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34 minuti fa, ykdg1984 scrive:

La porta posteriore è scorrevole? Non riesco a capirne le dimensioni... :-)


A giudicare da quei "pulsanti" sul montante potrebbero essere controvento. Se sono scorrevoli hanno trovato sicuro una bella soluzione per non avere il binario esterno...

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The SEA-M Architecture and Zeekr MIX make their debuts

2024 April 25, Beijing – At the 2024 Beijing International Automotive Exhibition, global premium electric mobility brand Zeekr official unveils two innovations: the SEA-M architecture and the first model built on it, the Zeekr MIX.


The SEA-M architecture, a derivative of the original Sustainable Experience Architecture (SEA), is a high-tech mobility solution from Zeekr. It supports a wide range of mobility products from passenger vehicles like robotaxis and MPVs to commercial vehicles used for logistics.


Having invested over 7 billion RMB, Zeekr successfully fulfils the perfect combination of ultimate space, vehicular safety, and swift handling on the SEA-M architecture. This stands as Zeekr’s another trial to push the boundaries of mobile experience. An intelligent “living room” on wheels can be created with the architecture’s key features, including spacious interior, variable seat placement choices, the hidden B-pillar, and advanced electrical/electronic (E/E) backbone.


With the flat floors, a high wheelbase-to-length ratio, and a capsule-styled exterior, in-cabin space is maximized on every model based on the SEA-M architecture. So is in-cabin experience. The SEA-M’s advanced E/E backbone allows infotainment screens to be set up both for the driver and passengers, easing the boredom of travelling on road.


While vast space and a swift driving experience might seem mutually exclusive, the SEA-M architecture achieves both. It enables a turning radius of less than 5 meters and incorporates a technical interface for steer-by-wire. This allows variable steering ratios and the potential to decouple steering wheel for future high-level intelligent driving.


These technologies do not compromise safety. All vehicles built on the SEA-M architecture will be able to meet five-star safety standards globally, and qualify for the Top Safety Pick by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS).


The Zeekr Mix, Zeekr’s fifth model and the first built on the SEA-M architecture, debuts at the Beijing International Automotive Exhibition. The Zeekr Mix measures 4.7 meters in length, with a 3-meter wheelbase, and a ground clearance of 39 centimeters.


Modificato da j
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