzgerald Kennedy)

"We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile!"

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts!"

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Anch'io: tutti i giorni vedo ancora un GTV nero con gli interni rosso scuro.... meraviglioso....

Ma questi abbinamenti su Brera mi sanno di immigrato italico in terra allemanda......

no no proprio di allemanno in terra allemanna... o negrone in terra californiana o floridiana... ;)

"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie -- deliberate, contrived and dishonest -- but the myth -- persistent, persuasive and unrealistic"

(John Fitzgerald Kennedy)

"We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile!"

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts!"

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..he means that 156 had better suppleness and faster response between steering wheel-wheels..platform reacted faster in the steering wheel's command...159 is a better car in overall but it has a limo setup......He did not like Brera Q4 in the track(he told me it is unacceptable to have aerodynamic noises from the rear mirrors like Gt/147,the rear window was trembling!!! and the space for the rear passengers does not excist....he saw new Brera spider and he liked it more-bella)....but he enjoyed a lot when he drive Brera 2.2Jts outside the next's month's greek evo they will have a dvd with Brera review....In general he said that the new generation of Alfa's are in top in terms of effectiveness but they have very neutral driving cannot drive 159 3.2 in a rwd way like a Wrx-evo...

as you saw even the 4car journalist have the same 'taste' with me they say that the car is very entertaining to drive specially the 3.2 Q4 and the 4wd is WRX alike....ofcourse alfa offers more comfort..

Brera is a 2+2 so ofcourse the rear space is limited just for two kids or ladies...

Personally think that Brera coupe' is the best looking coupe and i like it more than the derived spider...but person with different taste that are not so in fashion like your friend probably would prefer the more traditional looks of the spider...

Thers' neither comparison between brera 2.2 and 3.2 q4...3.2 q4 is much more entertaining precise and have a 4wd superior than that of WRX.....i think that even your friend if drive the car for longer time would admit that he mistakes....

Brera 3.2Q4 is faster on track than Subaru WRX Sti...and that impressive cause have a superior weight of 135kgr....and much more comfort alfa brera is a real GT but has extremely good track performance also...just like it's bigger sister maserati quattroporte...

I know your friend is one of the person that think that know to drive but they don't really know they are not sofisticated and they are impressed more from dragster M5 like performance than real track performance like maserati quattroporte....

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Brera is no rival of any Wrx-Evo type car... Alfa has NEVER had any car with that target.

Concerning the handling and driving feeling, I agree with the Audi-like feeling, and given the customer target range is, BY NOW, the correct target.

However, I do not agree with the better/faster cornering of 156. I felt 159 more sincere and quicker in attacking corners, with the whole body easily following orders with ZERO upsets. While 156 is too much sensitive on road debris, side riddles and wholes.

Also in fast direction changes I felt is more adjustable that 156. I do felt also more weight, of course, but not disturbing in fast manouvring.

ehi q4 e' molto coinvolgente da guidare ed ha uno stile di guida simile al WRX del resto come forse hai letto lo scrive perfino la stampa leggi la 4car per esempio...comunque la Brera e' una coupe' alfaromeo come la 1900 sprint etc.

dunque abbina un straordinario comfort a prestazioni in pista ineccepibili...basta dire che brera 3.2q4 e' piu' veloce in pista della subaru wrx sti nonostante 135kgr in piu'...e questo con un comfort e una manegevolezza che impreza non ha neanche per sogno...tra l'altro se su 159 forse c;era minore agilita' confrontata a 156 per il suo passo di brera e' cosi' corto che ha una agilita' superiore non a 156 ma a 147...e questo abbinato al telaio di brera e il q4 la posiziona come una delle migliori sportive in assoluto senza sacrificare il comfort da vera GT.

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