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  1. PARIS -- Renault Group Chairman Jean-Dominique Senard, who was brought in to stabilize the company after the arrest of Chairman and CEO Carlos Ghosn in November 2018, will be appointed for another term, the automaker said. Senard was tapped that year by the French government, a major Renault shareholder, to replace Ghosn, who was detained in Japan after the arrest on charges of understating compensation at alliance partner Nissan. Senard, now 69, was the CEO of Michelin at the time, although he had planned to step down in 2019 when his contract expired. Read more: Renault's Senard, the 'Anti-Ghosn,' is a stabilizing force He was formally named chairman in January 2019. Senard reportedly has a good rapport with Renault’s Alliance partner Nissan, and in the months after Ghosn’s arrest repeatedly flew back and forth to Japan to reassure Nissan executives of Renault’s commitment to the partnership. Senard took the lead in ultimately unsuccessful negotiations with Fiat-Chrysler Automobiles for a combination that unraveled at the last minute. In the last six months he has been heavily involved in negotiations to rebalance the alliance. Renault holds 43 percent of Nissan, a majority shareholding it acquired in 1999, while Nissan, a far larger company, has 15 percent of Renault and no voting rights on the Renault board. Talks were expected to conclude this autumn but recent reports suggest a deal will not occur until after the new year. Renault’s board will approve Senard’s new term when it meets in May, the company said Thursday. It will also approve the appointment of CEO Luca de Meo to the board, and renew the term of Annette Winkler, a former Daimler executive who had lead the Smart brand until 2018. (Bloomberg)
  2. Si ma resta il fatto che la sua base e una 308SW o Astra Caravan appiattita, tutt‘altro che una ammiraglia.
  3. "ammiraglia" non e una parola molto esagerata per un crossover e clon di una Peugeot seg-C/D ?? Ammiraglia per me e qualcosa come classe E, 5er o una Genesis G80 ma non un auto su una base che ha come versione ice un motore millesei ridicolo
  4. Strano preparazione delle variante in Germania (dove la 160ds non esiste), che senso hanno una SPrint e TI a stesso prezzo??
  5. Tesla searches for water to expand German factory output to 1M Tesla wants to double the capacity of its plant near Berlin to over a million cars a year, pending approval from local authorities. BERLIN -- Tesla plans to drill for new water sources to supply an expansion of its electric vehicle plant near Berlin, according to local authorities and water associations, the latest move by the automaker to speed up German bureaucracy. After the factory's launch in March faced opposition from environmental groups over its water use, Tesla is taking matters into its own hands as it prepares to double the capacity of the plant in Gruenheide, Brandenburg, from 500,000 to over a million cars per year, pending approval from local authorities. At a municipal council meeting last week, a Tesla representative said the company would pay for exploratory drilling to update a decades-old public database of groundwater sources, according to Gruenheide mayor Arne Christiani, who attended the meeting. A local environmental ministry spokesperson said Tesla was in touch with local authorities but an application had not yet been filed. "We have got nothing against it," Christiani told Reuters, while pointing out it was unusual for a private company to run such tests instead of local authorities. If the automaker finds new water sources, it must still apply for the licence to use them, a spokesperson for the local environmental ministry said. Still, some local politicians and environmental groups fear the move sets a precedent of private firms taking charge of public data, worrying that Tesla will argue for priority access to any new water sources it may find. "We know this company. It does what it wants, and it will do the same with the water it finds," said Michael Ganschow, head of local environmental organisation Gruene Liga. "Water is a public good, and exploration is a public task ... this is a red line," the district administrator of neighbouring region Maerkish-Oderland, told local newspaper Tagesspiegel. Tesla did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment. The U.S. automaker has sparked admiration from some and scorn from others for breaking convention in Germany from the get-go, paying upfront to build its plant before all licences were secured - a move that was not illegal but unusual in the risk-averse German business landscape. Still, even if Tesla gets approval for exploratory drilling, multiple steps remain, including laying the pipes from new wells to the plant. "That could take a very long time," said Joachim Schroeder, representative of Spreenhagen, one of the areas Tesla wants to explore – "unless Tesla takes over, of course, and does it at Tesla-speed." (Reuters)
  6. ...personalmente vedo opposto, la mia MiTo QV era una macchina molto divertente che ho guidato sempre con tanto piacere.
  7. ...mah..secondo me una delle auto piu risibile sul mercato, sembra una caricatura oppure un auto come disegnano piccoli bambini una macchina con i ruote totalmente sovradimensionale e la superficie delle finestre sottoproporzionata. Ma sono gusti, certo......
  8. Dubito che ci sara il mercato/la richiesta per una Baby-Alfa 4x4. Karoq fa 75% delle vendite 4x4 in 4 mercati, D, CZ, CH e A, Ateca fa le 75% delle vendite AWD in solo 3 mercati, D, CH e A. Tutti mercati dove Alfa gioca solo una parte secondaria, cosi un volume soddisfacente 4x4 per una Alfa secondo me non e realizzabile.
  9. In Germania si parla di 46k€ per la versione top della FunkyCat GT. Versione base molto probabile ca. 37k.
  10. Cambiamenti nel board a VW: Blume installa due altri confidenti: Michael Mauer sostituisce Klaus Zykiora come head of design (restera anche sulla stessa posizione a Porsche) Michael Neumayer sostituisce Frank Welsch come head of quality (restera anche sulla stessa posizione ad Audi). Cosi Blume va avanti con la reorganizzazione della azienda.
  11. Serve per fare soldi come Fiat/Ferrari, VW/Porsche e poi naturalmente serve anche per gli investitori che al momento amano questo tipo di transazione.
  12. ..secondo me tutto prodotto intorno NAFTA/USMCA conta come in loco ma potrebbe sbagliare.
  13. „Dee“: The Ultimate Companion +++ Our vision of digital driving experience +++ World premiere at CES +++ Oliver Zipse to give keynote on 5 January 2023 (CET) +++ Over the next few hours, the BMW Group and the BMW brand social media channels will be given a new look. A special leading figure – “Dee” – will take over the channels. Dee is a unique “companion”, a personality full of character, a loyal sidekick. The name stands for “digital emotional experience” and describes a completely new kind of interaction between people and automobile. Over the next few weeks, Dee will take you into her world – a world that offers immersive experiences to appeal to all the senses. She has already left her mark here on the intranet too ... “Dee” at the Consumer Electronics Show 2023. Next year Dee will also be officially presented: she makes her grand entrance on 5 January (CET) at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. Every year, CES inspires thousands of visitors with fascinating digital innovations – the perfect place to talk about the digital vision of the BMW Group. Oliver Zipse, Chairman of the Board of Management of BMW AG, will kick off CES 2023 with his keynote address at the Media Days. This keynote is part of a focus on mobility at CES. The automotive sector will be bigger than ever next year. Almost 300 exhibitors will be showing innovations from the fields of electromobility and digital applications. CES kicks off on 5 January 2023 in Las Vegas, with Media Days taking place on 3 and 4 January. Matthias Schepke AK-24, Jennifer Wisskopp, AK-11 (BMW Group)
  14. Si, cosi conosco anch'io, ma la mia esperienza personale finisce con la Giulietta 1.8tbi Veloce dove succede niente neanche con batteria staccata per mesi...stesso per la 4C dove succede esattamente niente senza batteria, Giulia non lo so.
  15. e vero, c'e il pericolo/la possibilita per perdere qualche dati a macchine attuali...un amico con officina per questo (e per evitare un"reboot" complicato fra qualche anni mette sempre una seconda alimentazione di corrente durante cambiare batterie. Potresti fare questa "corrente d'emergenza" parallelo con un jump starter come Noco Boost, Dino Kraftpaket o simile.
  16. ,,in caso della scarsita nella rete elettrica. Primo step il divieto di movimento, secondo step lo smart grid che riempe macchine caricate a favore di altri consumatori della elettricita - l'auto come accumulatore pubblico --> idea dei Verdi in Germania per un nuovo legge.
  17. ..secondo la teoria del produttore stesso la tecnologia AGM e fatto per auto mhev, per macchine solo start/stop c'e la serie delle batterie EFB, ma credo che potresti usare la AGM anche senza impianto recuperazione in frenata.
  18. La nuova Geely Panda Mini The tail shape of the Panda mini also looks stylish. Geely designed the taillights to look like two flashing big eyes. It adds agility to the whole vehicle. Geely Panda mini will be available in a couple of color options. It is the first vehicle in its segment to feature a large panoramic moonroof. In terms of body size, the new car’s length, width, and height are 3065/1522/1600 (1610) mm, respectively, and the wheelbase is 2015 mm. The power figures of the vehicle were previously listed in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, China. It reveals that it would sport a front motor with a maximum power of 30kW. The vehicle will feature a lithium iron phosphate battery provided by Guoxuan Hi-Tech. It would feature a battery pack similar to competing products’ sizes. There are rumors that the range would be around 150km, and the price to range from 40,000 to 50,000 Yuan ($5,700 – $7,200).
  19. si si... GT blu, GT rosso, GT bianco, GT bianco perlato, GT nero ......................... poi lo stesso per GC e QP... sicuramente sono 75 😝
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